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tomo: tiling: Expose the vertical and horizontal ranges from the sequence

Valentin Valls requested to merge provides-range-before-scans into master

Closes ui/daiquiri-tomo#63 (closed)

This MR reworks the actual tiling sequence in order to provide early metadata.

This allow to reach scanned sample stage range before starting/having received the whole data from the scan.

This will allow to upgrade the rendering during the scan in the future.

The reader can be initialized with a minimal data required then most of the early features are available.

  • front and side are available without needed of the scan
  • vertical_ranges and horizontal_ranges are available without need of the scans
  • detector_name is also available for convenience without need of scans


  • It is probably important now to think about the good way to fail. Like creating a dedicated exception when some content are not yet available but are requested. This could be done in a second time (as it's only an api refactoring).
  • The actual implementation exposes the ranges as it is requested, not the one which is really acquired. This can be changed.
  • The tests are not tested the result before the end of the scan. That something we could improve.
Edited by Valentin Valls

Merge request reports