function [mesh, info] = gtVTKMeshReader(filename, varargin) % GTVTKMESHREADER Read mesh (polydata) from a VTK file. % % mesh = gtVTKMeshReader(filename, varargin) % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % INPUT: % filename = <string> Path to the input VTK file % % OUTPUT: % mesh = <struct> Mesh in a structure, composed of following fields: % - vertices: Nv x 3 array -> vertices coordinates % - faces: Nf x 3 array -> face vertices indices % - edges: Ne x 2 array -> edge vertices indices % % Version 001 20-10-2012 by YGuilhem %% Guessing output directory, filename and extension [fpath, fname, fext] = fileparts(filename); if isempty(fext) fext = '.vtk'; end % Trick to handle ~ path in unix if ~isempty(fpath) && isunix && fpath(1) == '~' fpath(1) = ''; fpath = fullfile(getenv('HOME'), fpath); end filename = fullfile(fpath, [fname fext]); fid = fopen(filename, 'r'); if fid == -1 gtError('gtVTKMeshReader:bad_input_file', 'Can''t open the file.'); end %% Read File description and version str = fgets(fid); if ~strcmp(str(1:22), '# vtk DataFile Version') gtError('gtVTKMeshReader:bad_input_file', 'Not a valid VTK file.'); end info.version = sscanf(str(24:end), '%f'); %% Read header str = fgets(fid); info.header = strtrim(str); %% Read mode str = fgets(fid); info.mode = sscanf(str, '%s', 1); if strcmp(info.mode, 'BINARY') binary = true; else binary = false; end %% Read dataset type str = fgets(fid); info.type = sscanf(str, 'DATASET %s', 1); if ~strcmp(info.type, 'POLYDATA') gtError('gtVTKMeshReader:wrong_content', ... 'This vtk file does not contain PolyData dataset!'); end %% Read number of vertices and coordinate datatype str = fgets(fid); nVert = sscanf(str, 'POINTS %d', 1); str2 = ['POINTS ' num2str(nVert) ' %s']; coordType = sscanf(str, str2); if binary switch coordType case {'float', 'double'} coordFMT = coordType; otherwise gtError('gtVTKMeshReader:wrong_coord_type', ... ['cannot handle coordinate with type: ' coordType]); end else switch coordType case 'float' coordFMT = '%f %f %f'; case 'double' coordFMT = '%f %f %f'; otherwise true; end end info.Nvertices = nVert; %% Initialize mesh mesh = GtMesh(); %% Read vertices nCoord = 3*nVert; if binary coord = fread(fid, nCoord, ['3*' coordFMT '=>' coordFMT], 0 , 'ieee-be'); else [coord, sz] = fscanf(fid, '%f %f %f', nCoord); if sz ~= nCoord warning('gtVTKMeshReader:vertice_warning', ... 'Problem in reading vertices.'); end end %mesh.vertices = reshape(coord, 3, nVert)'; mesh.setVertices(reshape(coord, 3, nVert)'); %% Read polygons and lines while ~feof(fid) str = fgets(fid); if feof(fid), break, end; while ~any(strcmp(str(1), {'P', 'L', 'C', 'F'})) str = fgets(fid); if feof(fid), break, end; end if strcmp(str(1:5), 'LINES') cellName = 'edges'; nNodesByCell = 2; asciiFMT = '%*d %d %d\n'; elseif strcmp(str(1:8), 'POLYGONS') cellName = 'faces'; nNodesByCell = 3; asciiFMT = '%*d %d %d %d\n'; elseif any([... strcmp(str(1:10), 'POINT_DATA') ... strcmp(str(1:9), 'CELL_DATA' ) ... strcmp(str(1:5), 'FIELD' ) ]) info.hasFields = true; warning('gtVTKMeshReader:field_warning', ... 'Cell data/fields are not supported right now, so skipping...'); break; else continue; end numbers = sscanf(str, '%*s %d %d', 2); nCells = numbers(1); %nValues = numbers(2); nNodes = nNodesByCell * nCells; if binary nBytes = 4; fseek(fid, nBytes, 0); binFMT = sprintf('%d*int32=>uint32', nNodesByCell); connectivity = fread(fid, nNodes, binFMT, nBytes, 'ieee-be'); cnt = length(connectivity); fseek(fid, -nNodesByCell, 0); else [connectivity, cnt] = fscanf(fid, asciiFMT, nNodes); connectivity = uint32(connectivity); end if cnt ~= nNodes if cnt > nNodes warning('gtVTKMeshReader:cell_warning', ... ['Too many values read for ' cellName ' connectivity (' ... num2str(cnt) ')!']); connectivity = connectivity(1:nNodes); elseif cnt < nNodes gtError('gtVTKMeshReader:cell_warning', ... ['Not enough values read for ' cellName ' connectivity(' ... num2str(cnt) ')!']); end end %mesh.(cellName) = reshape(connectivity+1, nNodesByCell, nCells)'; mesh.setEntity(cellName, reshape(connectivity+1, nNodesByCell, nCells)'); info.(['N' cellName]) = nCells; end %% Close the file end terminate fclose(fid); end % end of function