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Fix scan group state

Linus Pithan requested to merge fix_scan_group_state into master

A first problem was reported first by @denolf in !2559 (merged) but there was more to do around the state of a group / sequence of scans.

This fixes the following:

  1. due to a join() instead of get() on the scan greenlet in the group tests were passing even if there were errors in the group scan

  2. the StatePreset did not distinguish between Scan-DataNodes and Scan-Objects when evaluation the state of each scan

  3. the group scan was raising if one of the sub-scans was KILLED or USER_ABORTED. So far it didn't bother due to point 1) in this list.

  4. The state of the group scan is now set to the highest state of all it's sub-scans.

Edited by Linus Pithan

Merge request reports