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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the TomoSampleChanger project
# Copyright (C): 2018
#                European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
#                BP 220, Grenoble 38043
#                France
# Distributed under the terms of the GPL license.
# See LICENSE.txt for more info.

""" Sample changer for micro tomography on BM05

Handles the sample changer robot for micro tomography on BM05.
The robot can be installed on different tomgraphy end stations and aligns itself with the set-up used.
The class used the StaubLink/StaubPy/ of the StaubLink project on the ESRF Gitlab to
handle all functionality of the robot.

# PyTango imports
import tango
from tango import DebugIt
from tango.server import run
from tango.server import Device, DeviceMeta
from tango.server import attribute, command
from tango.server import device_property
from tango import AttrQuality, DispLevel, DevState
from tango import AttrWriteType, PipeWriteType
# Additional import
# PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.additionnal_import) ENABLED START #

import sys
import time
import math
import gevent
import traceback

# import robot cotroller
from StaubPy import bm05Controller2

# PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.additionnal_import

__all__ = ["TomoSampleChanger", "main"]

class TomoSampleChanger(Device):
    Handles the sample changer robot for micro tomography on BM05.
    The robot can be installed on different tomgraphy end stations and aligns itself with the set-up used.
    The class used the StaubLink/StaubPy/ of the StaubLink project on the ESRF Gitlab to
    handle all functionality of the robot.


    - Device Property
            - Is the sample loaded
            - Type:'DevBoolean'
            - The position of the loaded sample
            - Type:'DevString'

    __metaclass__ = DeviceMeta

    # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.class_variable) ENABLED START #

    green_mode = tango.GreenMode.Gevent

    # Blocking robot operation to load a sample
    def load_sample_task(self):
            self.info_stream("started sample loading")
            self.last_task = "Sample loading"

            self.is_error  = False
            self.is_moving = True

            # check the robot interlocks
            if self.robot.safeForMove:
                # ask sample loading to the robot arm
                self.robot.loadSample(self.load_sample_column, self.load_sample_row)
                self.load_sample_name = "None"

                err_msg = "Robot cannot move due to active interlocks! Please check the status message"
                tango.Except.throw_exception("ReadError", err_msg, "load_sample_task")

            self.is_moving = False
            self.is_loaded = True

            self.info_stream("finished sample loading")

        # catch all exceptions, print the traceback to the console and
        # add the information to the device status until acknowledgement
            ex_info = sys.exc_info()
                tango.Except.throw_exception(str(ex_info[0]), str(ex_info[1]), traceback.format_exc())
            except tango.DevFailed as ex:
                self.task_error = ex

                self.is_error  = True
                self.is_moving = False

    # Blocking robot operation to unload a sample
    def unload_sample_task(self):
            self.info_stream("started sample unloading")
            self.last_task = "Sample unloading"

            self.is_error  = False
            self.is_moving = True

            # check the robot interlocks
            if self.robot.safeForMove:
                # ask sample unloading to the robot arm
                if self.is_loaded:
                    self.robot.unloadSample(self.load_sample_column, self.load_sample_row)
                err_msg = "Robot cannot move due to active interlocks! Please check the status message"
                tango.Except.throw_exception("ReadError", err_msg, "unload_sample_task")

            self.is_moving = False
            self.is_loaded = False
            self.load_sample_name = "None"

            self.info_stream("finished sample unloading")

        # catch all exceptions, print the traceback to the console and
        # add the information to the device status until acknowledgement
            ex_info = sys.exc_info()
                tango.Except.throw_exception(str(ex_info[0]), str(ex_info[1]), traceback.format_exc())
            except tango.DevFailed as ex:
                self.task_error = ex

                self.is_error  = True
                self.is_moving = False


    # Blocking robot operation to align the robot with the tomography end station
    def align_task(self):
            self.info_stream("started alignment")
            self.last_task = "Alignment procedure"

            self.is_error  = False
            self.is_moving = True

            # check that the robot is in manual mode
            if self.robot.deportedMode == False:
                # ask for the alignment procedure
                err_msg = "Robot is not in manual mode! Please check the mode key!"
                tango.Except.throw_exception("ReadError", err_msg, "align_task")

            self.is_moving  = False
            self.attr_Aligned_read = self.robot.isAligned

            self.info_stream("finished alignment")

        # catch all exceptions, print the traceback to the console and
        # add the information to the device status until acknowledgement
            ex_info = sys.exc_info()
                tango.Except.throw_exception(str(ex_info[0]), str(ex_info[1]), traceback.format_exc())
            except tango.DevFailed as ex:
                self.task_error = ex

                self.is_error  = True
                self.is_moving = False

    def parking_task(self):
            self.info_stream("started move to parking position")
            self.last_task = "Parking procedure"

            self.is_error  = False
            self.is_moving = True

            # check that the robot is in manual mode
            if self.robot.deportedMode == False:
                # ask to move to parking position
                err_msg = "Robot is not in manual mode! Please check the mode key!"
                tango.Except.throw_exception("ReadError", err_msg, "align_task")

            self.is_moving  = False
            self.attr_ParkingPosition_read = self.robot.isAtParking

            # put back the error flag. A Reset still needs to be executed!
            self.is_error  = True

            self.info_stream("finished move to parking position")

        # catch all exceptions, print the traceback to the console and
        # add the information to the device status until acknowledgement
            ex_info = sys.exc_info()
                tango.Except.throw_exception(str(ex_info[0]), str(ex_info[1]), traceback.format_exc())
            except tango.DevFailed as ex:
                self.task_error = ex

                self.is_error  = True
                self.is_moving = False

    # Read the status of the robot
    def robot_status(self):
            if self.status_lock:
            # call the robot status only if the robot is not moving
            if self.is_moving == False:
                # call the status onlt every three seconds, not to ovlerload the controller
                now = time.time()
                diff = now - self.robot_status_time
                if diff > 3.0:
                    self.is_safe_for_move           = self.robot.safeForMove
                    self.attr_WagoOK_read           = self.robot.wagoIsAlive
                    self.attr_RobotLibraryName_read = self.robot.loadedLibraryName

                    if self.robot.airPressureTooLow or self.robot.airPressureTooHigh:
                        self.attr_AirPressureOK_read = False
                        self.attr_AirPressureOK_read = True

                    self.attr_RemoteMode_read      = self.robot.deportedMode
                    self.attr_TomographUsed_read   = self.robot.tomographUsed
                    self.attr_Aligned_read         = self.robot.isAligned
                    self.attr_ParkingPosition_read = self.robot.isAtParking
                    self.attr_SafetyChainOK_read   = self.robot.safetyChain

                    self.robot_status_time = now
                    self.info_stream ("robot_status() at %d" % int(now))
            self.status_lock = False

        # catch all exceptions, convert to Tango exception and rethrow
            ex_info = sys.exc_info()
            tango.Except.throw_exception(str(ex_info[0]), str(ex_info[1]), traceback.format_exc())

    # Read the sample properties
    def write_properties(self):
        db = tango.Database()

        keys = ("samplePosition", "sampleLoaded")
        prop = dict.fromkeys(keys)

        prop["samplePosition"] = self.load_sample_name
        prop["sampleLoaded"]   = self.is_loaded

        db.put_device_property(self.get_name(), prop)

    # Verify a given sample name and return the sample row and column position on the samples shelf
    def get_sample_position (self, sample_name):
        # check for valid sample name
        # Column must be A, B or C
        column =  sample_name[0].upper()
        if column.isalpha() == False or \
           (column != "A" and column != "B" and column != "C"):
            err_msg = "Wrong sample name. The sample column in the shelf must be A, B or C"
            tango.Except.throw_exception("WriteError", err_msg, "get_sample_position")

        #row number must be between 1 and 18
        row = int(sample_name[1:3])
        if row < 1 or row > 18:
            err_msg = "Wrong sample name. The sample row in the shelf must be between 1 and 18"
            tango.Except.throw_exception("WriteError", err_msg, "get_sample_position")

        # the samples A7, B7, C7 and A8, B8, C8 don't exist!!!
        if row == 7 or row == 8:
            err_msg = "The samples A,B,C 7 and 8 do not exist on the sample changer shelf!"
            tango.Except.throw_exception("WriteError", err_msg, "get_sample_position")

        return row, column

    # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.class_variable

    # -----------------
    # Device Properties
    # -----------------

    sampleLoaded = device_property(

    samplePosition = device_property(

    # ----------
    # Attributes
    # ----------

    SamplePosition = attribute(
        label="Sample position",

    SampleLoaded = attribute(
        label="Sample loaded",
        doc="The name of the sample currently loaded",

    Aligned = attribute(
        doc="Sample changer aligned with tomograph end station",

    ParkingPosition = attribute(
        label="Parking position",

    RemoteMode = attribute(
        label="Remote mode",

    SafetyChainOK = attribute(
        label="Safety chain OK",
        doc="The safety interlock is active when an emergency stop button was pressed or the hutch is not seached and closed. \nWhen the safety interlock is active, robot movements are allowed only in manual operation mode.",

    AirPressureOK = attribute(
        label="Air pressure OK",
        doc="True when the air pressure is not to high nor to low.",

    WagoOK = attribute(
        label="Wago OK",
        doc="True when the connection to the interlock Wago controller is alive.",

    TomographUsed = attribute(
        label="Tomograph used",
        doc="The name of the tomography end station where the sample changer is installed.",

    RobotLibraryName = attribute(
        label="Robot library name",

    # ---------------
    # General methods
    # ---------------

    def init_device(self):
        """Initialises the attributes and properties of the TomoSampleChanger."""
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.init_device) ENABLED START #

        self.attr_TomographUsed_read    = "None"
        self.attr_RobotLibraryName_read = "None"
        self.attr_SamplePosition_read   = "None"
        self.attr_Aligned_read          = False
        self.attr_AirPressureOK_read    = False
        self.attr_WagoOK_read           = False
        self.attr_RemoteMode_read       = False
        self.attr_ParkingPosition_read  = False
        self.attr_SafetyChainOK_read    = False
        self.attr_RobotSpeed_read    = "None"
        # init flags for state and status
        self.init_done      = False
        self.init_error     = None

        self.is_moving      = False
        self.is_loaded      = False
        self.is_error       = False
        self.is_safe_for_move = False
        self.status_lock = False

        self.state_error       = None
        self.task_error        = None
        self.robot_status_time = 0
        self.last_task         = "None"
        self.load_sample_name  = "None"
        self.load_sample_column = ""
        self.load_sample_row    = 0

        # get the device propertie values for the sample
        self.load_sample_name = self.samplePosition
        self.is_loaded        = self.sampleLoaded
        print ("Sample position  = %s" % self.load_sample_name)
        print ("Sample is loaded = %s" % self.is_loaded)

            # initialise the robot access
            self.robot = bm05Controller2.BM05Controller2(controllerAssociated='', logOnController=False)  # Normal
            self.robot.cs8LibraryName = 'bm05tomo'


            self.robot.torqueMaxAllowed = {'j1': 9990, 'j2': 9990, 'j3': 9990, 'j4': 9990, 'j5': 9990, 'j6': 9990}

            self.robot.torqueMonitor.threadOnController()  # If emmergency function used, torque monitor must be reactivated.
            print ("Controller initialized!!!!!!!")

            self.init_done = True

            ex_info = sys.exc_info()
                tango.Except.throw_exception(str(ex_info[0]), str(ex_info[1]), traceback.format_exc())
            except tango.DevFailed as ex:

                self.init_error = ex
                self.debug_stream('Exeception thrown in init_device')

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.init_device

    def always_executed_hook(self):
        """Method always executed before any TANGO command is executed."""
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.always_executed_hook) ENABLED START #
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.always_executed_hook

    def delete_device(self):
        """Hook to delete resources allocated in init_device.

        This method allows for any memory or other resources allocated in the
        init_device method to be released.  This method is called by the device
        destructor and by the device Init command.
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.delete_device) ENABLED START #
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.delete_device
    # ------------------
    # Attributes methods
    # ------------------

    def read_SamplePosition(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.SamplePosition_read) ENABLED START #

        self.attr_SamplePosition_read = self.load_sample_name
        return self.attr_SamplePosition_read

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.SamplePosition_read

    def read_SampleLoaded(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.SampleLoaded_read) ENABLED START #

        return self.is_loaded

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.SampleLoaded_read

    def read_Aligned(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.Aligned_read) ENABLED START #

        return self.attr_Aligned_read

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.Aligned_read

    def read_ParkingPosition(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.ParkingPosition_read) ENABLED START #

        return self.attr_ParkingPosition_read

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.ParkingPosition_read

    def read_RemoteMode(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.RemoteMode_read) ENABLED START #

        return self.attr_RemoteMode_read

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.RemoteMode_read

    def read_SafetyChainOK(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.SafetyChainOK_read) ENABLED START #
        """Return the SafetyChainOK attribute."""

        return self.attr_SafetyChainOK_read

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.SafetyChainOK_read

    def read_AirPressureOK(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.AirPressureOK_read) ENABLED START #

        return self.attr_AirPressureOK_read

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.AirPressureOK_read

    def read_WagoOK(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.WagoOK_read) ENABLED START #

        return self.attr_WagoOK_read

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.WagoOK_read

    def read_TomographUsed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.TomographUsed_read) ENABLED START #

        return self.attr_TomographUsed_read

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.TomographUsed_read

    def read_RobotLibraryName(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.RobotLibraryName_read) ENABLED START #

        return self.attr_RobotLibraryName_read

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.RobotLibraryName_read

    speed = attribute(
        fget="get_speed", fset="set_speed",
        doc="sample changer acceleration speed")

    def get_speed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.get_speed) ENABLED START #
        if self.is_moving == False:
            self.attr_RobotSpeed_read = self.robot.accelForLargeMovesMultiplicator
        return self.attr_RobotSpeed_read
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.get_speed

    def set_speed(self, speed):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.set_speed) ENABLED START #
        self.robot.accelForLargeMovesMultiplicator = speed
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.set_speed
    # --------
    # Commands
    # --------

    def dev_state(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.State) ENABLED START #

        if self.init_done == False or self.is_error == True:
            _state = tango.DevState.FAULT
                # air pressure and internal wago interlocks
                if self.is_safe_for_move == False:
                    _state = tango.DevState.DISABLE
                    if  self.is_moving == True:
                        # pause mode activated
                        # The hutch was opened, the movemeny is inerrupted and will resume on hutch closure
                        #if self.robot.power() == 0:
                        #    _state = tango.DevState.RUNNING
                        #    _state = tango.DevState.MOVING
                        _state = tango.DevState.MOVING
                        if self.attr_ParkingPosition_read == False:
                            _state = tango.DevState.FAULT
                            _state = tango.DevState.ON

            except tango.DevFailed as ex:
                self.state_error = ex
                _state = tango.DevState.UNKNOWN

        return _state

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.State

    def dev_status(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.Status) ENABLED START #

        state = self.dev_state()

        self._status = "The device state is "
        if state == tango.DevState.FAULT:
            self._status += "FAULT"
            if state == tango.DevState.DISABLE:
                self._status += "DISABLED"
                if state == tango.DevState.RUNNING:
                    self._status += "PAUSE, movement is paused due to hutch opening"
                    if state == tango.DevState.MOVING:
                        self._status += "MOVING"
                        self._status += "\n\n" + self.last_task
                        if state == tango.DevState.ON:
                            self._status += "ON"
                            self._status += "UNKNOWN"
        self._status += "\n"

        if state == tango.DevState.FAULT:
            if self.init_done == False:
                self._status += "\nDevice initialisation failed!\n"
                self._status += "Please correct the problems and try to initialise the device again.\n"
                self._status += "\n"
                self._status += str(self.init_error)
                if self.is_error:
                    # Get the task exception stored
                    if self.task_error != None:
                        self._status += "\n" + self.last_task + " failed!\n"
                        self._status += "Please check the problem! Call the Reset command when the robot is back at its safe parking position\n"
                        self._status += "\n"
                        self._status += str(self.task_error)
                    if self.attr_ParkingPosition_read == False:
                        self._status += "\nThe robot is not at its save parking position!\n"
                        self._status += "Please check the problem! Call the Reset command when the robot is back at its safe parking position\n"
                        self._status += "\n"
            if state == tango.DevState.DISABLE:
                # check the interlock conditions
                if self.attr_AirPressureOK_read == False:
                    self._status += "Air pressure problem! Air pressure is too high ot too low\n"
                    if self.attr_WagoOK_read == False:
                        self._status += "No connection to Wago for interlocks\n"
                if state == tango.DevState.UNKNOWN:
                    self._status += "\nReading of the robot status failed\n"
                    self._status += "\n"
                    self._status += str(self.state_error)

        return self._status

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.Status

        doc_in="Sample to load",
    def LoadSample(self, argin):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.LoadSample) ENABLED START #

        # check for valid sample name and get the sample position
        self.load_sample_row, self.load_sample_column = self.get_sample_position(argin)

        ## check for valid sample name
        ## Column must be A, B or C
        #column =  argin[0].upper()
        #if column.isalpha() == False or \
           #(column != "A" and column != "B" and column != "C"):
            #err_msg = "Wrong sample name. The sample column in the shelf must be A, B or C"
            #tango.Except.throw_exception("WriteError", err_msg, "LoadSample")
        #self.load_sample_column = column

        ##row number must be between 1 and 18
        #row = int(argin[1:3])
        #if row < 1 or row > 18:
            #err_msg = "Wrong sample name. The sample row in the shelf must be between 1 and 18"
            #tango.Except.throw_exception("WriteError", err_msg, "LoadSample")
        #self.load_sample_row = row

        ## the samples A7, B7, C7 and A8, B8, C8 don't exist!!!
        #if row == 7 or row == 8:
            #err_msg = "The samples A,B,C 7 and 8 do not exist on the sample changer shelf!"
            #tango.Except.throw_exception("WriteError", err_msg, "LoadSample")

        # Sample loading is only possible when the robot is aligned
        if self.attr_Aligned_read == False:
            err_msg = "The sample changer is not aligned! Cannot load sample"
            tango.Except.throw_exception("WriteError", err_msg, "LoadSample")

        # Not possible when another sample is already loaded
        if self.is_loaded == True:
            err_msg = "A sample is already loaded! Please unload sample first"
            tango.Except.throw_exception("WriteError", err_msg, "LoadSample")

        self.running_task = gevent.spawn(self.load_sample_task)
        print ("loading sample %s:%i" % (self.load_sample_column, self.load_sample_row))

        self.load_sample_name = ("%s%d" % (self.load_sample_column, self.load_sample_row))

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.LoadSample

    def is_LoadSample_allowed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.is_LoadSample_allowed) ENABLED START #
        return self.get_state() not in [DevState.MOVING,DevState.FAULT,DevState.DISABLE]
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.is_LoadSample_allowed

    def UnloadSample(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.UnloadSample) ENABLED START #

        # verify the sample position
        self.load_sample_row, self.load_sample_column = self.get_sample_position(self.load_sample_name)

        # Sample loading is only possible when the robot is aligned
        if self.attr_Aligned_read == False:
            err_msg = "The sample changer is not aligned! Cannot unload sample"
            tango.Except.throw_exception("WriteError", err_msg, "UnloadSample")

        self.running_task = gevent.spawn(self.unload_sample_task)
        print ("unloading sample")

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.UnloadSample

    def is_UnloadSample_allowed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.is_UnloadSample_allowed) ENABLED START #
        return self.get_state() not in [DevState.MOVING,DevState.FAULT,DevState.DISABLE]
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.is_UnloadSample_allowed

    def Align(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.Align) ENABLED START #

        # Alignment cannot be done when a sample is loaded
        if self.is_loaded == True:
            err_msg = "A sample is loaded! Cannot start alignment procedure with a loaded sample"
            tango.Except.throw_exception("WriteError", err_msg, "Align")

        self.running_task = gevent.spawn(self.align_task)
        print ("aligning robot")

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.Align

    def is_Align_allowed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.is_Align_allowed) ENABLED START #
        return self.get_state() not in [DevState.MOVING,DevState.FAULT]
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.is_Align_allowed

    def Abort(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.Abort) ENABLED START #

        # stop all movements


        self.is_moving = False
        self.is_error = True

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.Abort

    def Reset(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.Reset) ENABLED START #

        # stop all eventually on-going movements

        # free the FAULT state ony when the robot is back at its parking position
        if self.robot.isAtParking:
            self.is_error = False
            err_msg = "Cannot reset! The robot is not at its parking position."
            tango.Except.throw_exception("ReadError", err_msg, "Reset")

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.Reset

    def is_Reset_allowed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.is_Reset_allowed) ENABLED START #
        return self.get_state() not in [DevState.ON,DevState.MOVING,DevState.DISABLE]
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.is_Reset_allowed

    def ForceParkingPosition(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.ForceParkingPosition) ENABLED START #

        if self.robot.isAtParking == False:
            self.running_task = gevent.spawn(self.parking_task)
            print ("Bring robot back to parking position")

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.ForceParkingPosition

    def is_ForceParkingPosition_allowed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.is_ForceParkingPosition_allowed) ENABLED START #
        return self.get_state() not in [DevState.ON,DevState.MOVING,DevState.DISABLE]
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.is_ForceParkingPosition_allowed

    def ManualUnload(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.ManualUnload) ENABLED START #


        self.is_loaded = False
        self.load_sample_name = "None"

        self.info_stream("finished sample unloading")

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.ManualUnload

    def is_ManualUnload_allowed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.is_ManualUnload_allowed) ENABLED START #
        return self.get_state() not in [DevState.MOVING]
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.is_ManualUnload_allowed

    def OpenGripper(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.OpenGripper) ENABLED START #


        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.OpenGripper

    def is_OpenGripper_allowed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.is_OpenGripper_allowed) ENABLED START #
        return self.get_state() not in [DevState.MOVING,DevState.DISABLE]
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.is_OpenGripper_allowed

    def CloseGripper(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.CloseGripper) ENABLED START #


        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.CloseGripper

    def is_CloseGripper_allowed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.is_CloseGripper_allowed) ENABLED START #
        return self.get_state() not in [DevState.MOVING,DevState.DISABLE]
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.is_CloseGripper_allowed

    def IsAligned(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.IsAligned) ENABLED START #
            Forces the alignment flag to be set to True! Can be used after a server re-start
            to avoid executing a new alignment procedure.


        self.robot.isAligned = True

        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.IsAligned

    def is_IsAligned_allowed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.is_IsAligned_allowed) ENABLED START #
        return self.get_state() not in [DevState.MOVING,DevState.RUNNING,DevState.FAULT,DevState.DISABLE]
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.is_IsAligned_allowed

    def ResumeAfterSafetyInterlock(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.ResumeAfterSafetyInterlock) ENABLED START #
            Resume a paused movement after a
            safety intelock during a movement.



        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.ResumeAfterSafetyInterlock

    def is_ResumeAfterSafetyInterlock_allowed(self):
        # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.is_ResumeAfterSafetyInterlock_allowed) ENABLED START #
        #return self.get_state() not in [DevState.ON,DevState.MOVING,DevState.FAULT,DevState.DISABLE]
        return self.get_state() not in [DevState.FAULT,DevState.DISABLE]
        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.is_ResumeAfterSafetyInterlock_allowed

# ----------
# Run server
# ----------

def main(args=None, **kwargs):
    """Main function of the TomoSampleChanger module."""
    # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleChanger.main) ENABLED START #

    # Enable gevents for the server
    kwargs.setdefault("green_mode", tango.GreenMode.Gevent)
    return run((TomoSampleChanger,), args=args, **kwargs)

    # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleChanger.main

if __name__ == '__main__':