Pilatus is dying after command dscan(chi,-0.05,0.05,50,0. - probably zero counting time problem ?
@debionne @matias.guijarro @claustre
Investigated and solved with @valentin.valls
!!! === DevFailed: DevFailed[
desc = Failed to connect to device id10/roicounter/p300k_1
The connection request was delayed.
The last connection request was done less than 1000 ms ago
origin = Connection::reconnect
reason = API_CantConnectToDevice
severity = ERR]
desc = Failed to execute command_inout on device id10/roicounter/p300k_1, command Stop
origin = Connection::command_inout()
reason = API_CommandFailed
severity = ERR]
] === !!! ( for more details type cmd 'last_error' )
The solution is to restart camserver and pilatus300 servers in multivisor, as well as Bliss session. Would it be possible to avoid restarting BLISS session at the end of the procedure ?
Edited by Maciej Jankowski