preischig authored
preischig <preischig@gmail.com>
preischig authoredSigned-off-by:
preischig <preischig@gmail.com>
gtCrystSetupPhase.m 1.27 KiB
function cryst = gtCrystSetupPhase(cryst, energy)
% GTCRYSTSETUPPHASE Sets and fills the symmetry and energy related fields
% for a crystallographic phase (field parameters.cryst).
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% cryst = gtCrystSetupPhase(cryst, energy)
% A user function intended for manually setting crystallography info,
% if the {hkl} reflections and lattice parameters and spacegroup are
% known. Manual setting may be needed when gtSetup fails.
% cryst = crystallographic phase info
% .hkl
% .latticepar
% .crystal_system
% .spacegroup
% .int
% Additional fields to cryst.
% Version 001 18-12-2013 by PReischig
sr = gtSymmetricReflections(cryst, energy);
nn = size(cryst.hkl,2);
Bmat = gtCrystHKL2CartesianMatrix(cryst.latticepar);
cryst.symm = gtCrystGetSymmetryOperators(cryst.crystal_system);
cryst.thetatype = 1:nn;
cryst.dspacing = gtCrystDSpacing(cryst.hkl, Bmat);
cryst.theta = gtCrystTheta(cryst.dspacing, energy);
cryst.hklsp = sr.hklsp;
cryst.thetasp = sr.thetasp;
cryst.dspacingsp = sr.dspacingsp;
cryst.thetatypesp = sr.thetatypesp;
cryst.intsp = sr.intsp;
cryst.mult = sr.mult;