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lima: Protect ROI update

Valentin Valls requested to merge no-raise-when-changing-binning into 2.0.x

Closes #4439 (closed)

Update _restore_rois_from_settings in case the ROIs can be created anymore cause of the new transformation.

  • Protect each creatation of ROI, and fallback with a roi=None
  • roi=None is obviously not a valid ROI
  • Now self._inactive_rois can contain None values, but it sounds like it still work

As result changing the binning of a detector do not raise exception anymore

Which mean every ROIs are updated (there is no exception in between).

The wrong ROIs are just discarded.

This have to be backported to BLISS 2.1 and master.

Edited by Valentin Valls

Merge request reports
