Issues after training of 20th Nov 2023
Give tip to solve long path issue on Windows (needed for pip install ewoks[orange]
slide 30): -
should be used on windows whenengine="ppf"
or fix the problem -
Give a way to time commands on Windows ( -
Support node option to pass inputs in link data_mapping (currently only outputs with "source_output")?Difficult to support in general because this means inputs need to be passed by default (next task could run in another process) -
ewoksweb: open an issue about a way to deactivate links workflow/ewoks/ewoksweb#241 -
fix typo -
add brackets around "b" on slide 45 (because it is optional) -
ewoksndreg on windows: sift not available(cannot reproduce python 3.10, windows 11) -
remove file based VISA-Slurm communication with pyslurmutils>=0.1.2 -
still some issues with the visa current working dir + slurm. One way araound can be:
ewoksjob worker --pool=slurm --slurm-pre-script="source /home/esrf/james1997a/Code/ewoksfordevs/ewokstutorial/bin/activate" -sp time_limit=240 -sp current_working_directory=/home/esrf/james1997a/Code/ewoksfordevs
Edited by payno