function [fams_ints, fams_intsp, fams_ints_raw, usable, fams_counts, gr_vols] = gtCrystComputeExperimentalFamilyIntensities_v2(phase_id, p, det_ind, varargin) % FUNCTION GTCRYSTCOMPUTEEXPERIMENTALFAMILYINTENSITIES_V2 % [fams_ints, fams_intsp, fams_ints_raw, usable, fams_counts, gr_vols] = gtCrystComputeExperimentalFamilyIntensities_v2(phase_id, p, det_ind, varargin) % INPUTS: % phase_id = <int> Phase ID. The default is 1. % p = <struct> The parameter structure. % det_ind = <int> Detector index. The default is 1. % OPTIONAL INPUTS: % fams_ints_norm = <int> Estimate the intensity of each hkl % family by [1]: median spot intensity, % or 2: average spot intensity. % only_selected = <bool> [true]: only use selected spots; % false: use all the included spots. % use_spot2grain = <bool> [true]: deselect the shared spots % indicated by spot2grain.mat; % mu_att = <double> Attenuation coefficient. If empty, % absorption volume will be used. % flat_image = Flat image used for direct beam profile. % If empty, it will be generated automatically. % gr_ids = <int> ID of used grains. % usedfam = <bool> Used hkl families. % fams_counts_thres = <int> For each grain, only if the spots are % more than this threshold, the hkl % family will be used. Default: 4 % abs_vol = Absorption volume. % % 06-09-2021 by Zheheng. (based on Nicola's function gtCrystComputeExperimentalFamilyIntensities) if (~exist('phase_id', 'var') || isempty(phase_id)) phase_id = 1; end if (~exist('p', 'var') || isempty(p)) p = gtLoadParameters(); end if (~exist('det_ind', 'var') || isempty(det_ind)) det_ind = 1; end conf = struct(... 'fams_ints_norm', 1, ... % 0 and 1 are median, 2 is average 'only_selected', true, ... % To use included spots or only use selected spots 'use_spot2grain', true, ... % deselect the shared spots indicated by spot2grain.mat 'mu_att', [], ... % 32.2686 cm^-1 43.57keV Ni 'flat_image', [], ... 'gr_ids', [], ... 'usedfam', [], ... 'fams_counts_thres', 4, ... 'abs_vol', []); conf = parse_pv_pairs(conf, varargin); conf.mu_att = conf.mu_att * p.acq(det_ind).pixelsize * 0.1; % transform unit from per cm to per pixel: mu(cm^-1)*pixelsize(mm/pixel)*0.1(cm/mm)=mu_att_pixel(pixel^-1) sample = GtSample.loadFromFile(); tot_grains = sample.phases{phase_id}.getNumberOfGrains(); if isempty(conf.gr_ids) num_grains = max(tot_grains - 100, round(tot_grains * 0.9)); conf.gr_ids = 1:num_grains; else num_grains = numel(conf.gr_ids); end fams_ints = nan(num_grains, numel(p.cryst(phase_id).int)); fams_counts = zeros(num_grains, numel(p.cryst(phase_id).int)); if det_ind > 1 conf.use_spot2grain = false; end if conf.use_spot2grain spot2grain = load('4_grains/spot2grain.mat'); spot2grain = spot2grain.spot2grain; end gauge = GtGauge(num_grains, 'Loading info: '); c = tic(); for ii_g = 1:num_grains gr_id = conf.gr_ids(ii_g); if sample.phases{phase_id}.selectedGrains(gr_id) gr = gtLoadGrain(phase_id, gr_id); gr = gtCalculateGrain(gr, p); if conf.only_selected selected = gr.proj(det_ind).selected; else selected = true(size(gr.proj(det_ind).included)); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % calculate the average blob intensity of each family of each % grain: fams_ints %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% gauge.incrementAndDisplay() % Working around the fact that we initially implemented a wrong % formula from Henning's book if (isfield(gr.proj, 'ondet')) included = gr.proj(det_ind).ondet(gr.proj(det_ind).included); else included = gr.ondet(grs(ii_g).included); end bl_ints = arrayfun(@(x) x.intensity, gr.proj(det_ind).bl); bl_ints = reshape(bl_ints, size(included)); not_nan = ~isnan(bl_ints); if conf.use_spot2grain % not using shared spots to_use = cellfun(@(x) numel(x) == 1, spot2grain(gr.difspotID)); to_use = to_use & selected & not_nan; else to_use = selected & not_nan; end inc_good = included(to_use); L_fac = gr.allblobs(det_ind).lorentzfac(inc_good) ./ sind(2 * gr.allblobs(det_ind).theta(inc_good)); % Lorentz factor P_fac = 1 - (sind(2 * gr.allblobs(det_ind).theta(inc_good)) .* sind(gr.allblobs(det_ind).eta(inc_good))) .^ 2; % polarization factor theta_types = gr.allblobs(det_ind).thetatype(inc_good); if isempty(conf.abs_vol) [atts_tot, ~, conf.abs_vol] = gtGrainComputeBeamAttenuation(gr, p, det_ind, []); else atts_tot = gtGrainComputeBeamAttenuation(gr, p, det_ind, conf.abs_vol); end if isempty(conf.flat_image) [beam_ints, conf.flat_image] = gtGrainComputeIncomingBeamIntensity(gr, p, det_ind); else beam_ints = gtGrainComputeIncomingBeamIntensity(gr, p, det_ind, conf.flat_image); end ints = bl_ints(to_use) ./ L_fac ./ atts_tot(to_use) ./ beam_ints(to_use) ./ P_fac; fams_temp_counts = accumarray(theta_types, ones(size(theta_types)), [numel(p.cryst(phase_id).int), 1]); if conf.fams_ints_norm == 2 fams_temp_ints = accumarray(theta_types, ints, [numel(p.cryst(phase_id).int), 1]); fams_temp_ints = fams_temp_ints ./ (fams_temp_counts + (fams_temp_counts == 0)); else fams_temp_ints = sfCalcMedianInts(theta_types, ints, [numel(p.cryst(phase_id).int), 1]); end fams_ints(ii_g, fams_temp_counts > 0) = fams_temp_ints(fams_temp_counts > 0); fams_counts(ii_g, :) = fams_temp_counts; end end fprintf('Done in %f seconds.\n', toc(c)) usable = fams_counts > 0; fams_ints_raw = fams_ints; if ~isempty(conf.usedfam) usedfam = false(size(; usedfam(conf.usedfam) = true; fams_ints(:, ~usedfam) = nan; end conf.fams_counts_thres = min(conf.fams_counts_thres, max(fams_counts, [], 1)); usedfamsints = bsxfun(@ge, fams_counts, conf.fams_counts_thres); fams_ints(~usedfamsints) = nan; [fams_ints, gr_vols] = gtMathsEstimateCoefVecFromIncompDataMatByNullSpace(fams_ints'); % fams_ints contain 1/sin(2theta), which is part of Lorentz factor. fams_ints = fams_ints' ./ sind(2 * p.cryst(phase_id).theta(1:numel(fams_ints))); fams_intsp = fams_ints(p.cryst(phase_id).thetatypesp); fprintf('Theoretical Intensities:\n'); disp(p.cryst(phase_id).int / norm(p.cryst(phase_id).int)); fprintf('Calculated Intensities:\n'); disp(fams_ints); end function fams_temp_ints = sfCalcMedianInts(thetatype, ints, fams_size) fams_temp_ints = zeros(fams_size); for ii_th = 1:numel(fams_temp_ints) theta_inds = (thetatype == ii_th); if any(theta_inds) fams_temp_ints(ii_th) = median(ints(theta_inds)); end end end