Server restart - wrong responses for a short time frame
It seems there is a very short time frame when, if you make a request to the server, it will tell you that your token is not valid even if it actually is valid. I got it on both http://dau-dm-03:8000/ids/7acc39f1-b346-45b2-a7f2-9e7a90918574/datasets/status?datasetIds=125068060
and http://dau-dm-03:8000/catalogue/7b7644dc-e148-4e30-9358-052ccc6284f3/instruments
, which returned 400 Session is not found for this sessionId.
but were valid again a few seconds later.
This is problematic because it is exactly the same code and message that you get when your token is not valid so the app interprets it as such and logs you out.
And right after the logout, we then try to log in as reader and get a response with code 200
but no response body.
Probably both are caused by the same thing