Missing processing directory
Here is what o receive for a new Task.
There is no path related to the processing directory.
That's maybe something useful we have to to expose. So what there is no need to compute it locally.
# "metadata": {
# "fileTemplate": "test3_test3_scan.h5",
# "imageDirectory": "/tmp/scans/visitor/blc00001/id00/20221001/test3/test3_test3_scan",
# "imageContainerSubPath": None,
# "numberOfImages": None,
# "exposureTime": None,
# "runStatus": "Successful",
# "experimentType": "tomo",
# "beamLineName": "bl",
# "session": "blc00001-1",
# "proposal": "blc00001",
# "sequence": None,
# "steps_x": None,
# "steps_y": None,
# "workingDirectory": "/tmp/scans/visitor/blc00001/id00/20221001/test3/test3_test3_scan/test3_test3_scan.h5",
# },
# "dataCollectionId": 7,
# "processingJobId": 8,
# "autoProcProgramId": 8,
Right now i use the acquisition filename to compute the path for reconstructed.h5
But the path to /tmp/scans/visitor/blc00001/id00/20221001/test3/test3_test3_scan/processed/26929d18-dfc8-4cca-a692-c40f11bb761d
could be exposed.
Or it is maybe supposed to be the workingDirectory
├── test2
│ ├── blc00001_test2.h5
│ └── test2_test2_scan
│ ├── daiquiri-tomo
│ │ └── reconstructed.h5
│ ├── processed
│ │ └── 26929d18-dfc8-4cca-a692-c40f11bb761d
│ │ └── tomo-sinogram-reconstruction
│ │ └── 5_stdout.log
│ ├── scan0002
│ │ └── tomo3_128p_0000.h5
│ ├── scan0003
│ │ └── tomo3_128p_0000.h5
│ ├── scan0004
│ │ └── tomo3_128p_0000.h5
│ ├── scan0005
│ │ └── tomo3_128p_0000.h5
│ └── test2_test2_scan.h5