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Commit 28663a1f authored by Wolfgang Ludwig's avatar Wolfgang Ludwig Committed by Nicola Vigano
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fixing a coordinate bug (detposcorner > pixels) in gtForwardSimulation_v2 -...

fixing a coordinate bug (detposcorner > pixels) in gtForwardSimulation_v2  - load tables at beginning

git-svn-id: 4c865b51-4357-4376-afb4-474e03ccb993
parent e0c50fa9
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......@@ -158,14 +158,17 @@ for difspotID = first:last
% Write edf file on disk
if flag_writeedf
% Read full edf-s, create summed image
im = zeros(bb(5),bb(4));
for fullID = bb(3):bb(3)+bb(6)-1
im = im + edf_read(sprintf('1_preprocessing/full/full%04d.edf', fullID),...
bb([1 2 4 5]));
if any(strcmp(seg.difspotmask,{'none', 'blob2D'}))
% Read full edf-s, create summed image
im = zeros(bb(5),bb(4));
for fullID = bb(3):bb(3)+bb(6)-1
im = im + edf_read(sprintf('1_preprocessing/full/full%04d.edf', fullID),...
bb([1 2 4 5]));
% Check minimum area condition
if isempty(thr_area)
mask2D = [];
......@@ -74,8 +74,7 @@ if test~=0
gtDBCreateDifspotTable(, overwrite_flag);
disp('Keeping difspot data. Quitting gtPostSegmentation')
disp('Keeping difspot data')
......@@ -67,12 +67,10 @@ phases_num = length(parameters.cryst); % number of phases in the material
cryst = parameters.cryst(phaseID);
grainfilename = fullfile(acq.dir, '4_grains', sprintf('phase_%02d', phaseID), 'index.mat');
fprintf('\nLoading indexing results...\n');
grains = load(grainfilename);
grain_num = length(grains.grain);
name =;
difspottable = [name,'difspot'];
%%% this section should be replaced with a function dealing with different
% versions of parameters names: fed, v1, v2...
......@@ -83,14 +81,53 @@ detdirv0 = labgeo.detdirv;
rotdir = labgeo.rotdir;
beamdir = labgeo.beamdir;
detrefpos = labgeo.detrefpos / acq.pixelsize; % detector reference position in pixels
detposcorner = labgeo.detorig; % the (0,0) corner of the detector in Lab system (edge of detector pixel)
detposcorner = labgeo.detorig / acq.pixelsize; % the (0,0) corner of the detector in Lab system (edge of detector pixel)
rotcomp = gtMathsRotationMatrixComp(rotdir,'row');
omstep = 180 / acq.nproj;
imagerange = round(fsim.omegarange/omstep); % number of images summed up when searching raw data for a missing spot
for n = first : last
fprintf('\nLoading reflections from database...\n');
difspottable = [,'difspot'];
% Load difspot data in 'allspots' / spotpair data in 'allpairs'
mymcmd = sprintf(['SELECT difspotID, CentroidX, CentroidY, CentroidImage, '...
'BoundingBoxXsize, BoundingBoxYsize, BoundingBoxXorigin, BoundingBoxYorigin '...
'FROM %s'],difspottable);
[difspotIDs, CentroidXs, CentroidYs, CentroidImages, BoundingBoxXsizes, ...
BoundingBoxYsizes, BoundingBoxXorigins, BoundingBoxYorigins] = mym(mymcmd);
numspots = max(difspotIDs);
difspotID = NaN(numspots, 1);
CentroidX = NaN(numspots, 1);
CentroidY = NaN(numspots, 1);
CentroidImage = NaN(numspots, 1);
BoundingBoxXsize = NaN(numspots, 1);
BoundingBoxYsize = NaN(numspots, 1);
BoundingBoxXorigin = NaN(numspots, 1);
BoundingBoxYorigin = NaN(numspots, 1);
for ii = 1: length(difspotIDs)
jj = difspotIDs(ii);
difspotID(jj) = jj;
CentroidX(jj) = CentroidXs(ii);
CentroidY(jj) = CentroidYs(ii);
CentroidImage(jj) = CentroidImages(ii);
BoundingBoxXsize(jj) = BoundingBoxXsizes(ii);
BoundingBoxYsize(jj) = BoundingBoxYsizes(ii);
BoundingBoxXorigin(jj) = BoundingBoxXorigins(ii);
BoundingBoxYorigin(jj) = BoundingBoxYorigins(ii);
mymcmd = sprintf('select ldirX, ldirY, ldirZ, omega, omegaB, difAID, difBID from %s ',acq.pair_tablename);
[allpairs.ldirX, allpairs.ldirY, allpairs.ldirZ, allpairs.omegaA, allpairs.omegaB, allpairs.difAID, allpairs.difBID] = mym(mymcmd);
for n = first : last
fprintf('\nRunning forward simulation for grain %d...\n',n);
gr = grains.grain{n}; % output from INDEXTER
graincenter = / acq.pixelsize; % graincenter contains COM coordinates in pixels
......@@ -149,22 +186,24 @@ for n = first : last
bb = zeros(numspots, 4); % difspot BoundingBox from database
status = cell(numspots, 1); % string corresponding to flag (summarizing result of forward simulation)
spotid = zeros(numspots, 1); % Mysql difspottable difspotID
check = zeros(numspots, 5);
check = zeros(numspots, 2);
hklsp = zeros(numspots,size(gr.hkl,1)); % signed hk(i)l indices of reflection
omega = zeros(numspots, 1); % rotation angle in degrees
proj_geom = zeros(numspots, 12); % Vector used for ROI grain reconstruction in ASTRA (grain shifted to center of roi volume)
proj_geom_full = zeros(numspots, 12); % Vector describing full projection geometry (full images, grain at nominal position in sample volume)
proj_geom_abs = zeros(numspots, 12); % Vector describung absorption image projection geometry
r = zeros(numspots, 3); % direction of diffracted beam
r = zeros(numspots, 3); % direction of diffracted beam used in ASTRA
r_th = zeros(numspots, 3); % theoretically predicted direction of diffracted beam (based on R_vector)
r_ex = zeros(numspots, 3); % estimated direction of diffracted beam, based on grain & difspot COM positions
U = zeros(numspots, 1); % COM u positions of difspots from difspottable
V = zeros(numspots, 1); % COM v positions of difspots from difspottable
full = zeros(acq.xdet, acq.ydet);
%%% Main loop: examine all hklsp and search corresponding spots / intensity on the detector...
%%% Main loop: examine all hklsp and search corresponding spots / intensity on the detector..
for ii = 1 : numspots
currentSpotID = ondet(ii);
pl =, :);
......@@ -180,27 +219,19 @@ for n = first : last
% improved...
thr_max_offset = round(min(fsim.MaxOmegaOffset, (fsim.omegarange/(abs(sind(eta)))))/omstep);
% loose search criteria - is there any intensity at the predicted spot
% position ?
firstquery = sprintf(...
['SELECT difspotID, CentroidX, CentroidY, CentroidImage, ' ...
'BoundingBoxXsize, BoundingBoxYsize, BoundingBoxXorigin, ' ...
'BoundingBoxYorigin' ...
' FROM %sdifspot' ...
' WHERE (%d between CentroidImage-%d and CentroidImage+%d) '...
'and (abs(CentroidX-%d) / BoundingBoxXsize) < 0.5 '...
'and (abs(CentroidY-%d) / BoundingBoxYsize) < 0.5 '...
' ORDER BY ((abs(BoundingBoxXsize-%d)/%d)+(abs(BoundingBoxYsize-%d)/%d)) limit 1'],...
name, ...
image_n, thr_max_offset, thr_max_offset, ...
u(currentSpotID), ...
v(currentSpotID), ...
dif_Xsize, dif_Xsize, dif_Ysize, dif_Ysize);
[difspotID, CentroidX, CentroidY, CentroidImage, BoundingBoxXsize, ...
BoundingBoxYsize, BoundingBoxXorigin, BoundingBoxYorigin] = mym(firstquery);
if isempty(difspotID)
% Look for difspots appying loose search criteria - is there any intensity at the predicted spot
% position ? Choose the one which is closest to the expected size
image_ok = find((CentroidImage >= image_n - thr_max_offset) & (CentroidImage <= image_n + thr_max_offset));
intensity_ok = find(abs(CentroidX(image_ok) - u(currentSpotID)) < max(dif_Xsize/2, BoundingBoxXsize(image_ok)/2 - dif_Xsize/2) & ...
abs(CentroidY(image_ok) - v(currentSpotID)) < max(dif_Ysize, BoundingBoxYsize(image_ok)/2 - dif_Ysize/2));
candidateIDs = image_ok(intensity_ok);
if isempty(candidateIDs)
% no candidates have been found: segmentation / overlap / intensity / ... problem ?
flag(ii) = 1; % No intensity at expected spot position
......@@ -244,58 +275,52 @@ for n = first : last
end % app.assemble_figure
end % app.check_spot
else % isempty(difspotID)
U(ii) = CentroidX;
V(ii) = CentroidY;
Z(ii) = CentroidImage;
bb(ii, :) = [BoundingBoxXorigin, BoundingBoxYorigin, ...
BoundingBoxXsize, BoundingBoxYsize];
spotid(ii) = difspotID;
else % isempty(candidateIDs)
% in case there are several candidates, take the one which has
% the Area close to the expected Area. This selection "rule" could be
% improved...
[area, area_index] = sort(abs(BoundingBoxXsize(candidateIDs) .* BoundingBoxYsize(candidateIDs) - dif_Xsize*dif_Ysize));
[image, image_index] = sort(abs(CentroidImage(candidateIDs) - image_n));
candidateID = candidateIDs(image_index(1));
U(ii) = CentroidX(candidateID);
V(ii) = CentroidY(candidateID);
Z = CentroidImage(candidateID);
bb(ii, :) = [BoundingBoxXorigin(candidateID), BoundingBoxYorigin(candidateID), ...
BoundingBoxXsize(candidateID), BoundingBoxYsize(candidateID)];
spotid(ii) = candidateID;
flag(ii) = 3; % Found a segmented difspot at expected position - we will check if it does match strict criteria
spot = gtGetSummedDifSpot(difspotID, parameters, 1);
spot = gtGetSummedDifSpot(candidateID, parameters, 1);
spot = spot / sum(spot(:)) * dif_Xsize * dif_Xsize * dif_Ysize; % here we force the intensity to be the same in all spots -
if (fsim.assemble_figure)
full = gtPlaceSubImage2(spot, full, bb(ii, 1), bb(ii, 2), 'summed');
image_ok = between(CentroidImage, image_n - thr_max_offset, image_n + thr_max_offset);
centx_ok = abs(CentroidX - u(currentSpotID)) < dif_Offset;
centy_ok = abs(CentroidY - v(currentSpotID)) < dif_Offset;
xsize_ok = between(BoundingBoxXsize, dif_XsizeMin, dif_XsizeMax);
ysize_ok = between(BoundingBoxYsize, dif_YsizeMin, dif_YsizeMax);
if (fsim.verbose)
% useful feedback to find out which of the more strict search criteria fail...
sprintf('%d < %d < %d : %d',image_n - thr_max_offset, CentroidImage, image_n + thr_max_offset, image_ok)
sprintf('abs(%d - %d) < %d : %d', CentroidX, u(currentSpotID), dif_Offset, centx_ok)
sprintf('abs(%d - %d) < %d : %d', CentroidY, v(currentSpotID), dif_Offset, centy_ok)
sprintf('%d < %d < %d : %d', dif_XsizeMin, BoundingBoxXsize, dif_XsizeMax, xsize_ok)
sprintf('%d < %d < %d : %d', dif_YsizeMin, BoundingBoxYsize, dif_YsizeMax, ysize_ok)
check(ii,:) = [image_ok, centx_ok, centy_ok, xsize_ok, ysize_ok];
cent_ok = sqrt((U(ii) - u(currentSpotID)).^2 + (V(ii) - v(currentSpotID)).^2) <= dif_Offset;
size_ok = all([between(bb(ii,3), dif_XsizeMin, dif_XsizeMax), between(bb(ii,4), dif_YsizeMin, dif_YsizeMax)]);
check(ii,:) = [cent_ok, size_ok];
if all(check(ii,:)), flag(ii) = 4; end % otherwise we keep flag == 3
if find(gr.difspotidA == difspotID)
if find(gr.difspotidA == candidateID)
% If available, we want to use the angles as determined from the
% Friedel pairs - interrogate spotpair table
flag(ii) = 5; % This spot is part of a pair and has been used by INDEXTER
query = sprintf('select ldirX, ldirY, ldirZ, omega from %s where difAID=%d', ...
parameters.acq.pair_tablename, difspotID);
[ldirX, ldirY, ldirZ, omegaA] = mym(query);
omega(ii) = omegaA;
r(ii,:) = [ldirX, ldirY, ldirZ];
flag(ii) = 5; % This spot is part of a pair and has been used by INDEXTER
index = find(allpairs.difAID == candidateID);
omega(ii) = allpairs.omegaA(index);
r(ii,:) = [allpairs.ldirX(index), allpairs.ldirY(index), allpairs.ldirZ(index)];
Rottens = gtMathsRotationTensor(-omega(ii), rotcomp);
elseif find(gr.difspotidB == difspotID)
elseif find(gr.difspotidB == candidateID)
flag(ii) = 5; % This spot is part of a pair and has been used by INDEXTER
query = sprintf('select ldirX, ldirY, ldirZ, omegaB from %s where difBID=%d', ...
parameters.acq.pair_tablename, difspotID);
[ldirX, ldirY, ldirZ, omegaB] = mym(query);
omega(ii) = omegaB; % in this case we have to reverse the line direction
r(ii,:) = -[ldirX, ldirY, ldirZ];
index = find(allpairs.difBID == candidateID);
omega(ii) = allpairs.omegaB(index); % in this case we have to reverse the line direction
r(ii,:) = -[allpairs.ldirX(index), allpairs.ldirY(index), allpairs.ldirZ(index)];
Rottens = gtMathsRotationTensor(-omega(ii), rotcomp);
% we found a segmentedd spot - can use the theoretically
......@@ -303,7 +328,7 @@ for n = first : last
% COM of grain and spot) for backprojection
% theoretically prediceted omega angle
Rottens = gtMathsRotationTensor(-om_th, rotcomp);
Rottens = gtMathsRotationTensor(-om_th, rotcomp);
% theoretically predicted beam direction
r_th(ii,:) = beamdir*Rottens + 2*sind(theta)*pl;
......@@ -317,6 +342,7 @@ for n = first : last
hoffset = round((hsize - bb(ii,3)) / 2);
voffset = round((vsize - bb(ii,4)) / 2);
......@@ -348,7 +374,7 @@ for n = first : last
detposFull = detposcorner + detrefu*detdiru0 + detrefv*detdirv0;
proj_geom_full(ii, :) = proj_geom(ii,:);
proj_geom_full(ii, 4:6) = (detposFull * Rottens);
end % if isempty(difspotID)
end % if isempty(candidateID)
end % loop over predicted spot positions
found_reflections = length(find(flag > 1));
......@@ -374,8 +400,13 @@ for n = first : last
%%% Now fill in the information for the output
% remove reflections for which no segmented spot has been found
ind = find(flag >= 3); % indices of spots to be included in output structure
if fsim.include_cand
ind = find(flag >= 3); % indices of spots to be included in output structure
ind = find(flag >= 4);
out.selected = flag(ind) >= 4; % vector of logicals with pre-selected spots active =;
out.phaseid = phaseID;
......@@ -406,7 +437,9 @@ for n = first : last
out.proj.vol_size_y = hsize;
out.proj.vol_size_z = vsize;
out.proj.num_iter = parameters.rec.num_iter;
out.vol = [];
out.segbb = zeros(6,1);
out.threshold = 0;
out.shift(1) = round(( + graincenter(1)) + 1;
out.shift(2) = round(( + graincenter(2)) + 1;
out.shift(3) = round(( + graincenter(3)) + 1;
......@@ -441,9 +474,13 @@ function [spot, m] = sfGetRoi(start_image, end_image, acq, bb)
if all([bb(1) > 0, bb(2) > 0, bb(1)+bb(3) < acq.xdet, bb(2)+bb(4) < acq.ydet])
fullImgsDir = fullfile(acq.dir, '1_preprocessing', 'full');
indexes = start_image : end_image;
filename = fullfile(fullImgsDir, sprintf('full%04d.edf', indexes(1)));
info = edf_info(filename);
for img_n = 1:nimages
fullImgName = fullfile(fullImgsDir, sprintf('full%04d.edf', indexes(img_n)));
spot(:, :, img_n) = edf_read(fullImgName, bb);
spot(:, :, img_n) = edf_read(fullImgName, bb, [], info);
m(img_n) = gtImgMeanValue2(spot(centery, centerx, img_n));
......@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ fsim.omegarange = 0.5; % look in +/- 1 degrees from predicted image
fsim.MaxOmegaOffset = 1; % Maximum omega offset
fsim.bb_size = []; % default dimensions of ROI, read from the FULL images - if empty the zeropadded projection size will be used
fsim.assemble_figure = true; % assemble the results of forward simulation into a full image saved in the grain%d_.mat file
fsim.display_figure = true; %
fsim.display_figure = false; %
fsim.Grayscale = [-20 200]; % default colorlimits when visualizing diffraction spots
fsim.Rdist_factor = 3; % allow for multiple times Rdiststd in calulcation of lateral spot offset
fsim.bbsize_factor = 2; % allow for +/- times std difference in horizontal and vertical bb size
fsim.oversize = 1.5; % projections are zeropadded before reconstruction
fsim.use_th = true; % use theoretically predicted diffraction angles for new detected spots
fsim.verbose = false; %
fsim.verbose = false; % tell which search criteria has failed
fsim.include_cand = false; % include candidate spots (flag = 3 : wrong size) into difspot stack (deselected)
......@@ -49,7 +49,12 @@ disp(['Setting up Reconstruction for phase ' num2str(phaseID) ' ('
samplefile = fullfile(parameters.acq.dir, '4_grains', 'sample.mat');
if exist(samplefile, 'file')
check=inputwdefault('4_grains/sample.mat already exists - do you want to reinitialize it ? [y/n]','n');
if strcmpi(check,'y')
sample = GtSample();
sample = GtSample.loadFromFile(samplefile);
sample = GtSample();
......@@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ last = length(grain);
% get reconstruction parameters
check = inputwdefault('Use default parameters? [y/n]', 'y');
check = inputwdefault('Use default parameters for grain reconstruction ? [y/n]', 'y');
if ~strcmpi(check, 'y')
list = build_list_v2();
parameters.rec = gtModifyStructure(parameters.rec, list.rec(:,1:2));
......@@ -33,26 +33,38 @@ for phaseid = 1 : phaseNum
phaseDir = sprintf('phase_%02d', phaseid);
fprintf('Phase %02d: ', phaseid);
%% Check if we have already reconstructed volumes or not
grainFile = sprintf('grain_%04d.mat', 1);
grainPath = fullfile('4_grains', phaseDir, grainFile);
grainInfo = load(grainPath);
if all(isfield(grainInfo,{'vol', 'segbb', 'threshold'}))
variables = {'shift', 'vol', 'segbb', 'selected', 'threshold', 'completeness', 'difspotID'};
reconstructed = 1;
variables = {'shift', 'selected', 'completeness', 'difspotID'};
reconstructed = 0;
for grainid = 1 : grainsNum
fprintf('%04d/%04d', grainid, grainsNum);
grainFile = sprintf('grain_%04d.mat', grainid);
grainPath = fullfile('4_grains', phaseDir, grainFile);
grainInfo = load(grainPath, 'shift', 'vol', 'segbb', 'selected', 'threshold', 'completeness', 'difspotID');
grainInfo = load(grainPath, variables{:});
phase.setR_vector(grainid, grain{grainid}.R_vector);
phase.setCenter(grainid, grain{grainid}.center);
if (~isfield(grainInfo, 'segbb'))
phase.setBoundingBox(grainid, [grainInfo.shift, size(grainInfo.vol)]);
if reconstructed
phase.setBoundingBox(grainid, grainInfo.segbb);
phase.setThreshold(grainid, grainInfo.threshold);
selected = zeros(length(grainInfo.difspotID),1);
selected(grainInfo.selected) = 1;
phase.setSelectedDiffspots(grainid, selected);
phase.setThreshold(grainid, grainInfo.threshold);
phase.setCompleteness(grainid, grainInfo.completeness);
phase.setDifspotID(grainid, grainInfo.difspotID);
function gtCheckSegmentation(imnum,parameters,clims)
querie=sprintf('select XIndex,YIndex from %sdifblobdetails where ZIndex=%d',,imnum);
for i=1:length(x)
......@@ -737,6 +737,9 @@ list.fsim{11,1} = 'use_th'; list.fsim{11,2} = 'Use th
list.fsim{12,1} = 'verbose'; list.fsim{12,2} = 'Display the search criteria for each of the spots';
list.fsim{12,3} = 'logical';
list.fsim{12,4} = 2;
list.fsim{13,1} = 'include_cand'; list.fsim{13,2} = 'Include difspot candidates into the stack - automatically disabled';
list.fsim{13,3} = 'logical';
list.fsim{13,4} = 2;
% reconstruction
0% Loading or .
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