Laura Nervo authored
I hope you will found it useful Signed-off-by:
Laura Nervo <laura.nervo@esrf.fr> ****************************************************************** MATGEOM Geometric Computing Toolbox Version 1.0 21-Mar-2011 . MatGeom Provides low-level functions for geometric computing. It is possible to create, display, compute intersections... of various geometrical primitives, in 2D and 3D. The library is organized into several modules: geom2d - General function in euclidean plane polygons2d - Functions operating on point lists graphs - Manipulation of geometric graphs polynomialCurves2d - Representation of smooth polynomial curves geom3d - General function in 3D euclidean space meshes3d - Manipulation of 3D surfacic meshes Type "help matGeom" to have more details. ******************************************************************
Laura Nervo authoredI hope you will found it useful Signed-off-by:
Laura Nervo <laura.nervo@esrf.fr> ****************************************************************** MATGEOM Geometric Computing Toolbox Version 1.0 21-Mar-2011 . MatGeom Provides low-level functions for geometric computing. It is possible to create, display, compute intersections... of various geometrical primitives, in 2D and 3D. The library is organized into several modules: geom2d - General function in euclidean plane polygons2d - Functions operating on point lists graphs - Manipulation of geometric graphs polynomialCurves2d - Representation of smooth polynomial curves geom3d - General function in 3D euclidean space meshes3d - Manipulation of 3D surfacic meshes Type "help matGeom" to have more details. ******************************************************************
meshVolume.m 1.18 KiB
function vol = meshVolume(vertices, edges, faces)
%MESHVOLUME Volume of the space enclosed by a polygonal mesh
% output = meshVolume(input)
% Example
% % computes the volume of a unit cube (should be equal to 1...)
% [v f] = createCube;
% meshVolume(v, f)
% ans =
% 1
% See also
% meshes3d, meshSurfaceArea, tetrahedronVolume
% ------
% Author: David Legland
% e-mail: david.legland@grignon.inra.fr
% Created: 2012-10-01, using Matlab (R2009b)
% Copyright 2012 INRA - Cepia Software Platform.
% 2013-08-16 speed improvement by Sven Holcombe
% check input number
if nargin == 2
faces = edges;
% ensure mesh has triangle faces
faces = triangulateFaces(faces);
% initialize an array of volume
nFaces = size(faces, 1);
vols = zeros(nFaces, 1);
% Shift all vertices to the mesh centroid
vertices = bsxfun(@minus, vertices, mean(vertices,1));
% compute volume of each tetraedron
for i = 1:nFaces
% consider the tetrahedron formed by face and mesh centroid
tetra = vertices(faces(i, :), :);
% volume of current tetrahedron
vols(i) = det(tetra) / 6;
vol = sum(vols);