Group dedicated to accelerators related projects (Tango classes,....)
Software for alignment Units
Group dedicated to software controlling the accelerators beam
Group dedicted to software for all the beam diagnostic equipment installed on the accelerators
Supporting software not relating to a field, such as GUI's, applications or libraries
Documents about design, policy and standards etc
sub group for FrontEnd
Generic and reusable software used in the various specialism fields
Group dedicated to software that controls various Instruments
Group dedicated to software for the accelerators linac control system
Machine Status and Synopsis software
For all Tango classes related to magnets control
Group dedicated to software that controls motion on the accelerators
Group dedicated to software for the accelerators power supplies
Group dedicated to software controlling the accelerators radio frequency systems
Group dedicated to software for all the safety and security equipment installed on the accelerators
Any simulation software used to test software on the accelerators.
Group dedicated to accelerator system utility software