Nicola Vigano authored
Nicola Vigano <nicola.vigano@esrf.fr>
Nicola Vigano authoredSigned-off-by:
Nicola Vigano <nicola.vigano@esrf.fr>
gtEBSDLoadMapEulerCSVFile.m 1.87 KiB
function [EBSD_e_map, EBSD_r_map] = gtEBSDLoadMapEulerCSVFile(filename, axes_perm)
% function [EBSD_e_map, EBSD_r_map] = gtEBSDLoadMapEulerCSVFile(filename, axes_perm)
% Axes permutation allows to easily deal with different reference
% systems, like for instance:
% DCT Axes <-> EBSD Axes ([x y z] <-> [x'y'z'])
% x = -y'
% y = z'
% z = -x'
% Translates to: axes_perm = [-2 3 -1]
% NOTE: Only the Rodrigues vector map has the axes changed!
c = tic();
fprintf('Reading from file: "%s"..', filename);
fid = fopen(filename);
sizes = fscanf(fid, 'Width,%d\nHeight,%d\nX Position,Y Position,Eul 1,Eul 2,Eul 3\n')';
input = fscanf(fid, '%d,%d,%f,%f,%f');
fprintf('\b\b, Done in %f seconds.\n', toc(c));
c = tic();
fprintf('Converting to Euler and Rodriguez maps..');
xx = input(1:5:end)+1;
yy = input(2:5:end)+1;
ea1 = input(3:5:end);
ea2 = input(4:5:end);
ea3 = input(5:5:end);
sizes = sizes([2 1]);
EBSD_e_map = zeros([sizes 3], 'single');
ii = sub2ind([sizes, 3], yy, xx, 1 * ones(size(xx)));
EBSD_e_map(ii) = ea1;
ii = sub2ind([sizes, 3], yy, xx, 2 * ones(size(xx)));
EBSD_e_map(ii) = ea2;
ii = sub2ind([sizes, 3], yy, xx, 3 * ones(size(xx)));
EBSD_e_map(ii) = ea3;
EBSD_e_map = EBSD_e_map * 180 / pi;
dmvol_EBSD_e_map = permute(EBSD_e_map, [1 2 4 3]);
[gvdm_EBSD_e_map, size_dmvol_EBSD_map] = gtDefDmvol2Gvdm(dmvol_EBSD_e_map);
gvdm_EBSD_r_map = gtMathsEuler2Rod(gvdm_EBSD_e_map);
dmvol_EBSD_r_map = gtDefGvdm2Dmvol(gvdm_EBSD_r_map, size_dmvol_EBSD_map);
EBSD_r_map = reshape(dmvol_EBSD_r_map, [sizes 3]);
EBSD_r_map = EBSD_r_map(:, :, abs(axes_perm));
negative = axes_perm < 0;
EBSD_r_map(:, :, negative) = - EBSD_r_map(:, :, negative);
fprintf('\b\b, Done in %f seconds.\n', toc(c));