Update calibration files
I have updated the calibration files for all of the DQs and for the quadrupoles.
Quads Updated param files (for example from https://confluence.esrf.fr/display/IDMWS/QF1+moderate+gradient+quads, see 9e5bf2e5) :
QD2-QF4-QD5_params.csv was downloaded, and the QF4E was extracted and saved to QF4E_params.csv as Simone had done previously.
DQs The DQ files were downloaded (for example from https://confluence.esrf.fr/display/IDMWS/DQ1, see 892df087):
DQ1_currents-corr.csv was downloaded and renamed to DQ1_currents.csv
DQ2_currents-corr.csv was downloaded and renamed to DQ2_currents.csv
Extra files were created to potentially use the individual DQ scaling factors instead of just the current directly. These files were taken from the control file from the confluence page (DQ1-params-control.xlsx for example), and copy pasted into a new file called
Also updated the SerialNumbers/Q.xls file to adjust the Serial Numbers. Now it should be
QF4/C24-d = QD2-071
QD2/C24-e = QD2-069