Wolfgang Ludwig authored
to be checked if it can handle different projection axis, correctly... Signed-off-by:
Wolfgang Ludwig <wolfgang.ludwig@esrf.fr>
Wolfgang Ludwig authoredto be checked if it can handle different projection axis, correctly... Signed-off-by:
Wolfgang Ludwig <wolfgang.ludwig@esrf.fr>
gtCrystVector2SST.m 5.11 KiB
function [rgb, Vsst, Vsst_p, Vc_symm] = gtCrystVector2SST(Vc, crystal_system, symm, saturate)
% GTCRYSTVECTOR2SST Moves crystal vectors to SST zone.
% [rgb, Vsst, Vsst_p, Vc_symm] = gtCrystVector2SST(Vc, crystal_system, symm[, saturate])
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Vc = <double> Row vectors expressed in crystal frame
% crystal_system = <string> Crystal system type ('cubic'|'hexagonal')
% symm = <cell> Symmetry operators (recomputed if empty)
% saturate = <logical> Saturate or not the RGB output {true}
% rgb = <double> RGB colors in the SST triangle
% Vsst = <double> Vc vectors moved to the SST triangle
% Vsst_p = <double> Vc vectors moved to the SST triangle,
% projected on the equatorial plane
% Vc_symm = <double> Vc vectors in the crystal frame using
% symmetry
% Version 002 18-01-2013 by LNervo
% Version 001 15-10-2012 by YGuilhem
if (~exist('saturate', 'var') || isempty(saturate))
saturate = true;
% Get symmetry operators and store g3 operators into an array
if (~exist('symm', 'var') || isempty(symm))
symm = gtCrystGetSymmetryOperators(crystal_system);
symm = reshape(cell2mat({symm.g3}), 3, 3, []);
% All equivalents by symm
symm = cat(3, symm, -symm);
% Here we want to do a vectorized call to get Vc_symm = symm * Vc
% It is simportant to get symmetry operator index as first index
Vc_symm = gtVectorLab2Cryst(Vc, symm, 1:3);
Vc_symm = permute(Vc_symm, [2 3 1]);
x = Vc_symm(:, :, 1);
y = Vc_symm(:, :, 2);
z = Vc_symm(:, :, 3);
% Define angles
% phi : rotation around 001 axis,
% from 100 axis to Vc vector,
% projected on (100,010) plane
Vc_phi = atan2(y, x) .* 180 ./ pi;
% chi : rotation around 010 axis,
% from 001 axis to Vc vector,
% projected on (100,001) plane
Vc_chi = atan2(x, z) .* 180 ./ pi;
% psi : angle from 001 axis to Vc vector
Vc_psi = acosd(z);
switch (crystal_system)
case {'cubic', 'cub'}
anglesR = 45 - Vc_chi; % red color proportional to (45 - chi)
minAngleR = 0;
maxAngleR = 45;
anglesB = Vc_phi; % blue color proportional to phi
minAngleB = 0;
maxAngleB = 45;
case {'tetragonal', 'tet'} % for the moment we treat this as cubic
anglesR = 90 - Vc_psi; % red color proportional to (90 - psi)
minAngleR = 0;
maxAngleR = 90;
anglesB = Vc_phi; % blue color proportional to phi
minAngleB = 0;
maxAngleB = 45;
case {'hexagonal', 'hex'}
anglesR = 90 - Vc_psi; % red color proportional to (90 - psi)
minAngleR = 0;
maxAngleR = 90;
anglesB = Vc_phi; % blue color proportional to phi
minAngleB = 0;
maxAngleB = 30;
gtError('gtCrystVector2SST:wrong_crystal_system', ...
'Unsupported crystal system!');
% Pick equiv that is in our triangle
iSST = (anglesR >= minAngleR) ...
& (anglesR < maxAngleR) ...
& (anglesB >= minAngleB) ...
& (anglesB < maxAngleB);
ok = squeeze(sum(iSST, 1));
ok_no = (ok == 0);
ok_too = (ok > 1);
if any(ok_no)
warning('gtCrystVector2SST:no_indices_found', ...
'Problem when moving to SST triangle, no indices found for %d vectors over %d.', ...
numel(find(ok_no)), numel(ok));
% disp(' indices:');
% disp(find(ok_no));
% disp(' vectors:');
% disp(Vc(ok_no, :));
iSST(1, ok_no, :) = 1;
anglesR(1, ok_no, :) = 0;
anglesB(1, ok_no, :) = 0;
if any(ok_too)
warning('gtCrystVector2SST:too_many_indices_found', ...
'Might be a problem when moving to SST triangle, too many indices found!');
disp(' indices:');
disp(' vectors:');
disp(Vc(ok_too, :));
sub_iSST = iSST(:, ok_too, :);
[~, i_too_r] = max(sub_iSST, [], 1);
i_too = sub2ind(size(sub_iSST), i_too_r, 1:numel(i_too_r));
sub_iSST = false(size(sub_iSST));
sub_iSST(i_too) = true;
iSST(:, ok_too, :) = sub_iSST;
angleR = squeeze(anglesR(iSST));
angleB = squeeze(anglesB(iSST));
if (nargout > 1)
Vsst = reshape(Vc_symm(iSST(:, :, [1 1 1])), [], 3);
if nargout > 2
denom = 1 + Vsst(:, 3);
Vsst_p = Vsst(:, 1:2) ./ denom(:, [1 1]);
% Color map
red = angleR/maxAngleR;
green = (maxAngleR - angleR)/maxAngleR .* (maxAngleB - angleB)/maxAngleB;
blue = (maxAngleR - angleR)/maxAngleR .* angleB/maxAngleB;
rgb = [red green blue];
if saturate
rgb = gtCrystSaturateSSTColor(rgb);
end % end of function