Nicola Vigano authored
Nicola Vigano <nicola.vigano@esrf.fr>
Nicola Vigano authoredSigned-off-by:
Nicola Vigano <nicola.vigano@esrf.fr>
dct_utils_platform.py 8.89 KiB
Created on Jan 30, 2013
@author: ben
import subprocess
import os
import re
class UtilsFactory (object):
def getMachineDep():
import platform
machine = platform.machine()
system = platform.system()
hostname = platform.node()
if system == 'Linux':
distro = platform.linux_distribution()
ver_num_major = distro[1].split(".")[0]
distro = "".join([distro[0], ver_num_major])
return UtilsLinux(machine = machine, hostname = hostname, \
distro = distro)
raise SystemError("Unsupported system: '%s' on machine: '%s'" % (system, machine))
class UtilsInterface(object):
def __init__(self, machine, hostname):
self.machine = machine
self.hostname = hostname
def getUserConfDir(self, dct_version):
return ""
def getUserConfFile(self, dct_version, file_name):
return ""
def getSystemDescription(self):
return ""
def guessUserRealName(self):
return ""
def guessUserEmail(self):
return ""
def checkGitVersion(self, min_ver = [0, 0, 0, 0]):
subobj = subprocess.Popen(['git', '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
if subobj.poll() > 0:
raise SystemError("Git is not installed!")
output = subobj.stdout.read().split()
version = [int(piece) for piece in output[2].split('.')]
for indx in range(len(version)):
if (version[indx] < min_ver[indx]):
raise SystemError("Git version: %s is too old, upgrade to at least %s" % (output[2], "%d.%d.%d.%d" % min_ver))
return output[2]
def checkSvnServers(self):
svnservers = self._getSvnServersPath()
fid = open(svnservers, "r")
lines = fid.readlines()
searchPatterns = [("^\s*http-proxy-host = .*", "http-proxy-host = proxy.esrf.fr"), \
("^\s*http-proxy-port = .*", "http-proxy-port = 3128")]
for searchP, subP in searchPatterns:
for lineNum in range(len(lines)):
m = re.search(searchP, lines[lineNum])
if m is not None:
lines[lineNum] = re.sub(searchP, subP, lines[lineNum])
print("SVN servers file: '%s' doesn't exist" % svnservers)
lines = ["http-proxy-host = proxy.esrf.fr", "http-proxy-host = proxy.esrf.fr"]
fid = open(svnservers, "w+")
def checkGccVersion(self, min_ver = [0, 0, 0]):
subobj = subprocess.Popen(['g++', '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
if subobj.poll() > 0:
raise SystemError("g++ is not installed!")
output = subobj.stdout.readline()
regexp = re.compile("\d.\d.\d")
match = regexp.search(output)
version_txt = match.group()
version = [int(piece) for piece in version_txt.split('.')]
for indx in range(len(version)):
if (version[indx] < min_ver[indx]):
raise SystemError("g++ version: %s is too old, upgrade to at least %s" % (output[2], "%d.%d.%d" % min_ver))
return version_txt
def checkMatlabGccVersion(self, searchPatterns, matlabVersion, \
matlabPath = ""):
import stat
mexoptsfile = self._getMatlabMexoptsPath(matlabVersion)
if os.path.exists(mexoptsfile) is not True:
if matlabPath is "":
# Try ESRF Paths
matlabPath = self._getMatlabPath(matlabVersion)
stats = os.stat(mexoptsfile)
os.chmod(mexoptsfile, stats.st_mode | stat.S_IWRITE)
fid = open(mexoptsfile, "r")
lines = fid.readlines()
for searchP, subP in searchPatterns:
for lineNum in range(len(lines)):
m = re.search(searchP, lines[lineNum])
if m is not None:
lines[lineNum] = re.sub(searchP, subP, lines[lineNum])
fid = open(mexoptsfile, "w+")
def scpFile(self, filename, destination):
return False
def _getSvnServersPath(self):
return ""
def _getMatlabMexoptsPath(self, matlabVersion):
return ""
def _createMatlabMexopts(self, matlabVersion):
return ""
def _getMatlabPath(self, matlabVersion):
return ""
class UtilsLinux(UtilsInterface):
def __init__(self, machine, hostname, distro):
UtilsInterface.__init__(self, machine = machine, hostname = hostname)
self.distro = distro
def getUserConfDir(self, dct_version):
return os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), ".dct", dct_version)
def getUserConfFile(self, dct_version, file_name):
return os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), ".dct", dct_version, file_name)
def getSystemDescription(self):
return " ".join([self.distro, self.machine])
def _getSvnServersPath(self):
userpath = os.getenv("HOME", "")
return os.path.join(userpath, ".subversion", "servers")
def _getMatlabMexoptsPath(self, matlabVersion):
userpath = os.getenv("HOME", "")
return os.path.join(userpath, ".matlab", ("R%s" % matlabVersion), "mexopts.sh")
def _createMatlabMexopts(self, matlabPath):
cmd = [os.path.join(matlabPath, "bin", "mex"), "-setup"]
subobj = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
except OSError as ex:
raise ValueError("Error with location: %s\nCheck if it exists!" % cmd[0])
def _getMatlabPath(self, matlabVersion):
return os.path.join("/sware", "com", "matlab_%s" % matlabVersion)
def checkMatlabGccVersion(self, matlabVersion, matlabPath = ""):
searchPatterns = [("COPTIMFLAGS='-O -DNDEBUG'", "COPTIMFLAGS='-O -DNDEBUG -fopenmp'"), \
('(CLIBS="\$RPATH \$MLIBS -lm)"', '\g<1> -fopenmp"'), \
('(CXXLIBS="\$RPATH \$MLIBS -lm)"', '\g<1> -fopenmp"')]
if self.distro == "CentOS5":
searchPatterns.append(("CC='gcc'", "CC='gcc44'"))
searchPatterns.append(("CXX='g\+\+'", "CXX='g++44'"))
UtilsInterface.checkMatlabGccVersion(self, \
searchPatterns = searchPatterns, \
matlabVersion = matlabVersion, \
matlabPath = matlabPath)
def guessUserRealName(self):
username = os.getenv("USER")
cmd = ["grep", "^%s:" % username, "/etc/passwd"]
subobj = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
cmd = [ "awk", "-F:", "{print $5}"]
subobj1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = subobj.stdout)
(name, err) = subobj1.communicate()
if name == "":
# Try ESRF
possibilies = ("".join([username[0], "*", username[1:]]), username)
for poss in possibilies:
cmd = ["td", poss]
subobj = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
cmd = ["awk", '--field-separator= ', '{print $2 " " $1}']
subobj1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = subobj.stdout)
(name, err) = subobj1.communicate()
if name[0:10] != 'The string':
name = name[:-1].lower()
name = name.split(" ")
name[0] = name[0].capitalize()
name[1] = name[1].capitalize()
return " ".join(name)
raise SystemError("Couldn't determine user real name")
return name[:-1]
def guessUserEmail(self):
username = os.getenv("USER")
# Try ESRF
possibilies = ("".join([username[0], "*", username[1:]]), username)
for poss in possibilies:
cmd = ["td", poss]
subobj = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
name = subobj.stdout.read()
if name[0:10] != 'The string':
name = name[:-1].lower()
name = name.split(" ")
name = "".join([name[-1], "@esrf.fr"])
return name
raise SystemError("Couldn't determine user real name")
def scpFile(self, filename, destination):
cmd = ["scp", filename, destination]
return subprocess.call(cmd) == 0