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Commit 3bc43db7 authored by Lorenzo Valzania's avatar Lorenzo Valzania Committed by Nicola Vigano
Browse files

Creation of pencil mask for pencil beam illumination

parent 3158cc82
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function [fedpars, dmvol, intvol] = gtFedCreateGrainPars(grain, grain_rec, parameters, dmvol, intvol)
% [fedpars, dmvol, intvol] = gtFedCreateGrainPars(grain, parameters, dmvol, intvol)
% Load inputs if needed
% Grain structure
if (~exist('grain', 'var') || (isempty(grain)))
disp('No grain structure found.');
phase_id = input('Specify the phase ID: \n', 's');
phase_id = str2double(phase_id);
grain_id = input('Specify the grain ID: \n', 's');
grain_id = str2double(grain_id);
grain = gtLoadGrain(phase_id, grain_id);
if (~exist('grain_rec', 'var') || (isempty(grain_rec)))
disp('No grain reconstruction details found.');
phase_id = input('Specify the phase ID: \n', 's');
phase_id = str2double(phase_id);
grain_id = input('Specify the grain ID: \n', 's');
grain_id = str2double(grain_id);
grain_rec = gtLoadGrainRec(phase_id, grain_id);
% Parameters
if (~exist('parameters', 'var') || isempty(parameters))
fprintf('No parameters file specified. Loading it from %s', pwd)
parameters = gtLoadParameters;
% Deformation volume
if (~exist('dmvol', 'var') || isempty(dmvol))
disp('No deformation volume specified.')
phase_id = input('Specify the phase ID: \n', 's');
phase_id = str2double(phase_id);
grain_id = input('Specify the grain ID: \n', 's');
grain_id = str2double(grain_id);
grain_rec = gtLoadGrainRec(phase_id, grain_id);
dmvol = grain_rec.ODF6D.voxels_avg_R_vectors;
% Intensities volume
if (~exist('intvol', 'var') || isempty(intvol))
disp('No intensities volume specified.')
phase_id = input('Specify the phase ID: \n', 's');
phase_id = str2double(phase_id);
grain_id = input('Specify the grain ID: \n', 's');
grain_id = str2double(grain_id);
grain_rec = gtLoadGrainRec(phase_id, grain_id);
intvol = grain_rec.ODF6D.intensity;
% Crop intensities and deformation volumes to save memory
disp('- Cropping intensities and deformation volumes ...')
t = GtThreshold();
if (isfield(grain_rec, 'SEG'))
gr_seg = t.volumeThreshold(intvol, grain_rec.SEG.threshold, grain_rec.SEG.seed);
gr_seg = t.volumeThreshold(intvol, grain.threshold, grain.seed);
cropbb = gr_seg.segbb + [1 1 1 0 0 0];
intvol = gtCrop(intvol, cropbb);
intvol(~gr_seg.seg) = 0;
dmvol_crop = zeros([size(intvol) 3]);
dmvol_crop(:, :, :, 1) = gtCrop(dmvol(:, :, :, 1), cropbb);
dmvol_crop(:, :, :, 2) = gtCrop(dmvol(:, :, :, 2), cropbb);
dmvol_crop(:, :, :, 3) = gtCrop(dmvol(:, :, :, 3), cropbb);
dmvol = dmvol_crop;
% Creation of actual fedpars structure
disp('- Creating fedpars structure ...')
% x, y, z no. of voxels in the grain
fedpars.grainsize = size(intvol);
% x, y, z no. of voxels in a volume element
fedpars.gvsize = fedpars.grainsize ./ size(intvol);
% gv_elem = numel(grain.vol);
% sample_freq = 3e+6; % verify
% gvsize = gv_elem / sample_freq;
% fedpars.gvsize = [gvsize gvsize gvsize];
% Active deformation components. Total number is 9.
% In case of rotations only (should be our case):
fedpars.dcomps = [true(1, 3) false(1, 6)];
% Origin voxel in the SAM reference
fedpars.vox000sam = parameters.samgeo.orig;
% Class of strain states
fedpars.gvtype = class(intvol);
% Real or simulated data?
fedpars.is_real_data = true;
is_real = inputwdefault('Are you working with real data? [y/n]', 'y');
if (strcmpi(is_real, 'n'))
fedpars.is_real_data = false;
% Generate random deformation components
if (~exist('dmvol', 'var') || isempty(dmvol))
% Type of deformation applied
fedpars.deftype = 'smooth';
deftype = inputwdefault(['Specify the type of deformation ' ...
'applied: smooth (s) or realistic (r):', 's']);
if (strcomp(deftype, 'r'))
fedpars.deftype = 'realistic';
% Random strain definition mode
fedpars.randdefmode = 'smooth';
randdefmode = input(['Specify the random strain definition mode: ' ...
'smooth (s) or interpolated (i):'], 's');
if (strcompi(randdefmode, 'i'))
fedpars.randdefmode = 'interp';
% Maximum absolute deformation gradient
fedpars.dappgradlim = 2e-4 * ones(size(fedpars.dcomps)); % guess: verify
% Maximum absolute deformation value which can be randomly generated
fedpars.dapplim = 5e-3 * ones(size(fedpars.dcomps)); % guess: verify
% ID of blobs to load for figure
fedpars.loadbl = [];
% Detector parameters
ndet = numel(parameters.detgeo);
for ii_det = 1:ndet
% Ondet
if (isfield(grain.proj, 'ondet') && (~isempty(grain.proj.ondet)))
fedpars.detector(ii_det).ondet = grain.proj.ondet;
fedpars.detector(ii_det).ondet = grain.ondet;
% Included
if (isfield(grain.proj, 'included') && (~isempty(grain.proj.included)))
fedpars.detector(ii_det).included = grain.proj.included;
fedpars.detector(ii_det).included = grain.included;
% Selected
if (isfield(grain.proj, 'selected') && (~isempty(grain.proj.selected)))
fedpars.detector(ii_det).selected = grain.proj.selected;
fedpars.detector(ii_det).selected = grain.selected;
% Increments in blobs bounding boxes accounting for deformation.
% Let gtFedTestLoadData_v2 decide the minimum size
fedpars.detector(ii_det).blobsizeadd = zeros(ndet, 3);
% Types for blobs intensities
fedpars.bltype = 'single';
% Deformation method for calculation of deformation tensor
fedpars.defmethod = 'small';
% Algorithm for blobs smoothing
fedpars.intsmoothalg = 'none';
\ No newline at end of file
function intvol_out = gtFedCreatePencilMask(intvol, w, p, parameters)
% intvol_out = gtPencilMask(intvol, w, p, parameters)
% Apply a pencil beam mask with square holes width x width (in microns)
% and pitch p (in microns) to an intensities volume reconstructed through
% a 6D algorithm.
if (~exist('parameters', 'var') || isempty(parameters))
fprintf('No parameters file specified. Loading it from %s\n', pwd)
parameters = gtLoadParameters;
% Volume sizes in microns
xyz = size(intvol);
fprintf('Dimensions of intensities volume: %d %d %d\n', xyz(1), ...
xyz(2), xyz(3))
% Allocating space
mask = zeros(size(intvol));
w_vox = ceil((w / 1000) / parameters.recgeo.voxsize(2));
p_vox = ceil((p / 1000) / parameters.recgeo.voxsize(2));
fprintf(['%d central slices in the vertical direction are cut by '...
'the mask\n'], w_vox)
% Indices of vertical slices cut by the mask
v_ind(2) = floor((median(1:xyz(2))) + ceil(w_vox / 2));
v_ind(1) = v_ind(2) - w_vox + 1;
% Transmission function of the mask. The mask is periodic along
% z-direction
cycle = [ones(1, w_vox) zeros(1, p_vox-w_vox)];
transmitted = repmat(cycle, [1, floor(xyz(3) / p_vox)]);
left = xyz(3) - numel(transmitted);
if (left <= w)
transmitted(numel(transmitted) + 1:xyz(3)) = ...
ones(1, xyz(3) - numel(transmitted));
transmitted(numel(transmitted) + 1:numel(transmitted) + w_vox) =...
ones(1, w_vox);
transmitted(numel(transmitted) + 1:xyz(3)) = ...
zeros(1, xyz(3) - numel(transmitted));
transmitted = transmitted(ones(1, w_vox), :, ones(1, xyz(1)));
transmitted = permute(transmitted, [3 1 2]);
mask(:, v_ind(1):v_ind(2), :) = transmitted;
intvol_out = mask .* intvol;
fprintf('Dimensions of masked intensities volume: %d %d %d\n', ...
size(intvol_out, 1), size(intvol_out, 2), size(intvol_out, 3))
\ No newline at end of file
0% Loading or .
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