git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/dct/code/trunk@621 4c865b51-4357-4376-afb4-474e03ccb993
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/dct/code/trunk@621 4c865b51-4357-4376-afb4-474e03ccb993
gtIndexForceMergeGrains.m 3.03 KiB
function [grain, unindexed, strategy, cryst, tot] = ...
gtIndexForceMergeGrains(fname0, list)
% GTINDEXFORCEMERGEGRAINS Merges the grains specified in 'list' without
% further conditions.
% [grain, unindexed, strategy, cryst, tot] = ...
% gtIndexForceMergeGrains(fname0, list)
% Merges the grains specified in 'list' without further conditions.
% This function can be used to test merging grains, but run gtINDEXTER
% with 'forcemerge' option instead to update all indexing output properly
% (it will call this function).
% fname0 = relative path to index.mat file
% list = grain ID-s to be merged in a cell array;
% example: list{1}=[5 7]; list{2}=[20 26 29];
% grain = updated grain data including merged and unmerged grains
%% Initialize grain data
% Load indexing data
fprintf('\nLoading grain data and parameters from: \n %s\n\n',fname0)
index = load(fname0);
fprintf('Previous Indexter summary: \n%s\n',index.summary)
grain = index.grain;
tot = index.tot;
cryst = index.cryst;
strategy = index.strategy;
tol_merge = strategy.m.end;
unindexed = index.restids3;
newgrains{1} = [];
% Loop through merge list
for ii = 1:length(list)
refids = [];
dang = [];
nofp = [];
for jj = 1:length(list{ii})
refids = [refids; grain{list{ii}(jj)}.refid(:)];
dang = [dang; grain{list{ii}(jj)}.stat.dangmean];
nofp = [nofp; grain{list{ii}(jj)}.nof_pairs];
% Reload original reflections data
newgrefs = gtIndexSelectRefs(refids,tot);
% Redefine angular tolerance as above now with the maximum dang
tol_ang = max(dang)/0.8*tol_merge.angf;
tol_ang = max(tol_ang, tol_merge.angmin);
tol_ang = min(tol_ang, tol_merge.angmax);
% Create new merged grain; orientation test is done, not all
% reflections may pass the test in the merged grain
[newgrains{ii}, goodind] = gtIndexGrainOutputBasic(newgrefs,...
cryst, tol_ang);
% Only accept merged grain if it has at least the no. of reflections
% of the originals (rarely it may not have)
fprintf('Grains ID-s merged as a new grain: %s\n', num2str(list{ii}));
fprintf(' Number of consistent pairs: %d of %d\n', ...
length(goodind), length(newgrefs.id) );
% Ref id-s not included in merged grain
excind = true(length(newgrefs.id),1);
excind(goodind) = false;
if any(excind)
fprintf(' Pairs ID-s excluded from new grain: %s\n', ...
% Add excluded ones to unindexed set
unindexed = [unindexed; newgrefs.id(excind)];
% Delete old grains
grain([list{:}]) = [];
% Add new grains
grain = [grain, newgrains];
fprintf('\nGrain ID-s will be rearranged according to approximate grain size.\n\n')
end % of function