function mean_vals = gtCreateAbsLive(first_img, last_img, workingdirectory) % GTCREATEABSLIVE Flatfield correction, normalisation and 2D medianfiltering to the absorption part % mean_vals = gtCreateAbsLive(first_img, last_img, workingdirectory) % ------------------------------------------------------------------ % % When running it manually for a scan with, for example, 3600 images, % choose first_img=0 and last_img=3604 to process the extra few images % at the end of the scan. % % % Version 003 10-04-2014 by PReischig % Added capacity to process extra images at end of scan (for checks). % % Version 002 10-11-2011 by LNervo % Add comments and clean syntax and warnings % % Sub-functions: %[sub]- sfPutbb %[sub]- sfGetbb % % Version 001 % if the scan has been done as many, broken acquistions, it is easier to the % flat-fielding for each partial sequence using sequence_flatfield. In this % case, add a field to parameters: prep.prior_flatfield. % add the possibility to apply a horizontal shift to the images: % prep.ydrift % live! will wait for files to appear during the acquistion as a single % condor job % % add test to wait for images to be translated by gtApplyDrifts before % continuing - in edf_wait_read % from prep.correct_drift % % disp('gtCreateAbsLive.m') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % get parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % special case for running interactively in current directory if ~exist('workingdirectory','var') workingdirectory = pwd; end cd(workingdirectory); parameters = gtLoadParameters(); acq = parameters.acq; prep = parameters.prep; datadir = fullfile(acq.dir, '0_rawdata',; if (isdeployed) global GT_DB %#ok<TLEV,NUSED> global GT_MATLAB_HOME %#ok<NUSED,TLEV> load('workspaceGlobal.mat'); first_img = str2double(first_img); last_img = str2double(last_img); end % do not wait for images to be shifted by gtApplyDrifts - shift them after % flatfield correction has been performed waitfortranslated = false; % if strcmp(prep.correct_drift, 'required') % waitfortranslated=parameters.prep.correct_drift_iteration; % end %check if flatfielding is required if (isfield(prep,'prior_flatfield') && prep.prior_flatfield == true) do_flatfield = false; else do_flatfield = true; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % do create abs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % read the summed dark image and divide it by the number of frames % we read in the boundingbox prep.bbox, which is slightly bigger than % the extra margin will be used for intensity normalisation of the images % the saved absorption images will be of size if (do_flatfield) darkend_name = fullfile(datadir, 'darkend0000.edf'); if (~exist(darkend_name, 'file')) dark_name = fullfile(datadir, 'dark.edf'); dark = edf_wait_read(dark_name, prep.bbox, waitfortranslated); else dark = edf_wait_read(darkend_name, prep.bbox, waitfortranslated) / acq.ndark; end end refname2old = []; refname1old = []; int0 = []; % required for fullbeam normalisation with parallel processing if (strcmp(prep.normalisation, 'fullbeam') && (first_img ~= 0)) % get the intensity of the first_img abs image if (do_flatfield) refname1 = fullfile(datadir, sprintf('refHST%04d.edf', 0) ); ref = edf_wait_read(refname1, prep.bbox, waitfortranslated) - dark; name = fullfile(datadir, sprintf('%s%04d.edf',, 0) ); im = edf_wait_read(name, prep.bbox, waitfortranslated) - dark; im = im ./ ref; else name = fullfile(datadir, sprintf('%sflat_%04d.edf',,0) ); im = edf_wait_read(name, prep.bbox, waitfortranslated); end int0 = gtImgMeanValue(im); end % no. of images in dataset if strcmpi(acq.type, '360degree') totproj = 2 * acq.nproj; elseif strcmpi(acq.type, '180degree') totproj = acq.nproj; else gtError('ACQ:invalid_parameter', ... 'Unknown type of scan. Check parameters.acq.type!'); end % now loop through all the images: we do the following processing steps: % - flatfield correction % - normalization of the beam intensity outside the sample to be equal to % one: allows to remove horizontal intensity variations in the images % - we keep a record of the mean intensity in the image in the vector mean_vals(ii+1) gtDBConnect(); for ii = first_img:last_img if (do_flatfield) % if doing the flatfield in this step % read image % !!! is this not a problem with interlaced scans?? name = fullfile(datadir, sprintf('%s%04d.edf',, ii)); [im, info] = edf_wait_read(name, prep.bbox, waitfortranslated); im = im - dark; % check if we need to update the reference images index1 = floor(ii / acq.refon) * acq.refon; refname1 = fullfile(datadir, sprintf('refHST%04d.edf', index1) ); if (ii > (totproj-1)) if ~strcmp(refname1, refname1old) ref = edf_wait_read(refname1, prep.bbox, waitfortranslated) - dark; refname1old = refname1; end else % if mono_tune = 3 and refon = 300, we have % 0000, 0300, 0600, 0899, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1799, 1800, ....... if acq.mono_tune ~= 0 check = mod(ceil(ii / acq.refon), acq.mono_tune) == 0; if check index2 = ceil(ii / acq.refon) * acq.refon - 1; index2 = max(0, index2); refname2 = fullfile(datadir, sprintf('refHST%04d.edf', index2)); elseif mod(ceil(ii / acq.refon) * acq.refon, acq.mono_tune) == 0 index2 = ceil(ii / acq.refon) * acq.refon; refname2 = fullfile(datadir, sprintf('refHST%04d.edf', index2)); end else index2 = ceil(ii / acq.refon) * acq.refon; refname2 = fullfile(datadir, sprintf('refHST%04d.edf', index2)); end fprintf('%d %d %d\n',index1, index2, ii); if (~strcmp(refname1, refname1old) || ~strcmp(refname2, refname2old)) ref1 = edf_wait_read(refname1, prep.bbox, waitfortranslated) - dark; ref2 = edf_wait_read(refname2, prep.bbox, waitfortranslated) - dark; refname1old = refname1; refname2old = refname2; end w = mod(ii, acq.refon) / acq.refon; ref = (1 - w) .* ref1 + (w .* ref2); end % flatfield correction im = im ./ ref; else %read flat fielded image name = fullfile(datadir, sprintf('%sflat_%04d.edf',, ii)); [im, info] = edf_wait_read(name, prep.bbox, waitfortranslated); end %end of if do flat field %Now do further, special normalisation % keep a record of the mean intensity, nomralise image intensity switch (prep.normalisation) case 'margin' % standard way to do the normalisation % calculate the vertical mean intensity profile outside the sample % and renormalize this area to one margins = [1:prep.margin, (size(im, 2) - prep.margin + 1):size(im, 2)]; mean_vals(ii + 1) = gtImgMeanValue( im(:, margins) ); mim = mean(im(:, margins), 2); mim = repmat(mim, 1, size(im, 2)); im = im ./ mim; case 'fullbeam' % ak - mod to use central part of the image (within the sample) to normalise if ii == 0 % Take the first image as the reference int0 = gtImgMeanValue(im); else inti = gtImgMeanValue(im); im = (int0/inti)*im; end mean_vals(ii + 1) = gtImgMeanValue(im); case 'none' % do nothing - mean_vals(ii) is obsolete and will not be used any more mean_vals(ii + 1) = 1; end % apply a 2D median filter to reduce noise im = gtImgMedianFilter2(im, prep.filtsize); % we will adjust to the final size ( after having shifted the images... dummy = zeros(acq.ydet, acq.xdet); im = sfPutbb(dummy, prep.bbox, im); im = sfGetbb(im,; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % write out the abs images %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% absname = fullfile(acq.dir, '1_preprocessing', 'abs', sprintf('abs%04d.edf', ii) ); info.datatype = 'float32'; edf_write(im, absname, info); end fname = fullfile(acq.dir, '1_preprocessing', 'mean.mat'); save(fname,'mean_vals'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SUB-FUNCTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % two little helper functions to put and get subimages defined by a % gt_boundingbox from a bigger image function a = sfGetbb(img, gtbb) a = img(gtbb(2):(gtbb(2) + gtbb(4) - 1), gtbb(1):(gtbb(1) + gtbb(3) - 1)); end function b = sfPutbb(img, gtbb, roi) b = img; b(gtbb(2):(gtbb(2) + gtbb(4) - 1), gtbb(1):(gtbb(1) + gtbb(3) - 1)) = roi; end