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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the bliss project
# Copyright (c) 2016 Beamline Control Unit, ESRF
# Distributed under the GNU LGPLv3. See LICENSE for more info.

Biologic potentiostat module


    >>> from bliss.controllers.potentiostat.biologic import Potentiostat

    >>> p = Potentiostat('')

    >>> # device information
    >>> print(
          DeviceType = DeviceType.SP50
             RAMsize = 32
                 CPU = 9200
    NumberOfChannels = ...

    >>> # list of plugged channels
    >>> p.get_channels_plugged()

    >>> # make sure channel 0 is installed
    >>> p.is_channel_plugged(0)

    >>> # show current values of channel 0
    >>> print(p.get_current_values(0))
        State = STOP
    MemFilled = 0
          Ewe = -0.007
            I = 0.0
         Freq = ...

    >>> # load OCV technique into channel 0
    >>> from bliss.controllers.potentiostat.biologic import VoltageRange
    >>> from bliss.controllers.potentiostat.biologic.techniques import OCV

    >>> ocv = OCV(OCV.Rest_time_T(0.1, 0),
    ...           OCV.Record_every_dE(0.1, 0),
    ...           OCV.Record_every_dT(0.01, 0),
    ...           OCV.E_Range(VoltageRange.AUTO))

    >>> self.p.load_technique(0, ocv)

__all__ = ['PID', 'DeviceInfo', 'ChannelInfo', 'CurrentValues',
           'DataInfo', 'HardwareConf', 'TechniqueInfo',
           'ExperimentInfo', 'DeviceType', 'VMP3_SERIES', 'VMP4_SERIES',
           'SP_300_SERIES', 'Instrument', 'Technique', 'Parameter']

import os
import sys
import ctypes
import struct
import inspect
import logging
import functools
import collections
from enum import Enum
from ctypes import (c_int16, c_uint16, c_int32, c_uint32, c_int64, c_uint64,
    c_int8, c_uint8, c_float, c_double, c_bool, c_ubyte, c_char, c_char_p,
    Structure, byref, pointer, POINTER, create_string_buffer)

    from collections import OrderedDict
except AttributeError:
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict

import numpy

from bliss.common.utils import API

c_uint8_p = POINTER(c_uint8)
c_uint16_p = POINTER(c_uint16)
c_uint32_p = POINTER(c_uint32)
c_uint64_p = POINTER(c_uint64)

c_int8_p = POINTER(c_int8)
c_int16_p = POINTER(c_int16)
c_int32_p = POINTER(c_int32)
c_int64_p = POINTER(c_int64)

_this_dir, _name = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))
_name, _ = os.path.splitext(_name)

_log = logging.getLogger(_name)

_is_32 = (8 * struct.calcsize('P')) == 32

_PY3 = sys.version_info[0] > 2

def NamedTuple(*args, **kwargs):
    r = collections.namedtuple(*args, **kwargs)
    def s(self):
        n = max(map(len, self._fields))
        T = '{{0: >{0}}} = {{1}}'.format(n)
        fields = '\n'.join([T.format(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self._fields])
        return '{0}:\n{1}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, fields)
    r.__str__ = s
    return r

#: potentiostat identification
PID = NamedTuple('PID', 'ID dev_info url')

# Note on the need for following functions: We could have just done
# something like:
# eclib = LoadLibrary('eclib.dll')
# The problem that if the library is not present or we are not under
# windows, the generation of documentation would fail since the module
# could not be loaded. The functions allow for a *lazy* load and
# initialization of the biologic DLLs

def __get_lib(name):
    if not _is_32:
        name += '64'
    lib_path = os.path.join(_this_dir, name)
    return ctypes.WinDLL(lib_path)

def __init_eclib(c_eclib):
    # General functions

    c_eclib.BL_GetLibVersion.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_uint32_p]
    c_eclib.BL_GetLibVersion.restype = c_int32

    c_eclib.BL_GetVolumeSerialNumber.restype = c_uint32

    c_eclib.BL_GetErrorMsg.argtypes = [c_int32, c_char_p, c_uint32_p]
    c_eclib.BL_GetErrorMsg.restype = c_int32

    # Communication functions

    c_eclib.BL_Connect.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_uint8, c_int32_p, _DeviceInfo_p]
    c_eclib.BL_Connect.restype = c_int32

    c_eclib.BL_Disconnect.argtypes = [c_int32]
    c_eclib.BL_Disconnect.restype = c_int32

    c_eclib.BL_TestConnection.argtypes = [c_int32]
    c_eclib.BL_TestConnection.restype = c_int32

    c_eclib.BL_TestCommSpeed.argtypes = [c_int32, c_uint8, c_int32_p, c_int32_p]
    c_eclib.BL_TestCommSpeed.restype = c_int32

    c_eclib.BL_GetUSBdeviceinfos.argtypes = [c_uint32, c_char_p, c_uint32_p, c_char_p, c_uint32_p, c_char_p, c_uint32_p]
    c_eclib.BL_GetUSBdeviceinfos.restype = c_bool

    # Firmware functions

    c_eclib.BL_LoadFirmware.argtypes = [c_int32, c_uint8_p, c_int32_p, c_uint8,
                                        c_bool, c_bool, c_char_p, c_char_p]
    c_eclib.BL_LoadFirmware.restype = c_int32

    # Channel information functions

    c_eclib.BL_IsChannelPlugged.argtypes = [c_int32, c_uint8]
    c_eclib.BL_IsChannelPlugged.restype = c_bool

    c_eclib.BL_GetChannelsPlugged.argtypes = [c_int32, c_uint8_p, c_uint8]
    c_eclib.BL_GetChannelsPlugged.restype = c_int32

    c_eclib.BL_GetChannelInfos.argtypes = [c_int32, c_uint8, _ChannelInfo_p]
    c_eclib.BL_GetChannelInfos.restype = c_int32

    # Technique functions

    c_eclib.BL_DefineBoolParameter.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_bool, c_int32, _EccParam_p]
    c_eclib.BL_DefineBoolParameter.restype = c_int32

    c_eclib.BL_DefineSglParameter.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_float, c_int32, _EccParam_p]
    c_eclib.BL_DefineSglParameter.restype = c_int32

    c_eclib.BL_DefineIntParameter.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_int32, c_int32, _EccParam_p]
    c_eclib.BL_DefineIntParameter.restype = c_int32

    c_eclib.BL_LoadTechnique.argtypes = [c_int32, c_uint8, c_char_p, _EccParams, c_bool, c_bool, c_bool]
    c_eclib.BL_LoadTechnique.restype = c_int32
    # Start/stop functions

    # Data functions

    c_eclib.BL_GetCurrentValues.argtypes = [c_int32, c_uint8, _CurrentValues_p]
    c_eclib.BL_GetCurrentValues.restype = c_int32

    # Miscellaneous functions

    c_eclib.BL_SetExperimentInfos.argtypes = [c_int32, c_uint8, _ExperimentInfo]
    c_eclib.BL_SetExperimentInfos.restype = c_int32

__ECLIB = None
def eclib():
    global __ECLIB
    if not __ECLIB:
        __ECLIB = __get_lib('eclib')
    return __ECLIB

def __init_blfind(c_blfind):
    c_blfind.BL_FindEChemDev.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_uint32_p, c_uint32_p]
    c_blfind.BL_FindEChemDev.restype = c_int32

    c_blfind.BL_FindEChemEthDev.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_uint32_p, c_uint32_p]
    c_blfind.BL_FindEChemEthDev.restype = c_int32

    c_blfind.BL_FindEChemUsbDev.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_uint32_p, c_uint32_p]
    c_blfind.BL_FindEChemUsbDev.restype = c_int32

__BLFIND = None
def blfind():
    global __BLFIND
    if not __BLFIND:
        __BLFIND = __get_lib('blfind')
    return __BLFIND

def __struct_to_namedtuple_type(struct_class):
    # convert a ctypes.Structure to a namedtuple
    ret = NamedTuple(struct_class.__name__[1:], zip(*struct_class._fields_)[0])
    if _PY3:
        ret.__doc__ = s.__doc__
    return ret

def __struct_to_namedtuple(struct, ntuple_type=None):
    # convert a ctypes.Structure instance to a namedtuple instance. If
    # ntuple_type is None, it tries to find in globals a namedtuple with the
    # name of s[1:], if s starts with '_' otherwise throws ValueError 
    if ntuple_type is None:
        struct_name = struct.__class__.__name__
        if not struct_name.startswith('_'):
            raise ValueError('Cannot determine namedtuple name from structure ' \
                             'name {0}'.format(struct_name))
        ntuple_type = globals()[struct_name[1:]]
    kwargs = dict([(k, getattr(struct, k)) for k, _ in struct._fields_])
    return ntuple_type(**kwargs)

def __struct_to_dict(struct):
    fields = struct.__class__._fields_
    return dict([(name, getattr(struct, name)) for name, _ in fields])

def __namedtuple_to_struct(ntuple, struct_class=None):
    if struct_class is None:
        ntuple_name = ntuple.__class__.__name__
        if not ntuple_name.startswith('_'):
            raise ValueError('Cannot determine structure name from ' \
                             'namedtuple name {0}'.format(struct_name))
        struct_class = globals()['_' + ntuple_name]
    return struct_class(*ntuple)

def stringify_struct(k):
    M = max(map(len, [f[0] for f in k._fields_]))
    msg = '{{0: >{0}}} = {{1}}'.format(M)
    cname = k.__name__
    def s(self):
        f = [msg.format(name, getattr(self, name)) for name, _ in self._fields_]
        return '{0}:\n{1}'.format(cname, '\n'.join(f))
    k.__str__ = s
    return k

class _DeviceInfo(Structure):
    Information about the device that :func:`connect` connected to.
    _fields_ = [
        ('DeviceCode', c_int32),        # Device code
        ('RAMsize', c_int32),           # RAM size, in MBytes
        ('CPU', c_int32),               # Computer board cpu
        ('NumberOfChannels', c_int32),  # Number of channels connected
        ('NumberOfSlots', c_int32),     # Number of slots available
        ('FirmwareVersion', c_int32),   # Communication firmware version
        ('FirmwareDate_yyyy', c_int32), # Communication firmware date YYYY
        ('FirmwareDate_mm', c_int32),   # Communication firmware date MM
        ('FirmwareDate_dd', c_int32),   # Communication firmware date DD
        ('HTdisplayOn', c_int32),       # Allow hyper-terminal prints (true/false)
        ('NbOfConnectedPC', c_int32),   # Number of connected PC
_DeviceInfo_p = POINTER(_DeviceInfo)
DeviceInfo = __struct_to_namedtuple_type(_DeviceInfo)

class _ChannelInfo(Structure):
    Information about the channel. You can obtain them using
    _fields_ = [
        ('Channel', c_int32),           # Channel (0..15)
        ('BoardVersion', c_int32),      # Board version
        ('BoardSerialNumber', c_int32), # Board serial number
        ('FirmwareCode', c_int32),      # Firmware loaded (see FirmwareCode)
        ('FirmwareVersion', c_int32),   # Firmware version
        ('XilinxVersion', c_int32),     # Xilinx version
        ('AmpCode', c_int32),           # Amplifier code (see AmplifierType)
        ('NbAmps', c_int32),            # Number of amplifiers
        ('Lcboard', c_int32),           # Low current board present (true/false)
        ('Zboard', c_int32),            # true if the channel has impedance measurement capability
        ('RESERVED', c_int32),          # not used
        ('RESERVED2', c_int32),         # not used
        ('MemSize', c_int32),           # Memory size (in bytes)
        ('MemFilled', c_int32),         # Memory filled (in bytes)
        ('State', c_int32),             # Channel State (see ChannelState)
        ('MaxIRange', c_int32),         # Maximum I range allowed (IntensityRange)
        ('MinIRange', c_int32),         # Minimum I range allowed (IntensityRange)
        ('MaxBandwidth', c_int32),      # Maximum bandwidth allowed (Bandwidth)
        ('NbOfTechniques', c_int32),    # Number of techniques loaded
_ChannelInfo_p = POINTER(_ChannelInfo)
ChannelInfo = __struct_to_namedtuple_type(_ChannelInfo)

class _CurrentValues(Structure):
    Information about the channel current values measurement.
    _fields_ = [
        ('State', c_int32),             # Channel state: see ChannelState
        ('MemFilled', c_int32),         # Memory filled (in Bytes)
        ('TimeBase', c_float),          # Time base (s)
        ('Ewe', c_float),               # Working electrode potential (V)
        ('EweRangeMin', c_float),       # Ewe min range (V)
        ('EweRangeMax', c_float),       # Ewe max range (V)
        ('Ece', c_float),               # Counter electrode potential (V)
        ('EceRangeMin', c_float),       # Ece min range (V)
        ('EceRangeMax', c_float),       # Ece max range (V)
        ('Eoverflow', c_int32),         # Potential overflow
        ('I', c_float),                 # Current value (A)
        ('IRange', c_int32),            # Current range (see IntensityRange)
        ('Ioverflow', c_int32),         # Current overflow
        ('ElapsedTime', c_float),       # Elapsed time (s)
        ('Freq', c_float),              # Frequency (Hz)
        ('Rcomp', c_float),             # R compensation (Ohm)
        ('Saturation', c_int32),        # E or/and I saturation
        ('OptErr', c_int32),            # Hardware option error code (see ErrorCodes, SP-300 series only)
        ('OptPos', c_int32),            # Index of the option generating the OptErr (SP-300 series only)
_CurrentValues_p = POINTER(_CurrentValues)
CurrentValues = __struct_to_namedtuple_type(_CurrentValues)

class _DataInfo(Structure):
    Holds metadata about the data you just received with :func:`get_data`
    _fields_ = [
        ('IRQskipped', c_int32),        # Number of IRQ skipped
        ('NbRows', c_int32),            # Number of rows into the data buffer, i.e.number of points saved in the data buffer
        ('NbCols', c_int32),            # Number of columns into the data buffer, i.e. number of variables defining a po('in the data buffer
        ('TechniqueIndex', c_int32),    # Index (0-based) of the technique who has generated the data. This field is only useful for linked techniques
        ('TechniqueID', c_int32),       # Identifier of the technique who has generated the data. Must be used to identify the data format into the data buffer (see TechniqueIdentifier )
        ('ProcessIndex', c_int32),      # Index (0-based) of the process of the technique who has generated the data. Must be used to identify the data format into the data buffer
        ('loop', c_int32),              # Loop number
        ('StartTime', c_double),        # Start time (s)
        ('MuxPad', c_int32),            # Active MP-MEA option pad number (SP-300 series only)
_DataInfo_p = POINTER(_DataInfo)
DataInfo = __struct_to_namedtuple_type(_DataInfo)

_DataBuffer = 1000 * c_uint32
_DataBuffer_p = POINTER(_DataBuffer)

class _EccParam(Structure):
    Defines an elementary technique parameter and is used by
    _fields_ = [
        ('ParamStr', 64*c_char),        # (len=64) string who defines the parameter
                                        # label (see section 7. Techniques in PDF for
                                        # a complete description of parameters available
                                        # for each technique)
        ('ParamType', c_int32),         # Parameter type (see ParamType)
        ('ParamVal', c_int32),          # Parameter value. \warning Numerical value
        ('ParamIndex', c_int32),        # Parameter index (0-based), useful for multi-step parameters. Otherwise should be 0.
_EccParam_p = POINTER(_EccParam)

class _EccParams(Structure):
    Defines an array of elementary technique parameters and is used by
    _fields_ = [
        ('len', c_int32),               # Length of the array pointed by pParams
        ('pParams', _EccParam_p),       # Pointer on the array of technique parameters (array of structure EccParam)
_EccParams_p = POINTER(_EccParams)

class _HardwareConf(Structure):
    Describes the channel electrode configuration.
    See :func:`get_hard_conf` and :func:`set_hard_conf`
    _fields_ = [
        ('Conn', c_int32),              # Electrode connection (see ElectrodeConn)
        ('Ground', c_int32),            # Instrument ground (see ElectrodeMode)
_HardwareConf_p = POINTER(_HardwareConf)
HardwareConf = __struct_to_namedtuple_type(_HardwareConf)

class _TechniqueInfo(Structure):
    '''Technique information'''
    _fields_ = [
        ('id', c_int32),                # technique id
        ('indx', c_int32),              # index of the technique
        ('nbParams', c_int32),          # number of parameters
        ('nbSettings', c_int32),        # number of hardware settings
        ('Params', _EccParam_p),        # pointer to the parameters
        ('HardSettings', _EccParam_p),  # pointer to the hardware settings
_TechniqueInfo_p = POINTER(_TechniqueInfo)
TechniqueInfo = __struct_to_namedtuple_type(_TechniqueInfo)

class _ExperimentInfo(Structure):
    '''Experiment informations'''
    _fields_ = [
        ('Group', c_int32),
        ('PCidentifier', c_int32),
        ('TimeHMS', c_int32),
        ('TimeYMD', c_int32),
        ('Filename', 256*c_char),
_ExperimentInfo_p = POINTER(_ExperimentInfo)
ExperimentInfo = __struct_to_namedtuple_type(_ExperimentInfo)

class DeviceType(Enum):
    '''Device type'''
    VMP      = 0    #: VMP device
    VMP2     = 1    #: VMP2 device
    MPG      = 2    #: MPG device
    BISTAT   = 3    #: BISTAT device
    MCS_200  = 4    #: MCS-200 device
    VMP3     = 5    #: VMP3 device
    VSP      = 6    #: VSP device
    HCP803   = 7    #: HCP-803 device
    EPP400   = 8    #: EPP-400 device
    EPP4000  = 9    #: EPP-4000 device
    BISTAT2  = 10   #: BISTAT 2 device
    FCT150S  = 11   #: FCT-150S device
    VMP300   = 12   #: VMP-300 device
    SP50     = 13   #: SP-50 device
    SP150    = 14   #: SP-150 device
    FCT50S   = 15   #: FCT-50S device
    SP300    = 16   #: SP300 device
    CLB500   = 17   #: CLB-500 device
    HCP1005  = 18   #: HCP-1005 device
    CLB2000  = 19   #: CLB-2000 device
    VSP300   = 20   #: VSP-300 device
    SP200    = 21   #: SP-200 device
    MPG2     = 22   #: MPG2 device
    ND1      = 23   #: RESERVED
    ND2      = 24   #: RESERVED
    ND3      = 25   #: RESERVED
    ND4      = 26   #: RESERVED
    SP240    = 27   #: SP-240 device
    MPG205   = 28   #: MPG-205 (VMP3)
    MPG210   = 29   #: MPG-210 (VMP3)
    MPG220   = 30   #: MPG-220 (VMP3)
    MPG240   = 31   #: MPG-240 (VMP3)
    UNKNOWN  = 255  #: Unknown device

for i in range(32,255):
    setattr(DeviceType, 'UNSUPPORTED_{0}'.format(i), i)
VMP3_SERIES = set((DeviceType.VMP2, DeviceType.VMP3, DeviceType.BISTAT, 
                    DeviceType.VSP, DeviceType.SP50, DeviceType.SP150,
                    DeviceType.MPG2, DeviceType.HCP803))
VMP4_SERIES = set((DeviceType.SP200, DeviceType.SP240, DeviceType.SP300,
                   DeviceType.VSP300, DeviceType.VMP300))
SP_300_SERIES = set((DeviceType.SP200, DeviceType.SP240, DeviceType.SP300))

class FirmwareCode(Enum):
    '''Firmware code'''
    NONE    = 0   #: No firmware loaded
    INTERPR = 1   #: Firmware for EC-Lab software
    UNKNOWN = 4   #: Unknown firmware loaded
    KERNEL  = 5   #: Firmware for the library
    INVALID = 8   #: Invalid firmware loaded
    ECAL    = 10  #: Firmware for calibration software

class AmplifierType(Enum):
    '''Amplifier type'''
    VMP3_NONE        = 0   #: No amplifier VMP3 series
    VMP3_2A          = 1   #: Amplifier 2 A VMP3 series
    VMP3_1A          = 2   #: Amplifier 1 A VMP3 series
    VMP3_5A          = 3   #: Amplifier 5 A VMP3 series
    VMP3_10A         = 4   #: Amplifier 10 A VMP3 series
    VMP3_20A         = 5   #: Amplifier 20 A VMP3 series
    VMP3_HEUS        = 6   #: reserved VMP3 series
    VMP3_LC          = 7   #: Low current amplifier VMP3 series
    VMP3_80A         = 8   #: Amplifier 80 A VMP3 series
    VMP3_4AI         = 9   #: Amplifier 4 A VMP3 series
    VMP3_PAC         = 10  #: Fuel Cell Tester VMP3 series
    VMP3_4AI_VSP     = 11  #: Amplifier 4 A (VSP instrument) VMP3 series
    VMP3_LC_VSP      = 12  #: Low current amplifier (VSP instrument) VMP3 series
    VMP3_UNDEF       = 13  #: Undefined amplifier VMP3 series
    VMP3_MUIC        = 14  #: reserved VMP3 series
    VMP3_NONE_GIL    = 15  #: No amplifier VMP3 series
    VMP3_8AI         = 16  #: Amplifier 8 A VMP3 series
    VMP3_LB500       = 17  #: Amplifier LB500 VMP3 series
    VMP3_100A5V      = 18  #: Amplifier 100 A VMP3 series
    VMP3_LB2000      = 19  #: Amplifier LB2000 VMP3 series
    _1A48V           = 20  #: Amplifier 1A 48V SP-300 series
    _4A10V           = 21  #: Amplifier 4A 10V SP-300 series
    _5A_MPG2B        = 22  #: MPG-205 5A amplifier
    _10A_MPG2B       = 23  #: MPG-210 10A amplifier
    _20A_MPG2B       = 24  #: MPG-220 20A amplifier
    _40A_MPG2B       = 25  #: MPG-240 40A amplifier
    COIN_CELL_HOLDER = 26  #: coin cell holder
    VMP4_10A5V       = 27  #: VMP4 10A/5V amplifier (SP-300 internal amplifier)
    VMP4_2A30V       = 28  #: VMP4 2A/30V

class IntensityRange(Enum):
    '''Intensity range'''
    _100pA   = 0   #: I range 100 pA SP-300 series
    _1nA     = 1   #: I range 1 nA VMP3 / SP-300 series
    _10nA    = 2   #: I range 10 nA VMP3 / SP-300 series
    _100nA   = 3   #: I range 100 nA VMP3 / SP-300 series
    _1uA     = 4   #: I range 1 uA VMP3 / SP-300 series
    _10uA    = 5   #: I range 10 uA VMP3 / SP-300 series
    _100uA   = 6   #: I range 100 uA VMP3 / SP-300 series
    _1mA     = 7   #: I range 1 mA VMP3 / SP-300 series
    _10mA    = 8   #: I range 10 mA VMP3 / SP-300 series
    _100mA   = 9   #: I range 100 mA VMP3 / SP-300 series
    _1A      = 10  #: I range 1 A VMP3 / SP-300 series
    BOOSTER  = 11  #: Booster VMP3 / SP-300 series
    AUTO     = 12  #: Auto range VMP3 / SP-300 series
    _10pA    = 13  #: IRANGE_100pA + Igain x10
    _1pA     = 14  #: IRANGE_100pA + Igain x100

class OptionError(Enum):
    '''Option error codes'''
    NOERR           = 0    #: Option no error
    CHANGE          = 1    #: Option change
    _4A10V_ERR      = 100  #: Amplifier 4A10V error
    _4A10V_OVRTEMP  = 101  #: Amplifier 4A10V overload temperature
    _4A10V_BADPOW   = 102  #: Amplifier 4A10V invalid power
    _4A10V_POWFAIL  = 103  #: Amplifier 4A10V power fail
    _1A48V_ERR      = 200  #: Amplifier 1A48V error
    _1A48V_OVRTEMP  = 201  #: Amplifier 1A48V overload temperature
    _1A48V_BADPOW   = 202  #: Amplifier 1A48V invalid power
    _1A48V_POWFAIL  = 203  #: Amplifier 1A48V power fail
    _10A5V_ERR      = 300  #: Amplifier 10A5V error
    _10A5V_OVRTEMP  = 301  #: Amplifier 10A5V overload temperature
    _10A5V_BADPOW   = 302  #: Amplifier 10A5V invalid power
    _10A5V_POWFAIL  = 303  #: Amplifier 10A5V power fail

class VoltageRange(Enum):
    '''Voltage range'''
    _2_5  = 0    # +/- 2.5 V
    _5    = 1    # +/- 5 V
    _10   = 2    # +/- 10 V
    AUTO = 3     # Auto range

class Bandwidth(Enum):
    '''Channel bandwidth'''
    _1 = 1    # Bandwidth #1
    _2 = 2    # Bandwidth #2
    _3 = 3    # Bandwidth #3
    _4 = 4    # Bandwidth #4
    _5 = 5    # Bandwidth #5
    _6 = 6    # Bandwidth #6
    _7 = 7    # Bandwidth #7
    _8 = 8    # Bandwidth #8 (only with SP-300 series)
    _9 = 9    # Bandwidth #9 (only with SP-300 series)

class Gain(Enum):
    '''E/I gain constants'''
    _1    = 0
    _10   = 1
    _100  = 2
    _1000 = 3

class ElectrodeConn(Enum):
    '''Electrode connection'''
    STD = 0       # Standard connection
    CETOGRND = 1  # CE to ground connection
    WETOGRND = 2
    HV       = 3

class ElectrodeMode(Enum):
    '''Electrode Ground mode'''
    GROUNDED = 0  # Grounded mode
    FLOATING = 1  # floating mode

class FilterFreqCut(Enum):
    '''E/I filter constants'''
    NONE  = 0,
    _50KHZ = 1,
    _1KHZ  = 2,
    _5HZ   = 3,

class TechniqueIdentifier(Enum):
    '''Technique ID'''
    NONE            = 0      # None
    OCV             = 100    # Open Circuit Voltage (Rest) identifier
    CA              = 101    # Chrono-amperometry identifier
    CP              = 102    # Chrono-potentiometry identifier
    CV              = 103    # Cyclic Voltammetry identifier
    PEIS            = 104    # Potentio Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy identifier
    POTPULSE        = 105    # (unused)
    GALPULSE        = 106    # (unused)
    GEIS            = 107    # Galvano Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy identifier
    STACKPEIS_SLAVE = 108    # Potentio Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy on stack identifier
    STACKPEIS       = 109    # Potentio Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy on stack identifier
    CPOWER          = 110    # Constant Power identifier
    CLOAD           = 111    # Constant Load identifier
    FCT             = 112    # (unused)
    SPEIS           = 113    # Staircase Potentio Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy identifier
    SGEIS           = 114    # Staircase Galvano Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy identifier
    STACKPDYN       = 115    # Potentio dynamic on stack identifier
    STACKPDYN_SLAVE = 116    # Potentio dynamic on stack identifier
    STACKGDYN       = 117    # Galvano dynamic on stack identifier
    STACKGEIS_SLAVE = 118    # Galvano Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy on stack identifier
    STACKGEIS       = 119    # Galvano Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy on stack identifier
    STACKGDYN_SLAVE = 120    # Galvano dynamic on stack identifier
    CPO             = 121    # (unused)
    CGA             = 122    # (unused)
    COKINE          = 123    # (unused)
    PDYN            = 124    # Potentio dynamic identifier
    GDYN            = 125    # Galvano dynamic identifier
    CVA             = 126    # Cyclic Voltammetry Advanced identifier
    DPV             = 127    # Differential Pulse Voltammetry identifier
    SWV             = 128    # Square Wave Voltammetry identifier
    NPV             = 129    # Normal Pulse Voltammetry identifier
    RNPV            = 130    # Reverse Normal Pulse Voltammetry identifier
    DNPV            = 131    # Differential Normal Pulse Voltammetry identifier
    DPA             = 132    # Differential Pulse Amperometry identifier
    EVT             = 133    # Ecorr vs. time identifier
    LP              = 134    # Linear Polarization identifier
    GC              = 135    # Generalized corrosion identifier
    CPP             = 136    # Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization identifier
    PDP             = 137    # Potentiodynamic Pitting identifier
    PSP             = 138    # Potentiostatic Pitting identifier
    ZRA             = 139    # Zero Resistance Ammeter identifier
    MIR             = 140    # Manual IR identifier
    PZIR            = 141    # IR Determination with Potentiostatic Impedance identifier
    GZIR            = 142    # IR Determination with Galvanostatic Impedance identifier
    LOOP            = 150    # Loop (used for linked techniques) identifier
    TO              = 151    # Trigger Out identifier
    TI              = 152    # Trigger In identifier
    TOS             = 153    # Trigger Set identifier
    CPLIMIT         = 155    # Chrono-potentiometry with limits identifier
    GDYNLIMIT       = 156    # Galvano dynamic with limits identifier
    CALIMIT         = 157    # Chrono-amperometry with limits identifier
    PDYNLIMIT       = 158    # Potentio dynamic with limits identifier
    LASV            = 159    # Large amplitude sinusoidal voltammetry
    MUXLOOP         = 160
    CVCA            = 161
    CVCA_SLAVE      = 162
    CPCA            = 163
    CPCA_SLAVE      = 164
    CACA            = 165
    CACA_SLAVE      = 166
    MP              = 167    # Modular Pulse
    CASG            = 169    # Constant amplitude sinusoidal micro galvano polarization
    CASP            = 170    # Constant amplitude sinusoidal micro potentio polarization
    VASP            = 171
    UCVANALOG       = 172

    OCVR            = 500
    CAR             = 501
    CPR             = 502

    ABS             = 1000
    FLUO            = 1001
    RABS            = 1002
    RFLUO           = 1003
    RDABS           = 1004
    DABS            = 1005
    ABSFLUO         = 1006
    RAFABS          = 1007
    RAFFLUO         = 1008

class ChannelState(Enum):
    '''Channel State'''
    STOP  = 0    # Channel is stopped
    RUN   = 1    # Channel is running
    PAUSE = 2    # Channel is paused

class ParameterType(Enum):
    '''Parameter type'''
    INT32   = 0    # Parameter type = int
    BOOLEAN = 1    # Parameter type = boolean
    SINGLE  = 2    # Parameter type = single

class ECLibErrorCode(Enum):
    '''ECLib Error codes'''

    NOERROR = 0    # No Error

    # General error codes
    NOTCONNECTED          = -1    # no instrument connected
    CONNECTIONINPROGRESS  = -2    # connection in progress
    CHANNELNOTPLUGGED     = -3    # selected channel(s) unplugged
    INVALIDPARAMETERS     = -4    # invalid function parameters
    FILENOTEXISTS         = -5    # selected file does not exist
    FUNCTIONFAILED        = -6    # function failed
    NOCHANNELELECTED      = -7    # no channel selected
    INVALIDCONF           = -8    # invalid instrument configuration
    ECLAB_LOADED          = -9    # EC-Lab firmware loaded on the instrument
    LIBNOTCORRECTLYLOADED = -10   # library not correctly loaded in memory
    USBLIBRARYERROR       = -11   # USB library not correctly loaded in memory
    FUNCTIONINPROGRESS    = -12   # function of the library already in progress
    CHANNEL_RUNNING       = -13   # selected channel(s) already used
    DEVICE_NOTALLOWED     = -14   # device not allowed
    UPDATEPARAMETERS      = -15   # Invalid update function parameters

    # Instrument error codes
    VMEERROR        = -101      # internal instrument communication failed
    TOOMANYDATA     = -102      # too many data to transfer from the instrument (device error)
    RESPNOTPOSSIBLE = -103      # selected channel(s) unplugged (device error)
    RESPERROR       = -104      # instrument response error
    MSGSIZEERROR    = -105      # invalid message size

    # Communication error codes
    COMMFAILED         = -200    # communication failed with the instrument
    CONNECTIONFAILED   = -201    # cannot establish connection with the instrument
    WAITINGACK         = -202    # waiting for the instrument response
    INVALIDIPADDRESS   = -203    # invalid IP address
    ALLOCMEMFAILED     = -204    # cannot allocate memory in the instrument
    LOADFIRMWAREFAILED = -205    # cannot load firmware into selected channel(s)
    INCOMPATIBLESERVER = -206    # communication firmware not compatible with the library
    MAXCONNREACHED     = -207    # maximum number of allowed connections reached

    # Firmware error codes
    FIRMFILENOTEXISTS    = -300  # cannot find kernel.bin file
    FIRMFILEACCESSFAILED = -301  # cannot read kernel.bin file
    FIRMINVALIDFILE      = -302  # invalid kernel.bin file
    FIRMLOADINGFAILED    = -303  # cannot load kernel.bin on the selected channel(s)
    XILFILENOTEXISTS     = -304  # cannot find x100_01.txt file
    XILFILEACCESSFAILED  = -305  # cannot read x100_01.txt file
    XILINVALIDFILE       = -306  # invalid x100_01.txt file
    XILLOADINGFAILED     = -307  # cannot load x100_01.txt file on the selected channel(s)
    FIRMWARENOTLOADED    = -308  # no firmware loaded on the selected channel(s)
    FIRMWAREINCOMPATIBLE = -309  # loaded firmware not compatible with the library

    # Technique error codes
    ECCFILENOTEXISTS    = -400   # cannot find the selected ECC file
    INCOMPATIBLEECC     = -401   # ECC file not compatible with the channel firmware
    ECCFILECORRUPTED    = -402   # ECC file corrupted
    LOADTECHNIQUEFAILED = -403   # cannot load the ECC file
    DATACORRUPTED       = -404   # data returned by the instrument are corrupted
    MEMFULL             = -405   # cannot load techniques: full memory

class BLFindErrorCode(Enum):
    '''BLFind Error codes'''

    NOERROR = 0    # No Error

    UNKNOWN           = -1  # unknown error
    INVALID_PARAMETER = -2  # invalid function parameters
    ACK_TIMEOUT       = -10 # instrument response timeout
    EXP_RUNNING       = -11 # experiment is running on instrument
    CMD_FAILED        = -12 # instrument do not execute command
    FIND_FAILED       = -20 # find failed
    SOCKET_WRITE      = -21 # cannot write the request of the descriptions of ethernet instruments
    SOCKET_READ       = -22 # cannot read descriptions of ethernet instrument
    CFG_MODIFY_FAILED = -30 # set TCP/IP parameters failed
    READ_PARAM_FAILED = -31 # deserialization of TCP/IP parameters failed
    EMPTY_PARAM       = -32 # not any TCP/IP parameters in serialization
    IP_FORMAT         = -33 # invalid format of IP address
    NM_FORMAT         = -34 # invalid format of netmask address
    GW_FORMAT         = -35 # invalid format of gateway address
    IP_NOT_FOUND      = -38 # instrument to modify not found
    IP_ALREADYEXIST   = -39 # new IP address in TCP/IP parameters already exists

class ConnectionMode(Enum):
    '''Connection mode'''
    USB = 0
    ETH = 1

Instrument = NamedTuple('Instrument',
    ('connection_mode', 'address', 'gateway', 'netmask',
     'MAC', 'identifier', 'type', 'serial_number', 'name'))
Technique = NamedTuple('Technique', ('file_name', 'params'))
Parameter = NamedTuple('Parameter', ('name', 'value', 'index'))

class MParameter(object):
    '''Meta parameter information'''
    def __init__(self, name, dtype, description='', len_range=(None, None),
                 value_range=(None, None)): = name
        self.dtype = dtype
        self.description = description
        self.len_range = len_range
        self.value_range = value_range

    def __call__(self, value, index=0):
        return Parameter(, self.dtype(value), index)

    def __getitem__(self, array):
        return [self(v, i) for i, v in enumerate(array)]

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'MParameter({0})'.format(

    def __str__(self):
        return 'MParameter({0})'.format(

class MTechnique(object):
    '''Meta technique information.

       To create a new meta technique (not used often)::

       MYTECH = MTechnique(999, 'mytech',
                           MParameter('Rest_time_T', float, 'Rest duration (s)'),
                           MParameter('Record_every_dE', float, 'Record every dE (V)'),
                           MParameter('Record_every_dT', float, 'Record every dT (s)'),
                           summary="""my technique""",
                           description="""bla bla bla very good technique bla bla""")

       To create a new technique instance that can be loaded to the potentiostat do::

       p = Potentiostat('')
       my_tech = MYTECH(MYTECH.Rest_time_T(0.1),

       p.load_technique(0, my_tech)

    HardwareParams = (
        MParameter('I_Range', IntensityRange, 'I range'),
        MParameter('E_Range', VoltageRange, 'Ewe range'),
        MParameter('Bandwidth', Bandwidth, 'Bandwith'),
        MParameter('tb', float, 'Time base (s)'),

    def __init__(self, id, *meta_params, **kwargs): = id
        meta_params = meta_params
        meta_params = self.HardwareParams + meta_params
        self.meta_params = OrderedDict((, p) for p in meta_params)
        self.fname = kwargs.get('file_name',
        self.summary = kwargs.pop('summary', '')
        self.description = kwargs.pop('description', '')
        self.handle_data = kwargs.pop('data_handler', None)

    def __params_iter(params):
        for param in params:
            if isinstance(param, Parameter):
                yield param
                for pparam in param:
                    yield pparam
    def __call__(self, *params):
        params = list(MTechnique.__params_iter(params))
        return Technique(self.fname, params)

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'MTechnique({0}, #{1})'.format(self.summary,

    def __str__(self):
        return 'MTechnique({0}, #{1})'.format(self.summary,

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return self.meta_params[name]

# Exceptions -----------------------------------------------------------------

class BiologicError(Exception):
    '''Base error class'''

class BiologicErrorCode(BiologicError):
    '''Biologic error with error code'''
    def __init__(self, msg, error_code, *args):
        args = [msg] + list(args)
        super(BiologicError, self).__init__(*args)
        self.error_code = error_code

class ECLibError(BiologicErrorCode):
    '''ECLib error with error code'''

class BLFindError(BiologicErrorCode):
    '''BLFind error with error code'''

def __not_implemented(pid, *args, **kwargs):
    raise NotImplementedError

def __handle_params(f, args, kwargs):
    assert(len(args) == len(f.argtypes))
    f_args = []
    for arg_type, arg in zip(f.argtypes, args):
        # TODO
    return f_args, kwargs

def __call_eclib(f, *args, **kwargs):
    calls the specified eclib function,
    transforming the result into an exception if necessary
    result = f(*args, **kwargs)
    result = ECLibErrorCode(result)
    if result != ECLibErrorCode.NOERROR:
        raise ECLibError(get_eclib_error_msg(result.value), result)
    return result

def __call_eclib_params(f, *args, **kwargs):
    calls the specified eclib function managing parameters in a default way,
    transforming the result into an exception if necessary
    f_args, f_kwargs = __handle_params(f, args, kwargs)
    __call_eclib(f, *f_args, **f_kwargs)

def __call_blfind(f, *args, **kwargs):
    result = f(*args, **kwargs)
    result = BLFindErrorCode(result)
    if result != BLFindErrorCode.NOERROR:
        raise BLFindError(get_blfind_error_msg(result.value), result)
    return result

def __unpack_str(msg, size):
    # some versions of the library have a bug which returns some strings
    # in the form: C\x00C\x00... where C is a valid character and \x00 is the null.
    # this function tries to overcome that problem
    size = size.value
    if msg[0] == '\x00':
        return ''
    if size < 2 or msg[1] != '\x00':
        return msg.value
    _log.warn('received strange response: %r...', msg[:10])
    return msg[0:size*2:2]

def _get_base_log_name(url):
    return 'Potentiostat({0})'.format(url)

def _get_log(url=None):
    if url is None:
        return _log
    return _log.getChild(_get_base_log_name(url))

def log_it(f=None, log_name='.', level=None, msg=None, args=None, kwargs=None):
    if f is None:
        return functools.partial(log_it, log_name=log_name, level=level,
                                 msg=msg, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
    if msg is None:
        msg = f.__name__ + '()'
        args, kwargs = (), {}
    elif kwargs is None:
       kwargs = {}

    def wrap(pid, *a, **ka):
        if log_name == '.':
            log = _get_log(pid.url)
            log = _log.getChild(log_name)
        log.log(level, msg, *args, **kwargs)
        return f(pid, *a, **ka)
    return wrap

debug_it = functools.partial(log_it, level=logging.DEBUG)

## BL find -------------------------------------------------------------------

def __str_to_instruments(msg):
    instruments = []