Laura Nervo authoredLaura Nervo authored
gtIndexEquivalentPairs.m 1.85 KiB
function grain = gtIndexEquivalentPairs(grain)
% GTINDEXEQUIVALENTPAIRS Finds the equivalent Friedel pairs (two pairs
% that originate from the same plane) in all grains.
% grain = gtIndexEquivalentPairs(grain)
% -------------------------------------
% grain = <cell> all grain data as in index.mat
% grain = <cell> updated grain data
% .equipair = <double> linear indices of the corresponding Friedel pairs;
% zero if no corresponding pair was found.
% .equilist = <double> list of equivalent Friedel pair indices
for ii = 1:length(grain)
grain{ii}.equipair = zeros(1,length(grain{ii}.hklind));
grain{ii}.equilist = [];
% Loop through Friedel pairs of the grain
for jj = 1:length(grain{ii}.hklind);
% Check which linear indices of {hkl} and (hkl) match
inds1 = (grain{ii}.hklind == grain{ii}.hklind(jj));
inds2 = (grain{ii}.shklind == grain{ii}.shklind(jj));
inds2(jj) = false;
% Index of equivalent pair
equiind = find(inds1 & inds2);
if ~isempty(equiind)
% Maximum one equivalent pair can exist
if (length(equiind) > 1)
warning('gtIndexEquivalentPairs:exceeding_pairs_size','More than two equivalent Friedel pairs found for pair #%d in grain #%d', jj, ii)
disp('The equivalent pair with the lower index was selected.')
grain{ii}.equipair(jj) = equiind(1);
if (jj < grain{ii}.equipair(jj))
grain{ii}.equilist(end+1,:) = [jj grain{ii}.equipair(jj)];
end % end for jj
end % end for ii
end % end of function