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lima: The frame index can be missing for old cameras

Valentin Valls requested to merge fix-lima-frame-index into blissdata-1.0.0rc0

Related to !5256 (merged)

This was fixed at ID31 for the perkin with @sfisher . Lima protocol v3 was not supported by this lima server.

But i have also noticed that this still have to be fixed for camera not supporting multi trigger mode.

The result can be

  • None
  • n
  • always 0

This fix is about the None, but not about the always 0

Also, we have already talked about it, but we are in async and Lima is not aware of BLISS, so there is no clue that the returned frame is the one known by blissdata -> the frames can mismatch. But I don't think we care, we just can return a frame.

Also, i have noticed that the source of the data it displayed as "blissdata", but i expect it to be "file" or "memory" or "video". Here i don't remember what it was used.

FYI @felix @matias.guijarro

Merge request reports