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Commit 13825c43 authored by Nicola Vigano's avatar Nicola Vigano
Browse files

gtCalculateGrain: restored old fashioned ordering of reflections!

It gives the exact same order of the omegas as the old non parallel gtCalculateGrain.

Signed-off-by: default avatarNicola Vigano <>
parent e461a46e
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......@@ -158,15 +158,23 @@ pls4(:, todel, :) = [];
St4(:, :, todel, :) = [];
pl(:, todel) = [];
plorig4 = repmat(pl, [1, 1, 4]);
thetatypesp = cryst.thetatypesp(~todel);
thetatypesp = reshape(thetatypesp, [], 1);
hkl = cryst.hkl(:, thetatypesp)';
hklsp = cryst.hklsp(:, ~todel)';
hklsp = cryst.hklsp(:, ~todel)';
thetatypesp4 = repmat(thetatypesp, [1, 4]);
hkl4 = repmat(hkl, [1, 1, 4]);
hklsp4 = repmat(hklsp, [1, 1, 4]);
hklsp4(:, :, [3 4]) = -hklsp4(:, :, [3 4]);
sinth4 = repmat(sinth', [1 4])';
theta4 = repmat(theta', [1 4])';
%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% % Following the convention of the matching output, the omega value
% % smaller than 180deg (spot "a") is used in the pair data.
% % The two Friedel pairs are 1a-1b and 2a-2b.
chind4 = om4(1, :) > om4(3, :);
......@@ -185,14 +193,32 @@ omind4([2, 4], chind4) = omind4([4, 2], chind4);
St4(:, :, chind4, [2, 4]) = St4(:, :, chind4, [4, 2]);
%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Four omegas of the plane normal (1-3 and 2-4 are the two Friedel pairs):
% % But the two Friedel pairs are going to be 1a-1b and 2a-2b.
pllab4(:, :, [2, 3]) = pllab4(:, :, [3, 2]);
pls4(:, :, [2, 3]) = pls4(:, :, [3, 2]);
om4([2, 3], :) = om4([3, 2], :);
omind4([2, 3], :) = omind4([3, 2], :);
St4(:, :, :, [2, 3]) = St4(:, :, :, [3, 2]);
hklsp4(:, :, [2, 3]) = hklsp4(:, :, [3, 2]);
%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
om = reshape(om4, [], 1)';
omind = reshape(omind4, [], 1)';
sinth = reshape(sinth4, [], 1);
theta = reshape(theta4, [], 1);
pllab = reshape(permute(pllab4, [1 3 2]), 3, []);
pls = reshape(permute(pls4, [1 3 2]), 3, []);
plorig = reshape(permute(plorig4, [1 3 2]), 3, []);
St = reshape(permute(St4, [1 2 4 3]), 3, 3, []);
om = reshape(om4', [], 1)';
omind = reshape(omind4', [], 1)';
sinth = reshape(sinth, [], 1);
theta = reshape(theta, [], 1);
pllab = reshape(pllab4, 3, []);
pls = reshape(pls4, 3, []);
St = reshape(St4, 3, 3, []);
thetatypesp = reshape(thetatypesp4', [], 1);
hkl = reshape(permute(hkl4, [3 1 2]), [], 3);
hklsp = reshape(permute(hklsp4, [3 1 2]), [], 3);
% Diffraction vectors % takes coloumn vectors
dveclab = gtFedPredictDiffVecMultiple(pllab, beamdir);
......@@ -214,14 +240,14 @@ uvw = gtFedPredictUVWMultiple(St, dveclab, csam_v, detpos, detnorm, Qdet, uvorig
% Initialse output variables
grain.allblobs.uvw = uvw';
grain.allblobs.uv = uvw(1:2, :)';
grain.allblobs.plorig = [pl'; pl'; pl'; pl'];
grain.allblobs.plorig = plorig'; = pls';
grain.allblobs.pllab = pllab';
grain.allblobs.hkl = [hkl; hkl; hkl; hkl];
grain.allblobs.hklsp = [hklsp; -hklsp; hklsp; -hklsp];
grain.allblobs.sintheta = [sinth; sinth; sinth; sinth];
grain.allblobs.theta = [theta; theta; theta; theta];
grain.allblobs.thetatype = [thetatypesp; thetatypesp; thetatypesp; thetatypesp];
grain.allblobs.hkl = hkl;
grain.allblobs.hklsp = hklsp;
grain.allblobs.sintheta = sinth;
grain.allblobs.theta = theta;
grain.allblobs.thetatype = thetatypesp; = om';
grain.allblobs.omind = omind';
grain.allblobs.dvec = dveclab';
function [om, pllab, plsigned, Srot] = gtFedPredictOmega(pl, sinth, beamdir, rotdir, rotcomp)
function [om, pllab, plsigned, Srot, omind] = gtFedPredictOmega(pl, sinth, beamdir, rotdir, rotcomp)
% FUNCTION [om,pllab,plsigned, Srot] = gtFedPredictOmega(pl,sinth,beamdir,rotdir,rotcomp)
% Predicts the four omega angles where diffraction occurs for a plane normal pl
......@@ -75,14 +75,17 @@ if all(isnan(om))
pllab = [];
plsigned = [];
Srot = [];
omind = [];
om = mod(om, 360);
omind = [1; 2; 3; 4];
% Exchange om1 and om2 if om1 > om2
if (om(1) > om(2))
om(1:2) = [om(2) om(1)];
omind(1:2) = [omind(2) omind(1)];
% Rotation matrix for each omega
......@@ -104,6 +107,8 @@ or3 = tempCrossProd * pllab(:, 3);
if ((or1 * or3) > 0) % orientation is not opposite, exchange om3 to om4
om(3:4) = [om(4) om(3)];
omind(3:4) = [omind(4) omind(3)];
Srot(:, :, [3 4]) = Srot(:, :, [4 3]);
pllab(:, 3:4) = [pllab(:, 4) pllab(:, 3)];
......@@ -133,111 +133,102 @@ if ~isempty(omind)
plsigned = ss3.*pl;
%% All four omega indices
om = NaN(4,nn);
% Diffraction condition 1
% Pl_rot and beamdir dotproduct equals -sin(th)
CC = C + sinth;
DD = D - CC.^2;
ok = DD > 0;
E = sqrt(DD(ok));
om(1,ok) = 2*atand((-B(ok)-E)./(CC(ok)-A(ok)));
om(2,ok) = 2*atand((-B(ok)+E)./(CC(ok)-A(ok)));
om(1, ok) = 2*atand((-B(ok)-E)./(CC(ok)-A(ok)));
om(2, ok) = 2*atand((-B(ok)+E)./(CC(ok)-A(ok)));
% Diffraction condition 2
% Pl_rot and beamdir dotproduct equals +sin(th)
CC = C - sinth;
DD = D - CC.^2;
ok = DD > 0;
E = sqrt(DD(ok));
om(3,ok) = 2*atand((-B(ok)+E)./(CC(ok)-A(ok)));
om(4,ok) = 2*atand((-B(ok)-E)./(CC(ok)-A(ok)));
om(3, ok) = 2*atand((-B(ok)+E)./(CC(ok)-A(ok)));
om(4, ok) = 2*atand((-B(ok)-E)./(CC(ok)-A(ok)));
% Limit range
om = mod(om,360);
om = mod(om, 360);
% Omegea indices
omind = [1; 2; 3; 4];
omind = omind(:,ones(1,nn));
omind = omind(:, ones(1, nn));
% For output conventions:
% make sure om1 is smaller then om2
chom = om(1,:) > om(2,:);
om(1:2,chom) = [om(2,chom); om(1,chom)];
omind(1:2,chom) = [omind(2,chom); omind(1,chom)];
% make sure om1 is smaller than om2
chom = om(1, :) > om(2, :);
om([1 2], chom) = om([2 1], chom);
omind([1 2], chom) = omind([2 1], chom);
plsigned = zeros(3,nn,4);
plsigned(:,:,1) = pl;
plsigned(:,:,2) = pl;
plsigned(:,:,3) = -pl;
plsigned(:,:,4) = -pl;
plsigned = zeros(3, nn, 4);
plsigned(:, :, 1) = pl;
plsigned(:, :, 2) = pl;
plsigned(:, :, 3) = -pl;
plsigned(:, :, 4) = -pl;
% Get rotation matrices and multpily the input plane normals to get
% them in the diffracting position (avoid looping)
rot(:,:,:,4) = gtMathsRotationTensor(om(4,:), rotcomp);
rot(:,:,:,3) = gtMathsRotationTensor(om(3,:), rotcomp);
rot(:,:,:,2) = gtMathsRotationTensor(om(2,:), rotcomp);
rot(:,:,:,1) = gtMathsRotationTensor(om(1,:), rotcomp);
plt = reshape(pl,1,[]);
plt = plt([1 1 1],:);
plrot = reshape(rot,3,[]).*[plt, plt, plt, plt];
plrot = plrot(:,1:3:end) + plrot(:,2:3:end) + plrot(:,3:3:end);
plrot = reshape(plrot,3,nn,[]);
rot(:, :, :, 4) = gtMathsRotationTensor(om(4, :), rotcomp);
rot(:, :, :, 3) = gtMathsRotationTensor(om(3, :), rotcomp);
rot(:, :, :, 2) = gtMathsRotationTensor(om(2, :), rotcomp);
rot(:, :, :, 1) = gtMathsRotationTensor(om(1, :), rotcomp);
plt = reshape(pl, 1, []);
plt = plt([1 1 1], :);
plrot = reshape(rot, 3, []) .* [plt, plt, plt, plt];
plrot = plrot(:, 1:3:end) + plrot(:, 2:3:end) + plrot(:, 3:3:end);
plrot = reshape(plrot, 3, nn, []);
% Exchange om3 and om4 if needed, so that om1-om3 and om2-om4 are the
% opposite reflections (Friedel pairs in case the rotation axis is
% perpendicular to the beam).
% Midplane of setup is defined by beam direction and rotation axis.
% This is needed to consider consistently all possible setups where
% the beam and rotation axis are not perpendicular.
% Cross product beamdir and rotdir
br = [beamdir(2,:)*rotdir(3) - beamdir(3,:)*rotdir(2); ...
beamdir(3,:)*rotdir(1) - beamdir(1,:)*rotdir(3); ...
beamdir(1,:)*rotdir(2) - beamdir(2,:)*rotdir(1)];
br = [ beamdir(2, :) * rotdir(3) - beamdir(3, :) * rotdir(2); ...
beamdir(3, :) * rotdir(1) - beamdir(1, :) * rotdir(3); ...
beamdir(1, :) * rotdir(2) - beamdir(2, :) * rotdir(1) ];
% Dot product of br and pllab
if size(beamdir,1)==3 && size(beamdir,2)==1
dot1 = br'*plrot(:,:,1);
dot3 = br'*plrot(:,:,3);
if (size(beamdir, 1) == 3) && (size(beamdir, 2) == 1)
dot1 = br' * plrot(:, :, 1);
dot3 = br' * plrot(:, :, 3);
dot1 = sum(br.*plrot(:,:,1),1);
dot3 = sum(br.*plrot(:,:,3),1);
dot1 = sum(br .* plrot(:, :, 1), 1);
dot3 = sum(br .* plrot(:, :, 3), 1);
% Indices to be swapped
chom = (((dot1.*dot3) > 0) & ~isnan(dot1) & ~isnan(dot3)) ;
chom = (((dot1 .* dot3) > 0) & ~isnan(dot1) & ~isnan(dot3)) ;
% Swap 3rd and 4th
om([3,4],chom) = om([4,3],chom);
omind([3,4],chom) = omind([4,3],chom);
plrot(:,chom,[3,4]) = plrot(:,chom,[4,3]);
rot(:,:,chom,[3,4]) = rot(:,:,chom,[4,3]);
om([3 4], chom) = om([4 3], chom);
omind([3 4], chom) = omind([4 3], chom);
plrot(:, chom, [3 4]) = plrot(:, chom, [4 3]);
rot(:, :, chom, [3 4]) = rot(:, :, chom, [4 3]);
% Change all pllab to opposite direction
plrot(:,:,[3,4]) = -plrot(:,:,[3,4]);
plrot(:, :, [3 4]) = -plrot(:, :, [3 4]);
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