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Commit 312d040b authored by Yoann Guilhem's avatar Yoann Guilhem Committed by Nicola Vigano
Browse files

Cleaning + improvements: switch to a single function for IVP color map -> gtIVPCmap

2 other new functions are introduced to factorize and speed up the procedure:
- gtVectorLab2Cryst: rotate a lab vector to crystal CS
- gtCrystVector2SST: move a vector from crystal CS to SST zone and give IVP color code

git-svn-id: 4c865b51-4357-4376-afb4-474e03ccb993
parent 28f12171
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function cmap = gtIVPCmap(phaseid, LD, varargin)
% GTIVPCMAP Returns a color map for the specified phase and lab direction.
% cmap = gtIVPCmap([phaseid, LD, varargin])
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Makes an IVP colormap of the lab_ direction (LD) in the crystal
% coordinates. This can be specified as a second arguement, otherwise we
% assume the z axis [0 0 1]
% phaseid = <int> Id of the specific phase {1}
% LD = <double> Lab direction to study {[0 0 1]}
% OPTIONAL INPUT (varargin as a list of pairs, see parse_pv_pairs.m)
% 'save' = <bool> Save color map to cmap_phase<phaseid>.mat
% 'crystal_system' = <string> Legacy to set (force) the crystal system
% for old datasets
% cmap = <double> RGB color map, color code is the inverse
% pole figure in the SST
% Version 001 15-11-2012 by YGuilhem
% Built by gathering old gtIVPcubCmap and gtIVPhexCmap functions
% Default parameters = false;
par.crystal_system = '';
par = parse_pv_pairs(par, varargin);
% Set default phaseid
if ~exist('phaseid', 'var') || isempty(phaseid)
phaseid = 1;
% Set default lab direction if LD empty
if ~exist('LD', 'var') || isempty(LD)
LD = [0 0 1];
% Get the r-vectors
r_vectors = [];
if exist(fullfile('4_grains', sprintf('phase_%02d', phaseid), 'r_vectors.mat'), 'file')
load(fullfile('4_grains', sprintf('phase_%02d', phaseid), 'r_vectors.mat'));
r_vectors = r_vectors(:, 2:4);
elseif exist('r_vectors.mat', 'file')
r_vectors = r_vectors(:, 2:4);
elseif exist(fullfile('4_grains', sprintf('phase_%02d', phaseid), 'index.mat'), 'file')
grain = [];
load(fullfile('4_grains', sprintf('phase_%02d', phaseid), 'index.mat'), 'grain');
r_vectors = gtIndexAllGrainValues(grain, 'R_vector', [], 1:3, []);
gtError('gtIVPCmap:missing_file', 'Could not find r_vectors or index file!');
% Get the symmetry operators
if isempty(par.crystal_system)
parameters = load('parameters.mat');
par.crystal_system = parameters.parameters.cryst.crystal_system;
tmp = gtCrystGetSymmetryOperators(par.crystal_system);
if isfield(tmp, 'g3')
symm = {tmp.g3};
symm = {tmp.g};
% Create the map
M = length(r_vectors);
map = zeros(M, 3);
% Get sample to crystal rotation matrices
sam2crys = gtMathsRod2RotMat(r_vectors);
% Compute LDc = LD expressed in the crystal CS
LDc = gtVectorLab2Cryst(LD, sam2crys);
% Get the color in the SST triangle
map = gtCrystVector2SST(LDc, par.crystal_system, symm);
cmap = [ 0 0 0 ; map ];
fileName = fullfile('6_rendering', sprintf('cmap_phase%02d.mat', phaseid));
save(fileName, 'cmap');
end % end of function
function cmap = gtIVPcubCmap(grain)
% as for hexagonal materials
% aim for RED = 001 / GREEN = 101 / BLUE = 111
% get the r-vectors
r_vectors=gtIndexAllGrainValues(grain, 'R_vector', [], 1:3, []);
symm = gtCrystGetSymmetryOperators('cubic');
% base the IVP on the lab z axis
Zlab=[0 0 1];
map = zeros(length(r_vectors+1),3);
for i=1:length(r_vectors)
crys2sam=Rod2g(r_vectors(i, :));
% z axis in cryst axes \ to go sample->crystal
Zc = crys2sam\Zlab';
% all equivilents by symm
for jj=1:length(symmm)
Zc_symm(jj, :)=(symmm(jj).g*Zc)';
Zc_symm=[Zc_symm; -Zc_symm];
% define angles phi - rotation around 001 axis, projected on the xy plane
% chi - rotation around 010, projected on xz plane
Zc_chi=rad2deg(atan2(Zc_symm(:,1), Zc_symm(:,3)));
Zc_phi=rad2deg(atan2(Zc_symm(:,2), Zc_symm(:,1)));
% pick equiv that is in our triangle
ndx=find(Zc_chi>=0 & Zc_chi<45 & Zc_phi>=0 & Zc_phi<45);
% Z symm equivilent in the part of the crystal we are interested in
Zp(i, :)=Zc_symm(ndx, :);
% colourmap
% these shouldn't come out negative!
% saturate colours
rgb=[red green blue];
map(i+1, :)=rgb;
cmap = map;
end % end of function
function cmap = gtIVPhexCmap(phaseid, varargin)
% cmap = gtIVPhexCmap(phaseid, varargin)
% --------------------------------------
% Makes an IVP colourmap of the lab_direction (LD) in the crystal coordinates.
% this can be specified as a second arguement, otherwise we assume the z
% axis [0 0 1]
r_vectors = [];
if exist(fullfile('4_grains',sprintf('phase_%02d',phaseid),'r_vectors.mat'),'file')
r_vectors = r_vectors(:,2:4);
elseif exist('r_vectors.mat','file')
r_vectors = r_vectors(:,2:4);
elseif exist(fullfile('4_grains',sprintf('phase_%02d',phaseid),'index.mat'),'file')
grain = [];
r_vectors = gtIndexAllGrainValues(grain, 'R_vector', [], 1:3, []);
if isempty(varargin)
LD=[0 0 1];
% make some symmetry operators
% six fold rotation around z
for i=1:6
symm(i).g3 = [cosd(a) sind(a) 0;...
-sind(a) cosd(a) 0;...
0 0 1];
% include the mirror
symm(i+6).g3=[1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 0 1]*symm(i).g3;
map = zeros(length(r_vectors+1),3);
for i=1:length(r_vectors)
crys2sam=Rod2g(r_vectors(i, :));
% RD in cryst axes - \ to do inverse, sample->crystal
LDc = crys2sam\LD';
% all equivilents by sym
for jj=1:12
LDc_symm(jj, :)=(symm(jj).g3*LDc)';
LDc_symm=[LDc_symm; -LDc_symm];
LDc_phi=rad2deg(atan2(LDc_symm(:,2), LDc_symm(:,1)));
% pick equiv that is in out triangle
ndx=find(LDc_psi<90 & LDc_phi>=60 & LDc_phi<90);
% RD symm equivilent in the part of the crystal we are interested in
LDp(i, :)=LDc_symm(ndx, :);
% colourmap
% for hexagonal colour map need only psi and phi
rgb=[red green blue];
% do we saturate colours?
if 1
map(i+1, :)=rgb;
map(1,:) = [0 0 0];
cmap = map;
end % end of function
......@@ -46,9 +46,10 @@ if ~exist('crystal_system', 'var') || isempty(crystal_system)
elseif ~exist('spacegroup', 'var') || isempty(spacegroup)
if exist('parameters.mat', 'file')
disp('Guessing spacegroup from parameters file...');
parameters = load('parameters.mat');
spacegroup = parameters.parameters.cryst.spacegroup;
if isfield(parameters.parameters, 'cryst')
spacegroup = parameters.parameters.cryst.spacegroup;
function [rgb, Vsst] = gtCrystVector2SST(Vc, crystal_system, symm, saturation)
% Vc : row vector expressed in crystal frame
% crystal_system : type of crystal_system ('cubic'|'hexagonal')
% symm : cell containing every symmetry operators
% saturation : saturate or not the RGB output {true}
% rgb : RGB color in the sst
% Vsst : Vc moved vector in the SST triangle
% Vsst_p : Vc moved vector in the SST triangle, projected on equatorial plane
if ~exist('saturation', 'var') || isempty(saturation)
saturation = true;
%Vc_norm = sqrt(sum(Vc.^2, 2));
%Vc = Vc ./ Vc_norm(:, [1 1 1]);
% All equivalents by symm
M = size(Vc, 1);
% New method
N = length(symm);
for isymm=1:N
symm{N+isymm} = -symm{isymm};
Vc_symm = gtVectorLab2Cryst(Vc, symm);
% Old method
%N = 2*length(symm);
%Vc_symm = zeros(N, 3, M);
%for iV=1:M
% V = Vc(iV, :);
% tmp = gtVectorLab2Cryst(V, symm);
% Vc_symm_tmp = [ tmp ; -tmp ];
% Vc_symm(:, :, iV) = reshape(Vc_symm_tmp, [N 3 1]);
x = Vc_symm(:, 1, :);
y = Vc_symm(:, 2, :);
z = Vc_symm(:, 3, :);
aaa = find(x == y);
bbb = find(x == z);
ccc = find(y == z);
eps = 1.e-1;
if size(aaa)
x(aaa) = x(aaa)+eps;
y(aaa) = y(aaa)-eps;
%disp('x / y')
%disp([x(aaa)'; y(aaa)'; z(aaa)'])
%disp([x(aaa)'; y(aaa)'; z(aaa)'])
if size(bbb)
x(bbb) = x(bbb)+eps;
z(bbb) = z(bbb)-eps;
%disp('x / z')
%disp([x(bbb)'; y(bbb)'; z(bbb)'])
%disp([x(bbb)'; y(bbb)'; z(bbb)'])
if size(ccc)
y(ccc) = y(ccc)+eps;
z(ccc) = z(ccc)-eps;
%disp('y / z')
%disp([x(ccc)'; y(ccc)'; z(ccc)'])
%disp([x(ccc)'; y(ccc)'; z(ccc)'])
aaa = find(x == y);
bbb = find(x == z);
ccc = find(y == z);
% Define angles
% phi : rotation around 001 axis,
% from 100 axis to Vc vector,
% projected on (100,010) plane
%Vc_phi = rad2deg(atan2(Vc_symm(:, 2, :), Vc_symm(:, 1, :)));
Vc_phi = rad2deg(atan2(y, x));
% chi : rotation around 010 axis,
% from 001 axis to Vc vector,
% projected on (100,001) plane
%Vc_chi = rad2deg(atan2(Vc_symm(:, 1, :), Vc_symm(:, 3, :)));
Vc_chi = rad2deg(atan2(x, z));
% psi : angle from 001 axis to Vc vector
Vc_psi = acosd(z);
%Rxy = sqrt(1 - Vc_symm(:, 3, :).*Vc_symm(:, 3, :));
%Vc_psi = rad2deg(atan2(Rxy, Vc_symm(:, 3, :)));
switch crystal_system
case {'cubic', 'cub'}
anglesR = 45 - Vc_chi; % red color proportional to (45-chi)
minAngleR = 0;
maxAngleR = 45;
anglesB = Vc_phi; % blue color proportional to phi
minAngleB = 0;
maxAngleB = 45;
case {'hexagonal', 'hex'}
anglesR = 90 - Vc_psi; % red color proportional to (90 - psi)
minAngleR = 0;
maxAngleR = 90;
anglesB = Vc_phi; % blue color proportional to phi
minAngleB = 0;
maxAngleB = 30;
gtError('gtCrystVector2SST:wrong_crystal_system', ...
'Unsupported crystal system!');
% Pick equiv that is in our triangle
iSST = anglesR>=minAngleR & anglesR<maxAngleR & anglesB>=minAngleB & anglesB<maxAngleB;
ok = squeeze(sum(iSST, 1));
ok_no = (ok == 0);
ok_too = (ok > 1);
if any(ok_no)
warning('Problem when moving to SST triangle, no indices found for vectors:');
%gtError('gtCrystVector2SST:no_solution', ...
% 'Problem when moving to SST triangle, no indices found for vectors:');
disp(' indices:');
disp(' vectors:');
disp(Vc(find(ok_no), :));
iSST(1, :, ok_no) = 1;
anglesR(1, :, ok_no) = 0;
anglesB(1, :, ok_no) = 0;
if any(ok_too)
warning('Might be a problem when moving to SST triangle, too many indices found!');
disp(' indices:');
disp(' vectors:');
disp(Vc(find(ok_too), :));
i_too = find(iSST(:, :, ok_too));
iSST(i_too(2:end), :, ok_too) = 0;
angleR = anglesR(iSST);
angleB = anglesB(iSST);
if nargout > 1
Vsst = reshape(Vc_symm(iSST(:, [1 1 1], :)), [3 M]).';
if nargout > 2
denom = 1 + Vsst(:, 3);
Vsst_p = Vsst(:, 1:2) ./ denom(:, [1 1]);
% Color map
red = angleR/maxAngleR;
green = (maxAngleR - angleR)/maxAngleR .* (maxAngleB - angleB)/maxAngleB;
blue = (maxAngleR - angleR)/maxAngleR .* angleB/maxAngleB;
rgb = [red green blue];
if saturation
sat = max(rgb, [], 2);
rgb = rgb./sat(:, [1 1 1]);
end % end of function
function Vc = gtVectorLab2Cryst(Vs, g, diag)
% GTVECTORLAB2CRYST Express lab row vector(s) to crystal CS
% Vc = gtVectorLab2Cryst(Vs, g)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Vs = <double> Vector(s) in the lab CS.
% g = <cell> Cell containing crystal orientation matrix(ces).
% Vc = <double> Vector Vs expressed in the crystal CS.
% Note:
% This function can be used in 4 different modes:
% - Vs = 1x3 matrix (1 row vector) , g = {N}x3x3 matrices
% output N vectors expressed in the crystal CS defined by g matrices
% - Vs = Mx3 matrix (M row vectors) , g = 3x3 matrix
% output M vectors expressed in the crystal CS defined by g matrix
% - Vs = Mx3 matrix (M row vectors) , g = {N}x3x3 matrices
% output Nx3xM matrix containing NxM row vectors, which are all the Vs
% vectors expressed in the crystals CS defined by g matrices
% - diag mode (need diag argument, otherwise previous case)
% Vs = Mx3 matrix (M row vectors) , g = {N}3x3 matrices (M=N)
% output M (equal to N) vectors in the crystal CS defined by g matrices
% Version 001 17-10-2012 by YGuilhem
if ~exist('diag', 'var') || isempty(diag)
diag = false;
diag = logical(diag);
% Get number of vectors and orientation matrices
M = size(Vs, 1);
if iscell(g)
N = length(g);
N = 1;
if M==1 && N >= 1
% Convert cell to array of matrices
sam2crys = cat(3, g{:});
% Expand Vs in 3rd dimensiodifferent n
Vext = Vs([1 1 1], :, ones(N, 1));
% Compute Vc and permute to get in in row vectors
Vc = permute(sum(sam2crys.*Vext, 2), [3 1 2]);
elseif M > 1 && N == 1
% Convert cell to array of matrices
sam2crys = g(:, :, ones(M, 1));
% Expand Vs in 3rd dimension
Vext = reshape(Vs.', [1 3 M]);
% Compute Vc and permute to get in in row vectors
Vc = permute(sum(sam2crys.*Vext([1 1 1], :, :), 2), [3 1 2]);
elseif M == N && sync
% Convert cell to array of matrices
sam2crys = cat(3, g{:});
% Expand Vs in 3rd dimension
Vext = reshape(Vs.', [1 3 M]);
% Compute Vc and permute to get in in row vectors
Vc = permute(sum(sam2crys.*Vext([1 1 1], :, :), 2), [3 1 2]);
elseif M>0 && N>0
% Convert cell to array of matrices
sam2crys = cat(3, g{:});
sam2crys2 = sam2crys(:, :, :, ones(M, 1));
% Expand Vs in 3rd dimension
Vext = reshape(Vs.', [1 3 1 M]);
VV = Vext([1 1 1], :, ones(N, 1), :);
tmp = sum(sam2crys2.*VV, 2);
Vc = permute(squeeze(tmp), [2 1 3]);
%Vc = permute(squeeze(sum(sam2crys2.*VV, 2)), [2 1 3]);
gtError('gtVectorLab2Cryst:wrong_input_size', ...
['Cannot handle the case where size(Vs)=' num2str(size(Vs)) ...
' and length(g)=' num2str(N)]);
end % end of function
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