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Contributing guidelines, Oneflow model

Marcus Oskarsson requested to merge github/fork/rhfogh/rhfogh_oneflow into develop

Created by: rhfogh

This is an alternative PR to #678

My apologies for introducing so big changes so late in the process. @pkeller introduced me to the oneflow workflow, and I thought this would be simper to use and better defined than what we had before. It is very similar to what we have already discussed, except for a much simpler versioning system, and precise procedures for the different actions.

The main points are:

  • Using the master branch' explicitly for only storing releases, with the rest of the work done in the develop branch.

  • Changed merge etc. instructions to provide a simple and linear commit graph.

  • Limited the versioning to actual releases, which means getting rid of the dev and rc suffixes and the beamline-specific tags. This means that we only need to bump versions as part of the release process. We lose the ability to tag and refer to specific commits outside of the git repository - but how often would we need to refer specifically to the code in 2.1.0.dev7 or 2.2.0.rc2?

Clearly we can consider these points in isolation - we do not have to adopt them all.

Changes in are taken directly and unchanged from #678. Adoption of this PR would require modifications elsewhere (change references form gitflow to oneflow), but first we need to decide if we actually want this PR.

Merge request reports