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Commit 2c12a89f authored by Nicola Vigano's avatar Nicola Vigano
Browse files

FwdSim: tweaked spot selection, after the recent changes in candidate inclusion

parent 84d51cca
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......@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ end
if (isempty(conf.det_index))
conf.det_index = 1:numel(detgeo);
num_dets = numel(conf.det_index);
indexgrainModel = fullfile(parameters.acq.dir, '4_grains', 'phase_%02d', 'index.mat');
fprintf('\nLoading indexing results...\n');
......@@ -182,8 +183,8 @@ end
% !!! using a mean pixel size is uncertain; ideally fwd simulation should
% use mm-s
segmentedSpots = cell(numel(conf.det_index), 1);
pairsTable = cell(numel(conf.det_index), 1);
segmentedSpots = cell(num_dets, 1);
pairsTable = cell(num_dets, 1);
fprintf('\nLoading reflections from database..');
for ii_d = conf.det_index
......@@ -240,8 +241,8 @@ for n = first : last
%%% Predict spot positions
gr = gtCalculateGrain(gr, parameters);
proj = gtFwdSimProjDefinition('fwd_sim', numel(conf.det_index));
fwd_sim = repmat(gtFwdSimDataStructureDefinition(0), [numel(conf.det_index), 1]);
proj = gtFwdSimProjDefinition('fwd_sim', num_dets);
fwd_sim = repmat(gtFwdSimDataStructureDefinition(0), [num_dets, 1]);
for ii_d = conf.det_index
uvw = gr.allblobs.detector(ii_d).uvw;
......@@ -409,7 +410,7 @@ for n = first : last
spotsCommProps, segmentedSpots, parameters);
fprintf(' (Done).\n - Num spots per twin variant per detector:\n')
for ii_d = 1:numel(conf.det_index)
for ii_d = 1:num_dets
fprintf(' + Detector: %d\n', conf.det_index(ii_d))
for ii_t = 1:numel(fp_twins)
fprintf(' %d) %d\n', ii_t, ...
......@@ -624,7 +625,7 @@ function [fwd_sim, bl] = forward_simulate_grain(gr, ondet, ...
% in case there are several candidates, take the one with best
% likelihood in terms of: shape, UV position, and W position.
ls = ls_pb .* ls_uv .* ls_w;
ls = sqrt(ls_pb) .* ls_uv .* ls_w;
[~, cand_inc_index] = max(ls);
fwd_sim.cands(ii).id = candidateIDs';
......@@ -680,6 +681,8 @@ function twin_vars = forward_simulate_twin(gr, gr_fwd_sim, gr_proj, conf, spotsC
sg = parameters.cryst(gr.phaseid).spacegroup;
lp = parameters.cryst(gr.phaseid).latticepar;
num_dets = numel(conf.det_index);
% Computing all twin variants for all the given pairs angle-axis
num_angles = numel(conf.twin_angles);
twin_vars = cell(num_angles, 1);
......@@ -709,8 +712,8 @@ function twin_vars = forward_simulate_twin(gr, gr_fwd_sim, gr_proj, conf, spotsC
twin.difspotidA = [];
twin.difspotidB = [];
twin_fwd_sim = repmat(gtFwdSimDataStructureDefinition(0), [numel(conf.det_index), 1]);
twin_proj = gtFwdSimProjDefinition('fwd_sim', numel(conf.det_index));
twin_fwd_sim = repmat(gtFwdSimDataStructureDefinition(0), [num_dets, 1]);
twin_proj = gtFwdSimProjDefinition('fwd_sim', num_dets);
for ii_d = conf.det_index
om_step = gtGetOmegaStepDeg(parameters, ii_d);
......@@ -921,24 +924,22 @@ end
function spot_props = predict_spot_properties(spotsCommProps, proj_bl, gr_stats, parameters)
bb_size_factor = parameters.fsim.bbsize_factor;
% Minimums could be wrong by up to 2 pixels (roundings)
% Recentl we introduced a grain volume bounding box estimation that
% probably considerably over-estimates the grain volume (moving from
% inscribed polyhedron to convex-hull), so the new minimum sizes have
% to be adusted
% spot_props.XsizeMin = max(5, proj_bl.mbbsize(1) - bb_size_factor * gr_stats.bbxsstd - 2)
% spot_props.YsizeMin = max(5, proj_bl.mbbsize(2) - bb_size_factor * gr_stats.bbysstd - 2)
spot_props.XsizeMin = max(5, proj_bl.mbbsize(1) / bb_size_factor - bb_size_factor * gr_stats.bbxsstd - 2);
spot_props.YsizeMin = max(5, proj_bl.mbbsize(2) / bb_size_factor - bb_size_factor * gr_stats.bbysstd - 2);
% Allowing for matching spots, even if the convex shape of the grain
% computed from indexter's selection had a limited angle view on the
% grain volume
spot_props.XsizeMin = min(spot_props.XsizeMin, spotsCommProps.XsizeMin);
spot_props.YsizeMin = min(spot_props.YsizeMin, spotsCommProps.YsizeMin);
spot_props.XsizeMax = proj_bl.mbbsize(1) + bb_size_factor * gr_stats.bbxsstd;
spot_props.YsizeMax = proj_bl.mbbsize(2) + bb_size_factor * gr_stats.bbysstd;
% to be adusted. We chose to divide them by the same factor that then
% multiplies the standard deviation
spot_props.XsizeMin = min(proj_bl.mbbsize(1) / bb_size_factor, spotsCommProps.XsizeMin);
spot_props.YsizeMin = min(proj_bl.mbbsize(2) / bb_size_factor, spotsCommProps.YsizeMin);
% Even if the convex shape of the grain computed from indexter's
% selection had a limited angle view on the grain volume, we add some
% reduction of the minimum spot size by user definition
spot_props.XsizeMin = max(spot_props.XsizeMin - bb_size_factor * gr_stats.bbxsstd, 5);
spot_props.YsizeMin = max(spot_props.YsizeMin - bb_size_factor * gr_stats.bbysstd, 5);
spot_props.XsizeMax = max(proj_bl.mbbsize(1), spotsCommProps.XsizeMax) + bb_size_factor * gr_stats.bbxsstd;
spot_props.YsizeMax = max(proj_bl.mbbsize(2), spotsCommProps.YsizeMax) + bb_size_factor * gr_stats.bbysstd;
spot_props.max_w_offset_im = spotsCommProps.max_w_offset_im;
if (isfield(spotsCommProps, 'max_n_offset') && ~isempty(spotsCommProps.max_n_offset))
......@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ function par_fsim = gtFsimDefaultParameters()
par_fsim.save_grain = true;
% threshold for looking for new spots in full images
par_fsim.thr_check = 0.1;
% Selects spots for reconsruction that are in the top 4.5 sigma of the likelihood rankings
par_fsim.sel_lh_stdev = 1.5;
% Selects spots for reconsruction that are in the top 4 sigma of the likelihood rankings
par_fsim.sel_lh_stdev = 1;
% Selects spots for reconsruction that are in the top 4 sigma of the intensity rankings
par_fsim.sel_int_stdev = 1;
% Selects spots for reconsruction that are in the top 3.5 sigma of the average intensity per pixel rankings
par_fsim.sel_avint_stdev = 0.5;
% Selects spots for reconsruction that are in the top 4 sigma of the average intensity per pixel rankings
par_fsim.sel_avint_stdev = 1;
......@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ function [selected, goodness] = gtFwdSimSelectSpots(likelihood, intensity, avg_p
% Flag has to be filtered by the included vector
fsim = parameters.fsim;
if (~isfield(fsim, 'sel_lh_stdev') || isempty(fsim.sel_lh_stdev))
fsim.sel_lh_stdev = 1.5;
fsim.sel_lh_stdev = 1;
if (~isfield(fsim, 'sel_int_stdev') || isempty(fsim.sel_int_stdev))
fsim.sel_int_stdev = 1;
if (~isfield(fsim, 'sel_avint_stdev') || isempty(fsim.sel_avint_stdev))
fsim.sel_avint_stdev = 0.5;
fsim.sel_avint_stdev = 1;
% Let's determine the indices of the selected spots in list of included
% spots, for different categories.
......@@ -27,15 +27,12 @@ end
function [selected, avg_lh] = select_best_likelihoods(likelihood, std_factor, lower_thr)
if (~exist('lower_thr', 'var'))
lower_thr = 1e-1;
if (~exist('std_factor', 'var'))
std_factor = 1.5;
lower_thr = 1 / std_factor;
avg_lh = mean(likelihood);
std_dev_thr = mean(likelihood) - std_factor * std(likelihood);
std_dev_thr = avg_lh - std_factor * std(likelihood);
avg_thr = avg_lh * lower_thr;
selected = (likelihood > std_dev_thr) & (likelihood > avg_thr);
0% Loading or .
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