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Resolve "Bliss monitoring scans"

Perceval Guillou requested to merge 3797-bliss-monitoring-scans into master

Closes #3797 (closed)

It introduces the MonitoringScan class to identify monitoring scans and distinguish them from the usual Scan object.

It introduces the MScanManager to manage the background tasks associated to each monitoring scan.

It introduces the start_monitoring(name, count_time, *counters, npoints=0, sleep_time=0, save=False, table=False) to launch a moni scan

It introduces the stop_all_monitoringand start_all_monitoring and to stop and restart all moni scans at once

Inside one session, moni scans are stopped when a usual Scan is started and automatically re-started when the Scan finishes

Flint can identify moni scan and open a dedicated plot (only one at a time for now)

Edited by Perceval Guillou

Merge request reports
