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mg: enable/disable only if needed

Valentin Valls requested to merge fix-disable-all into master

Closes #3577 (closed)

This fixes disable_all when nothing have to be disabled.

The problem come from disable which uses a *counter + a name solving. And a check if some object was found after the solving.

DAIQUIRI [2]: tomo_mock_mg.disable_all()                                                                                                                           
!!! === ValueError: No match, could not disable any counter with patterns:  === !!! ( for more details type cmd 'last_error' )                                     
DAIQUIRI [2]: tomo_mock_mg.disable()                                                                                                                               
!!! === ValueError: No match, could not disable any counter with patterns:  === !!! ( for more details type cmd 'last_error' )                                     

Now if there is no input to disable the function early returns.

Merge request reports