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Commit 1790aa76 authored by preischig's avatar preischig
Browse files

gtINDEXIndividualSpots: modified tolerance computation; other small changes; new figure;

Signed-off-by: default avatarpreischig <>
parent 7a54c34e
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......@@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ function [spot, grain, conf, tol, spin] = gtINDEXIndividualSpots(grain, spin, to
% GTINDEXINDIVIDUALSPOTS Finds grain ID-s for all diffraction spots and
% detects conflicts (overlaps and segmentation faults).
% gid = gtIndexDifSpots(grain, sp, parameters)
% gid = gtIndexDifSpots(grain, spin, tol, parameters)
% ---------------------------------------------------------
% WARNING! NOT properly tested yet! Watch for bugs!
% It assigns a grain ID to each diffraction spot. Those for which
% no acceptable grain is found or compatible with more than one grain
......@@ -22,28 +21,34 @@ function [spot, grain, conf, tol, spin] = gtINDEXIndividualSpots(grain, spin, to
% index = load('4_grains/phase_##/index.mat')
% grain = gtIndexAddInfo(index.grain);
% grain - all grain data (1xn or nx1 cell array) as in index.mat
% Optional:
% spin - input diffraction spot data; if undefined or empty,
% will be loaded from database
% tol - tolerances
% .u (opt.) -
% .u, .v, .w - maximum absolut deviation between the
% predicted and simulated spot positions
% [pixel, pixel, image]; if undefined,
% they will be computed from the data
% using tol.std;
% .hklmaxmult - maximum multiplicity for a given (hkl);
% for monochromatic scans and a full 360deg
% rotation, it's normally 4
% rotation it's normally 4; {4}
% .equigrain - threshold for grains to be signalled as
% potential equivalents - min. no. of
% overlapping spots between two grains
% .std - max. standard deviations of spot properties
% overlapping spots between two grains; {3}
% .std - max. standard deviations of spot position
% and spot properties; {4}
% parameters - as in parameters file; if undefined or empty, will be
% loaded from parameters file
% spot - list of diffraction spots with the assigned grain ID
% and other info
% grain - spot field added with the assigned spot info
% grain - 'spot' field added with the assigned spot info
% spin - the original input diff. spot info (or loaded from database)
% conf - lists of potentially conflicting spots and grain combinations,
% and the frequency of conflicts (no of spots in conflict
......@@ -81,6 +86,8 @@ if ~isfield(tol,'std') || isempty(tol.std)
tol.std = 4;
phaseID = grain{1}.phaseid;
fprintf('Processing phase #%d ...\n', phaseID)
%% Prepare input
......@@ -119,8 +126,9 @@ end
% Active grains
if isfield('grain','active')
actgr = gtFitAllGrainValues(grain,'active',[],1);
actgr = logical(actgr);
actgr = ones(length(grain), 1);
actgr = true(length(grain), 1);
......@@ -174,17 +182,20 @@ mean_bbu = mean(bbusrat);
mean_bbv = mean(bbvsrat);
mean_int = mean(intrat);
% Set limits within 3std
% Set limits within 3std; the abs(mean) value is added to allow for a
% bias (e.g. due to a geometry problem) that might affect just
% part of the spots (it may be unnecessary but allows for larger errors)
if ~isfield(tol,'u') || isempty(tol.u)
tol.u = mean(du(~isnan(du))) + tol.std*std_du;
tol.u = abs(mean(du(~isnan(du)))) + tol.std*std_du;
if ~isfield(tol,'v') || isempty(tol.v)
tol.v = mean(dv(~isnan(dv))) + tol.std*std_dv;
tol.v = abs(mean(dv(~isnan(dv)))) + tol.std*std_dv;
if ~isfield(tol,'w') || isempty(tol.w)
tol.w = mean(dw(~isnan(dw))) + tol.std*std_dw;
tol.w = abs(mean(dw(~isnan(dw)))) + tol.std*std_dw;
% The bounding box size ratios are always >1.
lim_bbuhi = mean_bbu + tol.std*std_bbu;
lim_bbvhi = mean_bbv + tol.std*std_bbv;
lim_inthi = mean_int + tol.std*std_int;
......@@ -339,14 +350,14 @@ disp('Creating output...')
% Cartesian coordinates of plane normals in the unstrained reference crystal
% (output plane normals are normalized)
Bmat = gtCrystHKL2CartesianMatrix(parameters.cryst.latticepar);
plref = gtCrystHKL2Cartesian(parameters.cryst.hklsp, Bmat);
Bmat = gtCrystHKL2CartesianMatrix(parameters.cryst(phaseID).latticepar);
plref = gtCrystHKL2Cartesian(parameters.cryst(phaseID).hklsp, Bmat);
% D-spacings in the undeformed reference crystal
dspref = parameters.cryst.dspacing;
dspref = parameters.cryst(phaseID).dspacing;
% Bins for hklsp indices
bins = 1:size(parameters.cryst.hklsp,2);
bins = 1:size(parameters.cryst(phaseID).hklsp,2);
spot.grainind = [];
spot.hklind = [];
......@@ -459,18 +470,18 @@ end
fprintf('\nTotal number of active grains: %d\n', sum(actgr))
fprintf('\nTotal number of diff. spots:\n')
fprintf(' indexed in input Friedel pairs: %d\n', nspots)
fprintf(' analysed in reindexing: %d\n', length(spin.grainind))
fprintf(' reindexed initially: %d\n', sum(spin.grainind > 0) + sum(conf.spotoverlap))
fprintf(' fitted to multiple grains: %d\n', sum(conf.spotoverlap))
fprintf(' indexed in input Friedel pairs: %d\n\n', nspots)
fprintf(' reindexed initially: + %d\n', sum(spin.grainind > 0) + sum(conf.spotoverlap))
fprintf(' fitted to multiple grains: - %d\n', sum(conf.spotoverlap))
disp(' (potential spot overlap)')
fprintf(' overlapped within the grains: %d\n', ovspot)
fprintf(' overlapped within the grains: - %d\n', ovspot)
disp(' (potential segmentation fault)')
fprintf(' indexed in final output: %d\n', okspot)
fprintf(' indexed in final output: = %d\n', okspot)
disp(' ')
fprintf('Potentially equivalent grain combinations: %d\n',length(conf.equigrains))
disp(' Grain index | Indexed spots | Overlapping spots')
disp(' Grain indices | No. of indexed spots | No. of overlapping spots')
for ii = 1:length(conf.equigrains)
% fprintf(' %5d -%5d %3d :%3d %3d\n', ...
% conf.equigrains(ii,1), ...
......@@ -484,14 +495,28 @@ for ii = 1:length(conf.equigrains)
disp(' ')
norig = 2*gtFitAllGrainValues(grain,'nof_pairs');
nnew = gtFitAllGrainValues(grain,'spot','numspots');
figure('name','Number of indexed spots per grain')
hold on
xlabel('grain ID')
ylabel('Total no. of indexed spots per grain')
bar([norig(:), nnew(:)])
xlabel('Grain ID')
title('Total no. of indexed spots per grain')
legend('Indexed in Friedel pairs', 'Re-indexed individually','Location','NorthEast')
figure('name','Correlation of number of indexed spots per grain')
ha = axes;
hold on
im = accumarray([nnew(:), norig(:)]+1, ones(1,length(norig)), [max(nnew), max(norig)]+1);
imagesc(im, 'Parent',ha);
xlabel('No. of spots indexed originally as Friedel pairs')
ylabel('No. of reindexed spots')
title('Correlation of indexed spots per grain')
axis equal
set(ha, 'ydir','normal')
plot([0 max(norig)], [0 max(norig)], 'w-.')
end % of function
\ No newline at end of file
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