Group of developers for the ICAT project at ESRF
The data portal is the user interface of the metadata catalogue that implements the tools needed to make the data FAIR. (https://icat.gitlab-pages.esrf.fr/data-portal/)
Datahub is the frontend for ICAT+. It is a REACT web application with REDUX. https://icat.gitlab-pages.esrf.fr/E-DataPortal/
- E
This project allows to run the elogbook in standalone mode by using docker. The elogbook is built on top of ICAT and relies for storing data in two databases (MariaDB and Mongo).
- H
The master-config project is where the ESRF master configuration file is stored. The master file is the hdf5_cfg.xml file common to all ESRF beamlines. It links the metadata definitions to icat database and HDF5/Nexus files.