Addition of the complete matching GUI in folder 3_pairmatchingGUI. Addition of gtGeo functions to handle arbitrary geometry in folder zUtil_Geo. The new folders added to the path in initialise_gt. Addition of general maths functions in folder zUtil_Maths. No files removed at this stage. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/dct/code/trunk@245 4c865b51-4357-4376-afb4-474e03ccb993
Addition of the complete matching GUI in folder 3_pairmatchingGUI. Addition of gtGeo functions to handle arbitrary geometry in folder zUtil_Geo. The new folders added to the path in initialise_gt. Addition of general maths functions in folder zUtil_Maths. No files removed at this stage. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/dct/code/trunk@245 4c865b51-4357-4376-afb4-474e03ccb993
gtMatchUpdateUsedReflections.m 4.72 KiB
function handles = gtMatchUpdateUsedReflections(handles,flag)
% Updates theta table in the main GUI when a phase is (de)selected.
% Use flag=1, if there has been a change in used phases or lattice parameters.
% Reflection data in this macro is sorted in 3 different sets:
% 'all' : all reflections for the active phases
% 'Sorted': 'all' sorted in ascending order
% 'Unique': 'sorted' uniqued and sorted in ascending order
% 'Used' : those of unique which have been ticked
% If the active phases have changed
if flag
%% Sorted reflections
% Collect reflections from all used phases
allthetas = [];
allphasetypes = [];
allhkls = [];
allthetainds = [];
allints = [];
for ip = handles.UsedPhases
allthetas = [allthetas, handles.CompPhaseThetas{ip}];
allphasetypes = [allphasetypes, repmat(ip,1,length(handles.CompPhaseThetas{ip}))];
allhkls = [allhkls, handles.CompPhaseHKLs{ip}];
allthetainds = [allthetainds, handles.CompThetaIndices{ip}];
allints = [allints, handles.CompIntensities{ip}];
% Arrange thetas in ascending order, record phase type:
[handles.SortedThetas,theta_ind] = sort(allthetas);
handles.SortedPhaseTypes = allphasetypes(theta_ind);
handles.SortedThetaIndices = allthetainds(theta_ind);
handles.SortedHKLs = allhkls(:,theta_ind);
handles.SortedIntensities = allints(theta_ind);
% Create table content of active phases
thetatable = cell(length(handles.SortedThetas),6);
for ii = 1:length(handles.SortedThetas)
thetatable{ii,1} = handles.SortedThetas(ii);
thetatable{ii,2} = [' ', handles.PhaseNames{handles.SortedPhaseTypes(ii)}];
thetatable{ii,4} = handles.SortedIntensities(ii);
thetatable{ii,6} = handles.CompThetasTicked{...
hkltext = num2str(handles.SortedHKLs(:,ii)');
hkltext(hkltext==' ') = [];
hkltext = [' {', hkltext, '}'];
thetatable{ii,3} = hkltext;
% Warning in table if a theta value belongs to more than one reflection
% or phase
for it = 1:length(handles.SortedThetas)
wt = find(abs(handles.SortedThetas(it)-handles.SortedThetas)<=handles.ThetaUniqueTol);
if length(wt) > 1
thetatable{it,5} = ' !! ';
thetatable{it,5} = ' ';
%% Lattice parameters table
if isempty(handles.UsedPhases)
tablesize = size(handles.LatticeParTable(:,:,1));
ph = handles.UsedPhases(get(handles.Phases_Listbox_Active,'Value'));
%% Used reflections
% Collect reflections from all used phases
allthetas = [];
allphasetypes = [];
allhkls = [];
allthetainds = [];
for ip = handles.UsedPhases
allthetas = [allthetas, handles.CompPhaseThetas{ip}(handles.CompThetasTicked{ip})];
allphasetypes = [allphasetypes, repmat(ip,1,sum(handles.CompThetasTicked{ip}))];
allhkls = [allhkls, handles.CompPhaseHKLs{ip}(:,handles.CompThetasTicked{ip})];
allthetainds = [allthetainds, handles.CompThetaIndices{ip}(handles.CompThetasTicked{ip})];
% Find unique thetas in ascending order (NaNs ignored), record phase type:
[handles.UsedThetas,theta_ind] = gtMathsUniqueTol(allthetas,handles.ThetaUniqueTol,0);
handles.UsedPhaseTypes = allphasetypes(theta_ind);
handles.UsedThetaIndices = allthetainds(theta_ind);
handles.UsedHKLs = allhkls(:,theta_ind);
handles.UsedHKLUnique = false(1,length(theta_ind));
% If a theta value belongs to more than one reflection or phase,
% it cannot be identified in matching, so set these to NaN.
for it = 1:length(handles.UsedThetas)
% Indices with the same thetas
wt = abs(handles.UsedThetas(it)-allthetas) <= handles.ThetaUniqueTol;
if sum(wt) > 1
handles.UsedHKLUnique(it) = false;
handles.UsedHKLUnique(it) = true;
% If they belong to more than one phase
if length(unique(allphasetypes(wt))) > 1
handles.UsedPhaseTypes(it) = NaN;
handles.UsedHKLs(:,it) = NaN;