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Commit 057b51a0 authored by Laura Nervo's avatar Laura Nervo Committed by Nicola Vigano
Browse files

Crystallography :

- add to gtReadSpaceGroup the crystal_system info
- adapt gtSetup code
- remove from gtCalculateDist the crystal_system calculation

Signed-off-by: default avatarLaura Nervo <>

git-svn-id: 4c865b51-4357-4376-afb4-474e03ccb993
parent 026a8e77
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......@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ function gtSetup()
% GTSETUP Sets up the parameters file for the experiment
% gtSetup()
% ---------
% Version 011 14-05-2012 by LNervo
% Modify gtReadSpaceGroup to give lattice and crystal systems
% Version 010.1 03-05-2012 by LNervo
% Add lab2sam and sam2lab definition in samgeo
......@@ -342,13 +346,12 @@ for ii = 1 : parameters.acq.nof_phases
parameters.cryst(ii) = gtAddMatFile(parameters.cryst(ii),cif,true,true,false);
clear cif
[lattice,~] = gtReadSpaceGroup(parameters.cryst(ii).spacegroup);
if isempty(lattice)
parameters.cryst(ii).lattice_system = parameters.cryst(ii).crystal_system;
parameters.cryst(ii).lattice_system = lattice;
clear lattice
% crystal_system should be read from .cif file
% it is overwritten here
[lattice_system, crystal_system, ~] = gtReadSpaceGroup(parameters.cryst(ii).spacegroup);
parameters.cryst(ii).lattice_system = lattice_system;
parameters.cryst(ii).crystal_system = crystal_system;
clear lattice_system crystal_system
disp('Saving parameters.mat in the analysis directory...')
function [dsp,twotheta,crystal_system] = gtCalculateDist(hkl,cryst,energy)
function [dsp,twotheta] = gtCalculateDist(hkl,cryst,energy)
% GTCALCULATEDIST Calculates d-spacing and twice the Bragg angle for a
% given hkl. Also gives crystal and lattice system of the spacegroup.
% [dsp,twotheta,crystal_system] = gtCalculateDist(hkl,cryst,energy)
% -----------------------------------------------------------------
% GTCALCULATEDIST Calculates d-spacing and twice the Bragg angle for a given hkl
% [dsp,twotheta] = gtCalculateDist(hkl,cryst,energy)
% --------------------------------------------------
% hkl - row vector of Miller indices;
% size 1x3 or 1x4 for hexagonal
% cryst.latticepar - lattice parameters
......@@ -13,14 +12,15 @@ function [dsp,twotheta,crystal_system] = gtCalculateDist(hkl,cryst,energy)
% cryst.hermann_mauguin - Hermann-Mauguin symbol
% energy - beam energy in keV
% dsp - d-spacing of the specified hkl family
% twotheta - twice the Bragg angle of the specified hkl family
% crystal_system - crystallographic crystal system of the specified
% spacegroup
% Version 005 14-05-2012 by LNervo
% Remove crystal_system calculation
% Version 004 14-03-2012 by PReischig
% Addition of lattice system as output; formatting.
% formatting.
% Version 003 08-03-2012 by PReischig
% Seperated 'parameters' input into 'cryst' and 'energy'.
......@@ -69,8 +69,7 @@ end
% Spacegroups
if between(spacegroup,1,2)
crystal = 'triclinic'; % a ~= b ~= c; alpha ~= beta ~= gamma ~= 90
if between(spacegroup,1,2) % crystal_system = 'triclinic'; % a ~= b ~= c; alpha ~= beta ~= gamma ~= 90
Y = h^2/a^2*(sind(alpha))^2 + k^2/b^2*(sind(beta))^2 + l^2/c^2*(sind(gamma))^2;
Z = 2*k*l/b/c*(cosd(beta) *cosd(gamma) - cosd(alpha)) + ...
......@@ -81,34 +80,30 @@ if between(spacegroup,1,2)
if between(spacegroup,3,15)
crystal = 'monoclinic'; % a ~= b ~= c; alpha = gamma = 90 ~= beta
if between(spacegroup,3,15) % crystal_system = 'monoclinic'; % a ~= b ~= c; alpha = gamma = 90 ~= beta
invdsp2 = h^2/(a*sind(beta))^2 + k^2/b^2 + l^2/(c*sind(beta))^2 - ...
(2*h*l*cosd(beta)) / (a*c*(sind(beta))^2);
if between(spacegroup,16,74)
crystal = 'orthorhombic'; % a ~= b ~= c; alpha = beta = gamma = 90
if between(spacegroup,16,74) % crystal_system = 'orthorhombic'; % a ~= b ~= c; alpha = beta = gamma = 90
invdsp2 = h^2/a^2 + k^2/b^2 + l^2/c^2;
if between(spacegroup,75,142)
crystal = 'tetragonal'; % a = b ~= c; alpha = beta = gamma = 90
if between(spacegroup,75,142) % crystal_system = 'tetragonal'; % a = b ~= c; alpha = beta = gamma = 90
if between(spacegroup,143,167)
crystal = 'trigonal';
if between(spacegroup,143,167) % crystal_system = 'trigonal';
if ~isempty(strfind(hermann,'P')) % hexagonal lattice
if ~isempty(strfind(hermann,'P')) % hexagonal lattice_system
% a1 = a2 = a3 ~= c; alpha = beta = 90; gamma = 120
invdsp2 = 4/(3*a^2) * (h^2 + k^2 + h*k) + l^2/c^2;
elseif ~isempty(strfind(hermann,'R')) % rhombohedral lattice
elseif ~isempty(strfind(hermann,'R')) % rhombohedral lattice_system
% a = b = c; alpha = beta = gamma ~= 90
Y1 = h^2 + k^2 + h*k;
......@@ -121,14 +116,12 @@ if between(spacegroup,143,167)
if between(spacegroup,168,194) || spacegroup==663 % snow case
crystal = 'hexagonal'; % a1 = a2 = a3 ~= c; alpha = beta = 90; gamma = 120
if between(spacegroup,168,194) || spacegroup==663 % crystal_system = 'hexagonal'; % a1 = a2 = a3 ~= c; alpha = beta = 90; gamma = 120
invdsp2 = 4/(3*a^2)*(h^2 + k^2 + h*k) + l^2/c^2;
if between(spacegroup,195,230)
crystal = 'cubic'; % a = b = c; alpha = beta = gamma = 90
if between(spacegroup,195,230) % crystal_system = 'cubic'; % a = b = c; alpha = beta = gamma = 90
invdsp2 = (h^2+k^2+l^2)/a^2;
......@@ -140,6 +133,4 @@ dsp = 1/(invdsp2)^0.5;
% 2theta
twotheta = 2*asind(lambda/(2*dsp));
crystal_system = crystal;
end % end of function
function [lattice,table]=gtReadSpaceGroup(sg)
function [lattice, crystal, table] = gtReadSpaceGroup(sg)
% GTREADSPACEGROUP Read the spacegroup and give the hermann_mauguin symbol
% [lattice,table]=gtReadSpaceGroup(sg)
% ------------------------------------
% [lattice, crystal, table] = gtReadSpaceGroup(sg)
% ------------------------------------------------
% sg = spacegroup to look at <double>
% lattice = lattice system for this spacegroup
% table = mhashtable with spacegroup,hermann_mauguin
% crystal = crystal system for this spacegroup
% table = mhashtable with 'spacegroup' : hermann_mauguin symbol
% Version 003 14-05-2012 by LNervo
% Add lattice system calculation
fid=fopen( fullfile( getenv('USER'), 'matlabDCT', 'zUtil_Cryst','spacegroups.dat' ),'r');
C=textscan(fid,'%s %d','delimiter','\t','commentstyle','matlab');
......@@ -29,15 +32,50 @@ end
if between(sg,143,167)
if ~isempty(strfind(herm,'P')) % hexagonal lattice
lattice = 'hexagonal'; % a1 = a2 = a3 ~= c; alpha = beta = 90; gamma = 120
% Spacegroups
if between(sg,1,2)
crystal = 'triclinic'; % a ~= b ~= c; alpha ~= beta ~= gamma ~= 90
lattice = 'triclinic';
if between(sg,3,15)
crystal = 'monoclinic'; % a ~= b ~= c; alpha = gamma = 90 ~= beta
lattice = 'monoclinic';
if between(sg,16,74)
crystal = 'orthorhombic'; % a ~= b ~= c; alpha = beta = gamma = 90
lattice = 'orthorhombic';
if between(sg,75,142)
crystal = 'tetragonal'; % a = b ~= c; alpha = beta = gamma = 90
lattice = 'tetragonal';
if between(sg,143,167)
crystal = 'trigonal';
if ~isempty(strfind(herm,'P')) % hexagonal lattice
% a1 = a2 = a3 ~= c; alpha = beta = 90; gamma = 120
lattice = 'hexagonal';
elseif ~isempty(strfind(herm,'R')) % rhombohedral lattice
lattice = 'rhombohedral'; % a = b = c; alpha = beta = gamma ~= 90
% a = b = c; alpha = beta = gamma ~= 90
lattice = 'rhombohedral';
lattice ='';
if between(sg,168,194) || sg==663 % snow case
crystal = 'hexagonal'; % a1 = a2 = a3 ~= c; alpha = beta = 90; gamma = 120
lattice = 'hexagonal';
if between(sg,195,230)
crystal = 'cubic'; % a = b = c; alpha = beta = gamma = 90
lattice = 'cubic';
end % end of function
\ No newline at end of file
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