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Commit 39953620 authored by Nicola Vigano's avatar Nicola Vigano
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Topotomo importing: initial function that creates the grain.proj structure

It still lacks the projection geometry

Signed-off-by: default avatarNicola Vigano <>
parent 1a0f0514
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function gr = gtGrainImportTopotomoScan(gr, p, det_ind, data_type)
if (~exist('p', 'var') || isempty(p))
p = gtLoadParameters();
if (~exist('data_type', 'var') || isempty(data_type))
data_type = 'single';
fprintf('Importing Topotomo acquisition into grain %d (phase: %d):\n',, gr.phaseid)
gr = gtCalculateGrain(gr, p, 'det_ind', det_ind);
fprintf(' - Loading blobs..')
c = tic();
phstep = gtAcqGetPhiStep(p, det_ind);
nbl = gtAcqTotNumberOfImages(p, det_ind);
nph = p.acq(det_ind).nproj_basetilt;
b_size = [p.acq(det_ind).xdet, p.acq(det_ind).ydet, nph];
roi_u = [1, p.acq(det_ind).xdet] + p.acq(det_ind).detroi_u_off;
roi_v = [1, p.acq(det_ind).ydet] + p.acq(det_ind).detroi_v_off;
roi_p = [1, nph] + p.acq(det_ind).range_basetilt(1) / phstep;
base_dir = p.acq(det_ind).collection_dir;
base_name = p.acq(det_ind).name;
% Creating blobs
bl = gtFwdSimBlobDefinition('blob_topo', nbl);
filen_name = fullfile(base_dir, [base_name, '0000.edf']);
info = edf_info(filen_name);
fprintf('\b\b (initialization done in %g s): ', toc(c))
c = tic();
for ii_b = 1:nbl
num_chars = fprintf('%03d/%03d', ii_b, nbl);
b_vol = zeros(b_size, data_type);
for ii_p = 1:nph
filen_name = fullfile(base_dir, [base_name, sprintf('%04d.edf', (ii_b - 1) * nph + ii_p)]);
b_vol(:, :, ii_p) = edf_read(filen_name, [], 'nodisp', info);
bl(ii_b).intm = b_vol;
bl(ii_b).mask = true(b_size);
bl(ii_b).bbuim = roi_u;
bl(ii_b).bbvim = roi_v;
bl(ii_b).bbpim = roi_p;
bl(ii_b).bbsize = b_size;
bl(ii_b).mbbu = bl(ii_b).bbuim;
bl(ii_b).mbbv = bl(ii_b).bbvim;
bl(ii_b).mbbp = bl(ii_b).bbpim;
bl(ii_b).mbbsize = bl(ii_b).bbsize;
bl(ii_b).intensity = sum(b_vol);
fprintf(repmat('\b', [1, num_chars]))
fprintf(repmat(' ', [1, num_chars]))
fprintf(repmat('\b', [1, num_chars]))
fprintf('\b\b: Done in %g seconds.\n', toc(c))
fprintf(' - Detecting phi index (phind)..')
c = tic();
lims_bt = p.acq(det_ind).range_basetilt;
within_lims = gr.allblobs(det_ind).phi > lims_bt(1) & gr.allblobs(det_ind).phi < lims_bt(2);
phinds = gr.allblobs(det_ind).phind(within_lims);
phinds_counts = histcounts(phinds, (1:5)-0.5);
[~, phind] = max(phinds_counts);
selectedph = gr.allblobs(det_ind).phind == phind;
fprintf('\b\b: Done in %g seconds.\n', toc(c))
fprintf(' + Chosen phind: %d (counts: [%s])\n', phind, sprintf(' %d', phinds_counts))
fprintf(' - Building "proj" structure..')
c = tic();
stack = arrayfun(@(x){sum(x.intm, 3)}, bl);
stack = cat(3, stack{:});
vol_size = [gr.proj(1).vol_size_y, gr.proj(1).vol_size_x, gr.proj(1).vol_size_z];
vol_size = gtGeoSam2Sam(vol_size, p.recgeo(1), p.recgeo(det_ind), 1);
proj = gtFwdSimProjDefinition('fwd_sim');
proj.stack = permute(stack, [1 3 2]);
proj.num_cols = size(proj.stack, 3);
proj.num_rows = size(proj.stack, 1); = bl;
proj.vol_size_x = vol_size(2);
proj.vol_size_y = vol_size(1);
proj.vol_size_z = vol_size(3);
proj.centerpix = gtGeoSam2Sam(, p.samgeo, p.recgeo(det_ind), 0);
proj.ondet = find(selectedph);
proj.included = (1:nbl)';
proj.selected = true(size(proj.ondet));
% sel = proj.ondet(proj.included(proj.selected));
% dvecsam = gr.allblobs(det_ind).dvecsam(sel, :);
% rot_s2l = gr.allblobs(det_ind).rot_s2l(:, :, sel);
% proj.geom = gtGeoProjForReconstruction(dvecsam, ...
% rot_s2l,, bbpos_det_grain, [], ...
% p.detgeo(det_ind), labgeo, samgeo, p.recgeo(det_ind), 'ASTRA_grain');
fprintf('\b\b: Done in %g seconds.\n', toc(c))
gr.proj(det_ind) = proj;
catch mexc
if gtCheckExceptionType(mexc, 'MATLAB:heterogeneousStrucAssignment')
fprintf(' - Updating legacy "proj" structure..')
c = tic();
% We now handle the fact that proj can be a legacy datastructure
base_proj = gtFwdSimProjDefinition('fwd_sim');
for ii_p = numel(gr.proj):-1:1
new_proj(ii_p) = gtAddMatFile(base_proj, gr.proj(ii_p), true);
gr.proj = new_proj;
gr.proj(det_ind) = proj;
fprintf('\b\b: Done in %g seconds.\n', toc(c))
0% Loading or .
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