Nicola Vigano authored
Nicola Vigano <nicola.vigano@esrf.fr>
Nicola Vigano authoredSigned-off-by:
Nicola Vigano <nicola.vigano@esrf.fr>
gtFillCrystFields.m 16.03 KiB
function parameters = gtFillCrystFields(parameters, phase_ndx)
% parameters = gtFillCrystFields(parameters, phase_ndx)
% fill in the cryst(phase_ndx)
% handle all crystallography stuff in one easy function...
% concept - we need certain information about each phase, and we have to get
% this from somewhere. This could be from a .dat file created by XOP, a
% .cif file from Diamond or somewhere else, or could be supplied from the
% head of the user - we should not be fussy.
% The user should not have to copy anything - as long as the files are on
% disk, we should move them to the right place
% For the moment at least, keep the concept of archiving a dat and cif
% file for every dataset in id11/graintracking/
% Information to deal with:
% We already have:
% energy, max and min two theta values
% We need to get:
% lattice parameters
% spacegroup
% {hkl} or {hkil} reflections
% Optional, but nice, are:
% calculated intensities
% symmetry operators (although we don't use this info yet...)
% We generate ourselves:
% crystal system and lattice type we can get from spacegroup number
% signed hkls we generate by applying the (hard coded) symmetry operators
% d spaces from hkls and lattice parameters
% theta from dspacing and energy
disp([' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get crystallography information for phase ' ...
num2str(phase_ndx) ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '])
% now fill in this information for this phase
p = make_parameters(2);
phase_ok = false;
while (~phase_ok)
% is this part of a series of measurements? In this case we can simply
% copy from another parameters file
disp(['If you have already measured this material with same geometry and conditions, ' ...
'you can copy from another parameters file.']);
disp(['If the experimental geometry is different, '...
'it may be safer to load from a data file prepared for the specific conditions.']);
test = inputwdefault('Do you want to load a parameters file? [y/n]', 'n');
if (ismember(lower(test), {'y', 'yes'}))
%%%% get complete information from another parameters file %%%%%
parameters = sfGetInfoFromParameters(parameters, phase_ndx);
% Update reflections for actual photon energy
% !!! intensity missing, but it is not yet used in the processing
parameters.cryst = sfUpdateReflections(parameters.cryst, parameters.acq.energy);
% this is a "new" experiment, set up the names and read from the datafile
fprintf('Please modify the description for this phase (%d)\n', phase_ndx);
parameters = sfModifyMaterialDescription(parameters, phase_ndx);
if (~isempty(parameters.xop(phase_ndx).filename))
xop_filename = fullfile(parameters.xop(phase_ndx).xop_dir, ...
question = sprintf(['Do you want to reset crystallographic information' ...
' previously loaded from file "%s", for phase: %02d? [y/n]'], ...
xop_filename, phase_ndx);
if (~ismember(inputwdefault(question, 'y'), {'y', 'yes'}))
parameters.xop(phase_ndx) = p.xop;
parameters.cryst(phase_ndx) = p.cryst;
% this is a "new" experiment, set up the names and read from the datafile
fprintf('Please give a description for this phase (%d)\n', phase_ndx);
parameters = sfModifyMaterialDescription(parameters, phase_ndx);
% create the xop directory in which to save the files used
[xop_dir, ~] = gtCrystXopInitializeDirectory(parameters.acq.name, ...
% Get crystal system and lattice from the spacegroup number
% Get crystallographic data
disp('You can either load crystallographic info (lattice pars, symmetry) from a file or enter it manually.');
query = 'Do you want to load it from a .cif file? [y/n]';
test = inputwdefault(query, 'n');
if (ismember(lower(test), {'y', 'yes'}))
parameters = sfGetCrystInfoFromDataFiles(parameters, phase_ndx);
parameters = sfGetCrystInfoFromUser(parameters, phase_ndx);
[lattice_system, crystal_system, herm_symbol] = gtReadSpaceGroup(parameters.cryst(phase_ndx).spacegroup);
parameters.cryst(phase_ndx).lattice_system = lattice_system;
parameters.cryst(phase_ndx).crystal_system = crystal_system;
parameters.cryst(phase_ndx).hermann_mauguin = herm_symbol;
clear lattice_system crystal_system herm_symbol;
%%%% get information from files or user %%%%%
% Get reflection data
query = 'Do you want to load reflection data from .csv or .dat files? (recommended) [y/n]';
test = inputwdefault(query, 'n');
if (ismember(lower(test), {'y', 'yes'}))
parameters = sfGetReflectionInfoFromDataFiles(parameters, phase_ndx, xop_dir);
% expand the input data
parameters = sfExpandData(parameters, phase_ndx);
parameters = sfGetSymmCrystInfo(parameters, phase_ndx);
query = 'Do you want to generate reflection data using FABLE? [y/n]';
test = inputwdefault(query, 'y');
if (ismember(lower(test), {'y', 'yes'}))
parameters = sfGetReflectionInfoFromFable(parameters, phase_ndx);
parameters = sfGetSymmCrystInfoFromFable(parameters, phase_ndx);
parameters = sfGetReflectionInfoFromUser(parameters, phase_ndx);
% expand the input data
parameters = sfExpandData(parameters, phase_ndx);
parameters = sfGetSymmCrystInfo(parameters, phase_ndx);
end % not loading parameters file
% Check things look okay
query = 'Do you want to look at the contents of cryst for this phase? [y/n]';
test = inputwdefault(query, 'y');
if (ismember(lower(test), {'y', 'yes'}))
parameters = sfCheckWithUser(parameters, phase_ndx);
% checking parameters for this phase - to be checked
tmp_pars.cryst = parameters.cryst(phase_ndx);
tmp_pars.xop = parameters.xop(phase_ndx);
tmp_pars = gtCheckParameters(tmp_pars, 'cryst', 'verbose', true);
tmp_pars = gtCheckParameters(tmp_pars, 'xop', 'verbose', true);
parameters.cryst(phase_ndx) = tmp_pars.cryst;
parameters.xop(phase_ndx) = tmp_pars.xop;
clear tmp_pars
% does this look ok?
query = 'Is this phase OK? [y/n] ';
test = input(query, 's');
if (ismember(lower(test), {'y', 'yes'}))
phase_ok = true;
disp('Saving parameters.mat in the analysis directory...')
parameters_name = fullfile(parameters.acq.dir,'parameters.mat');
save(parameters_name, 'parameters')
disp([' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finished getting crystallography information for phase ' ...
num2str(phase_ndx) ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '])
end % end while loop
end % end of the main function
function parameters = sfCheckWithUser(parameters, phase_id)
% show the user the cryst field so they can decide if it looks ok
end % end of sfCheckWithUser
function parameters = sfGetInfoFromParameters(parameters, phase_id)
% in this case, will fill cryst directly
% Get the master parameters
[masterfile, masterpath] = uigetfile({'*.mat', 'MAT-files (*.mat)'}, ...
'Select a parameters file');
if ~(strcmp(masterfile, 'parameters.mat'))
warning('gtCrystFillFiels:sfGetInfoFromParameters:strange_file', ...
['File should be named ''parameters.mat'', but got ''' masterfile '''!']);
master = load(fullfile(masterpath, masterfile));
if ~isfield(master, 'parameters')
gtError('gtFillCrystFields:wrong_file', ...
'Given file doesn''t DCT parameters!');
elseif ~isfield(master.parameters, 'cryst')
gtError('gtFillCrystFields:wrong_file', ...
'Given parameters file doesn''t contains any crystallographic info!');
% If there is more than one phase
nPhases = length(master.parameters.cryst);
if (nPhases > 1)
disp('Which phase to use?');
for m = 1:length(master.parameters.cryst)
sprintf(' (%d) %s\n', m, master.parameters.cryst(m).name);
mm = input(['[1' sprintf('/%d', 2:nPhases) ']']);
mm = 1;
% Add these values to our parameters field
parameters.cryst(phase_id) = gtAddMatFile(parameters.cryst(phase_id),master.parameters.cryst(mm),true,true,true);
% keep track of where we got the data from
% create the xop directory in which to save the files used
[xop_dir, ~] = gtCrystXopInitializeDirectory(parameters.acq.name, parameters.cryst(phase_id).name);
parameters.xop(phase_id).xop_dir = xop_dir;
parameters.xop(phase_id).filename = 'master_parameters.mat';
% copy the parameters file that we used as the reference
copyfile(fullfile(masterpath, masterfile), fullfile(xop_dir, 'master_parameters.mat'))
% return to the main loop to allow user to check manually
end % end of sfGetInfoFromParameters
function parameters = sfModifyMaterialDescription(parameters, phase_id)
% get this stuff via gtModfiyStructure
% Usertype = 1 for material, name, composition
list = build_list_v2();
header = sprintf('Manual input of crystallographic parameters for phase %d:', phase_id);
parameters.cryst(phase_id) = gtModifyStructure(parameters.cryst(phase_id), list.cryst, 1, header);
end % end of sfModifyMaterialDescription
function parameters = sfGetReflectionInfoFromDataFiles(parameters, phase_id, xop_dir)
% get a data file to try
disp('Please select a data file from which to load powder diffraction data');
% pick a suitable datafile
[datafile, datapath] = uigetfile('*.csv; *.dat', ...
'Select a powder diffraction data file', fullfile('/data','id11','archive','file_xop'));
% try to read from it
xop = gtLoadReflectionsFromFile(fullfile(datapath, datafile));
parameters.xop(phase_id) = gtAddMatFile(parameters.xop(phase_id), xop, true, false, false);
clear xop;
% add this data to parameters.cryst
catch mexc
gtPrintException(mexc, 'Did not manage to read from the selected file!');
disp('Keep trying - possibly with a different datafile or manual input.');
% copy the file that we used
copyfile(fullfile(datapath, datafile), fullfile(xop_dir, datafile))
parameters.xop(phase_id).xop_dir = xop_dir;
parameters.xop(phase_id).filename = datafile;
disp('Read some powder diffraction data');
catch mexc
gtPrintException(mexc, ...
'Did not manage to copy the file to the shared directory! This is not a big issue...');
end % end of sfGetReflectionInfoFromDataFiles
function parameters = sfGetCrystInfoFromDataFiles(parameters, phase_id)
% need to get spacegroup and lattice parameters from a .cif file
% this goes into parameters.cryst
[ciffile, cifpath] = uigetfile('*.cif', ...
'Select a suitable crystallography file', fullfile('/data','id11','archive','file_cif'));
cif = gtCrystCifInitialize(fullfile(cifpath, ciffile));
parameters.cryst(phase_id) = gtAddMatFile(parameters.cryst(phase_id), cif, true, true, false);
clear cif;
% copy the file that we used to the xop_dir
unix(sprintf('cp %s %s',fullfile(cifpath, ciffile), fullfile(parameters.acq.dir, ciffile)));
end % end of sfGetCrystInfoFromDataFiles
function parameters = sfGetReflectionInfoFromFable(parameters, phase_id)
% need to get spacegroup and lattice parameters
% this goes into parameters.cryst
disp('Using fable calculation of theoretical reflections')
disp('The only missing information is the intensity')
% reflection list
list = gtCrystCalculateReflections(parameters.cryst(phase_id), parameters.detgeo, parameters.acq.energy, 'reflections_');
parameters.cryst(phase_id) = gtAddMatFile(parameters.cryst(phase_id), list, true, false, false, false, false);
clear list
end% end of sfGetReflectionInfoFromFable
function parameters = sfGetSymmCrystInfoFromFable(parameters, phase_id)
% symmetry operators from fable calculation
[symm_unique, symm_all] = gtCrystCalculateSymmetryOperators(phase_id, ...
parameters.cryst(phase_id).spacegroup, ...
parameters.cryst(phase_id).symm_unique = symm_unique;
parameters.cryst(phase_id).symm_all = symm_all;
function parameters = sfGetReflectionInfoFromUser(parameters, phase_id)
% get info interactively
% We need to get:
% {hkl} or {hkil} reflections
% lattice parameters
% spacegroup
% get the list for the fields we are interested in
% in parameters.cryst
% no datafile to copy in this case
% in parameters .xop
hkl = input('Manually input the hkl families as an nx3 matrix: [h1 k1 l1; h2 k2 l2; etc]');
parameters.xop(phase_id).hkl = hkl;
disp('Filling parameters.xop.int and mult with ones');
parameters.xop(phase_id).int = ones(size(hkl));
parameters.xop(phase_id).mult = ones(size(hkl));
end % end of sfGetReflectionInfoFromUser
function parameters = sfGetCrystInfoFromUser(parameters, phase_id)
% need to get spacegroup and lattice parameters from a .cif file
% Usertype = 2 for lattice parameters and spacegroup
list = build_list_v2();
header = sprintf('Manual input of crystallographic parameters for phase %d', phase_id);
parameters.cryst(phase_id) = gtModifyStructure(parameters.cryst(phase_id), list.cryst, 2, header);
end % end of sfGetCrystInfoFromUser
function parameters = sfExpandData(parameters, phase_id)
% file parameters.cryst from reflection data in parameters.xop and symmetry
% and lattice parameters in parameters.cryst
% getting reflection on the detector, basing on theta max and min
% after xop
% this cleans the xop output into distinct hkl families
% and recalculates dspacings and thetas according to parameters
% discards anything not on the detector
% this info goes into the parameters.cryst field
detector = gtDetectorTwotheta(parameters, phase_id);
parameters.cryst(phase_id) = gtAddMatFile(parameters.cryst(phase_id), detector, true, true, false);
clear detector;
% Using symmetry operators getting all the possible reflections
% this expands the hkl families in parameters.cryst
hklsymmetry = gtSymmetricReflections(parameters.cryst(phase_id), parameters.acq.energy);
parameters.cryst(phase_id) = gtAddMatFile(parameters.cryst(phase_id), hklsymmetry, true, true, false);
clear hklsymmetry;
end % end of sfExpandData
function parameters = sfGetSymmCrystInfo(parameters, phase_id)
% Calculating symmetry operators
parameters.cryst(phase_id).symm = gtCrystGetSymmetryOperators( ...
parameters.cryst(phase_id).crystal_system, ...
parameters.cryst(phase_id).spacegroup );
function cryst = sfUpdateReflections(cryst, energy)
% Updates the reflection data according to a new photon energy
% Update the d-spacing info in cryst according to new lattice parameters.
% Bmat = gtCrystHKL2CartesianMatrix(cryst.latticepar);
% cryst.dspacing = gtCrystDSpacing(cryst.hkl, Bmat);
% cryst.dspacingsp = gtCrystDSpacing(cryst.hklsp, Bmat);
% Update the theta info according to new photon energy
lambda = gtConvEnergyToWavelength(energy);
cryst.theta = asind(0.5*lambda./cryst.dspacing);
cryst.thetasp = asind(0.5*lambda./cryst.dspacingsp);
% Update the intensity info: MISSING !
cryst.int = [];
cryst.intsp = [];