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Draft: Few fixes on lima image

Valentin Valls requested to merge few-fixes-on-lima-image into 1.10.x

This PR is about to solve some problems we have with lima image in Daiquiri.

As Daiquiri tomo is about to be used, and Lima 2 is about to be integrated it would be good to stabilize that.

I also expect it to be part of 1.11, so i am fine with an intermediate solution.

  1. For now in Daiquiri we have to mix tango and bliss to know the actual size of the detector. To have an understandable behavior this information have to be exposed by BLISS.
  2. A related problem is that the image ROI is not sync between daiquiri/bliss as result a ct launched from BLISS or from Daiquiri will not produce the same result.
  3. Finally for the future, people would expect to setup image ROI in daiquiri. To prepare that it would be good to sync in BLISS the detector fullsize = width/height, and the roi = x/y/width/height | None And then size = width/height could be the final size (but that's probably too much stuffs for now)

To not forget, i also feel like the ImageCounter is mixing Counter API with controller API, that's not really nice. For example lima.image.shape returns 0, 0 which is really surprising. Could it be possible to split the stuffs? I would like to have some feed back here.

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