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axis: Only display a link to the controller

Valentin Valls requested to merge do-not-display-controller-in-axis into master

This PR rework the __info__ of the axis in order to only display name and type of the controller.

DEMO_SESSION [1]: sx                                                                                                                                                                                       
         Out [1]: AXIS:                                                                                                                                                                                    
                       name (R): sx                                                                                                                                                                        
                       unit (R): None
                       offset (R): 0.00000
                       backlash (R): 0.00000
                       sign (R): 1
                       steps_per_unit (R): 10000.00
                       tolerance (R) (to check pos. before a move): 0.0001
                       motion_hooks (R): []
                       limits (RW):    Low: -2.00000 High: 2.00000    (config Low: -2.00000 High: 2.00000)
                       dial (RW): 0.000000
                       position (RW): 0.000000
                       state (R): READY (Axis is READY)
                       acceleration (RW): 10000.00000  (config: 10000.00000)
                       acctime (RW):         2.50000  (config:    2.50000)
                       velocity (RW):     25000.00000  (config: 25000.00000)
                       velocity_low_limit (RW):            inf  (config: inf)
                       velocity_high_limit (RW):            inf  (config: inf)
                       type sx.controller for more information
                  MOCKUP AXIS:
                      this axis (sx) is a simulation axis
                       steps per unit: 100000.0
                       unit: None
                       tolerance (to check pos at end of move): 0
                       dial_measured_position:    0.00000
                  CLOSED LOOP:

Merge request reports