function [int_profile, refs] = gtGrainComputeIncomingBeamIntensity(gr, parameters, det_index, refs, radius) % FUNCTION [int_profile, refs] = gtGrainComputeIncomingBeamIntensity(gr, parameters, det_index, refs, radius) if (~exist('det_index', 'var') || isempty(det_index)) det_index = 1; end if (parameters.acq(det_index).interlaced_turns > 0) error('gtComputeIncomingBeamIntensity:wrong_conf', ... 'Interlaced turns not supported, yet!') end if (isfield(gr.proj, 'ondet')) gr_included = gr.proj.ondet(gr.proj.included); else gr_included = gr.ondet(gr.included); end if (~exist('radius', 'var') || isempty(radius)) radius = 3; end omegas =; gc_det_pos = gtGeoGrainCenterSam2Det(, omegas, parameters); img_nums = omegas ./ gtAcqGetOmegaStep(parameters, det_index); det_positions = [gc_det_pos, img_nums / parameters.acq(det_index).refon + 1]; [disps_x, disps_y, disps_z] = ndgrid(-radius:radius, -radius:radius, 0); disps = [reshape(disps_x, 1, 1, []), reshape(disps_y, 1, 1, []), reshape(disps_z, 1, 1, [])]; weights = exp( - (disps_x .^ 2 + disps_y .^ 2) ./ radius .^ 2 ); weights = reshape(weights / (sum(weights(:))), 1, 1, []); det_positions_tot = bsxfun(@plus, det_positions, disps); if (~exist('refs', 'var')) refs = load_reference_imgs(parameters, det_index); end int_profile = interp3(refs, det_positions_tot(:, 1, :), det_positions_tot(:, 2, :), det_positions_tot(:, 3, :), 'linear', 0); int_profile = sum(bsxfun(@times, int_profile, weights), 3); end function refs = load_reference_imgs(parameters, det_index) img_nums = 0:parameters.acq(det_index).refon:(parameters.acq(det_index).nproj*2); base_dir = fullfile('0_rawdata', parameters.acq(det_index).name); img_0 = fullfile(base_dir, sprintf('refHST%04d.edf', 0)); info = edf_info(img_0); fprintf(' - loading ref images: ') c = tic(); tot_images = numel(img_nums); for ii = tot_images:-1:1 num_chars = fprintf('%02d/%02d', tot_images - ii + 1, tot_images); img_name = fullfile(base_dir, sprintf('refHST%04d.edf', img_nums(ii))); refs(:, :, ii) = edf_read(img_name, [], false, info); fprintf(repmat('\b', [1, num_chars])) end fprintf('(%02d) in %f seconds.\n', tot_images, toc(c)); % At the moment, it seems to produce better results :| local_ints = sum(sum(refs, 1), 2) ./ prod([size(refs, 1), size(refs, 2)]); summed_refs = sum(refs, 3) ./ tot_images; refs = bsxfun(@times, summed_refs, local_ints); end