Nicola Vigano authored
Nicola Vigano <nicola.vigano@esrf.fr>
Nicola Vigano authoredSigned-off-by:
Nicola Vigano <nicola.vigano@esrf.fr>
gtFedActiveVolumeVoxels.m 3.57 KiB
function active_vol = gtFedActiveVolumeVoxels(phase_vol, parameters_inline, varargin)
% GTFEDACTIVEVOLUMEVOXELS Backprojects the absorption
% image from a mask on the sample volume, obtaining the diffracting
% voxels for a given diffraction geometry.
% NOTE: This function was written for the Mg monocrystal. If you need to
% change it, for another dataset, please make it ust more customizable!
% gtFedActiveVolumeVoxels(phase_vol)
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% phase_vol : assembled phase volume reconstructed with 6D
% algorithm
% parameters_inline : parameters for an in-line acquisition
% active_vol : three volumes with modulated intensities
% according to scattering powers, one for each
% considered reflection
% mask : {'pencil'} | 'line'
% det_index : {1}
% vert_slice : {[]}, and empty field selects the central slice
% pencil_spacing : {0.05}, determines the spacing between each window
% and it is in microns
conf = struct(...
'mask', 'pencil', ...
'det_index', 1, ...
'vert_slice', [], ...
'pencil_spacing', 0.050 );
conf = parse_pv_pairs(conf, varargin);
if (~exist('parameters_inline', 'var') || isempty(parameters_inline))
parameters_inline = gtLoadParameters();
detgeo = parameters_inline.detgeo(conf.det_index);
labgeo = parameters_inline.labgeo;
samgeo = parameters_inline.samgeo;
recgeo = parameters_inline.recgeo(conf.det_index);
acq = parameters_inline.acq(conf.det_index);
vol_size_xyz = size(phase_vol.intvol);
det_mask = zeros(vol_size_xyz(2), vol_size_xyz(3), 'single');
if (isempty(conf.vert_slice))
conf.vert_slice = round(vol_size_xyz(2) / 2);
fprintf('Creating a %s mask..', conf.mask)
c = tic();
case 'pencil'
% Creation of the pencil mask: 7 um windows with 50 um period,
% 1 vx vertical thickness
vox_size = recgeo.voxsize(3);
coords = ( vox_size:conf.pencil_spacing:(vol_size_xyz(3) * vox_size) ) / vox_size;
[inds, ints] = gtMathsGetInterpolationIndices(coords', ones(numel(coords), 1));
good_inds = ints > eps('single');
inds = inds(good_inds);
ints = ints(good_inds);
v = accumarray(inds, ints, [vol_size_xyz(3), 1])';
det_mask(conf.vert_slice, :) = v;
case 'line'
% Creation of the line mask: 1 vx vertical thickness
det_mask(conf.vert_slice, :) = 1;
fprintf('\b\b: Done in %g seconds.\n', toc(c))
% Manual correction of intensity volume
phase_vol_corr = single(phase_vol.intvol);
% Back-projection of absorption image into sample volume
pmos = [-88.2 91.8 -26.2];
omegas = pmos + 90;
num_rots = numel(pmos);
proj_geoms = gtGeoProjForReconstruction([], omegas, [], acq.bb, ...
zeros(num_rots, 2), detgeo, labgeo, samgeo, recgeo, ...
active_vol = zeros([vol_size_xyz, num_rots], 'single');
for irefl = 1:num_rots
fprintf('Backprojecting, angle = %g, pmo = %g..', ...
omegas(irefl), pmos(irefl))
c = tic();
proj_stack(:, 1, :) = det_mask;
vol = gtAstraBackproject(proj_stack, proj_geoms(irefl, :), vol_size_xyz);
active_vol(:, :, :, irefl) = vol .* phase_vol_corr;
fprintf('\b\b: Done in %g seconds.\n', toc(c))