classdef Gt6DTwinTestCreator < Gt6DTestCreator methods (Access = public) function obj = Gt6DTwinTestCreator(volsNum) obj = obj@Gt6DTestCreator(volsNum); end function grain = generateTwinsGeometry(obj, parameters, R_vector, center) % To be cleaned! grain = []; grain.phaseid = 1; grain.R_vector = R_vector; pixelsize = mean([parameters.labgeo.pixelsizeu, parameters.labgeo.pixelsizev]); = center .* pixelsize; lp = parameters.cryst(grain.phaseid).latticepar; twin_axis = [1 1 1]; twin_angle = 60; spacegroup = 225; twin_vars = gtTwinOrientations(grain.R_vector, twin_angle, twin_axis, spacegroup, lp, false); for jj = length(twin_vars):-1:1 disp('CHANGE THE SIGN OF THE R-VECTOR') my_twin_vars(jj).R_vector = -twin_vars(jj).R_vector; my_twin_vars(jj).g = twin_vars(jj).g; my_twin_vars(jj).center =; end twin_vars = my_twin_vars; for jj = 1:length(twin_vars) grain.R_vector = -twin_vars(jj).R_vector; grain = gtCalculateGrain(grain, parameters); twin_vars(jj).allblobs = grain.allblobs; end grain.twin_vars = twin_vars; % this will be the parent, then all the twins % parent grain - reset the normal stuff in grain grain.R_vector = R_vector; grain = gtCalculateGrain(grain, parameters); grain.proj.geom = obj.buildGrainGeom(parameters, grain, pixelsize); for ii = 1:numel(grain.twin_vars) grain.twin_vars(ii).proj.geom = obj.buildGrainGeom(parameters, grain.twin_vars(ii), pixelsize); end % If we want to show the result of forward simulation % fig = figure(); % ax = axes('Parent', fig); % hold(ax, 'on'); % for ii = 1:size(grain.proj.geom, 1) % vect = grain.proj.geom(ii, 1:3); % quiver3(ax, 0, 0, 0, vect(1), vect(2), vect(3)); % end % hold(ax, 'off'); % grid(ax, 'on'); % zlim(ax, [-1, 1]); end function geoms = matchParentTwinGeometries(obj, grain) % Now we need to find out which geometries are in common with % the parent numVols = numel(obj.singleVolumes); detectorDistance = grain.proj.geom(1, 4:6); detectorDistance = norm(detectorDistance); parentGeom = grain.proj.geom(:, 1:3); numCols = size(parentGeom, 1); geoms = zeros(numCols, numVols-1); for ii = 1:numVols-1 twinGeom = grain.twin_vars(ii).proj.geom(:, 1:3); indexesTwin = ones(size(twinGeom, 1), 1); for jj = 1:numCols diffGeoms = parentGeom(jj .* indexesTwin, :) - twinGeom; normDiffs = sqrt(sum(diffGeoms .* diffGeoms, 2)); [val, indx] = min(normDiffs); angle = 2 * asind( val / 2); if (angle < 5e-1) geoms(jj, ii) = indx; fprintf('Found: norm %f, angle %f (deg), offset %f\n', ... val, angle, val * detectorDistance) end end indexes = find(geoms(:, ii) ~= 0); [parentGeom(indexes, :), twinGeom(geoms(indexes, ii), :)] end end function [indexes, finalGeoms] = createTwins(obj, metaInfoGrains, grains) if (length(grains) < 2) error('CS:wrong_parameter', ... 'At least two twin geometries are needed'); end if (length(grains) > 2) error('CS:wrong_parameter', ... 'More than two is not supported, yet.'); end indexes = []; [indexes.common_id, indexes.common_indx1, indexes.common_indx2] ... = intersect(grains{1}.difspotID(metaInfoGrains{1}.selectedDiffspots), ... grains{2}.difspotID(metaInfoGrains{2}.selectedDiffspots)); [indexes.only_1_id, indexes.only_1_indx] ... = setdiff(grains{1}.difspotID, grains{2}.difspotID); [indexes.only_2_id, indexes.only_2_indx] ... = setdiff(grains{2}.difspotID, grains{1}.difspotID); finalGeoms = cell(2, 1); finalGeoms{1} = grains{1}.proj.geom(indexes.common_indx1, :); finalGeoms{2} = grains{1}.proj.geom(indexes.common_indx1, :); modifiedOnly1 = grains{1}.proj.geom(indexes.only_1_indx, :); finalGeoms{1} = [finalGeoms{1}; modifiedOnly1]; modifiedOnly1(:, 4:6) = obj.findPerpendicularDirection(modifiedOnly1(:, 4:6)); finalGeoms{2} = [finalGeoms{2}; modifiedOnly1]; % diffCenter = grains{2}.center - grains{1}.center; modifiedOnly2 = grains{2}.proj.geom(indexes.only_2_indx, :); % modifiedOnly2(:, 4:6) = modifiedOnly2(:, 4:6) ... % + diffCenter(ones(size(modifiedOnly2, 1), 1), :); finalGeoms{2} = [finalGeoms{2}; modifiedOnly2]; modifiedOnly2(:, 4:6) = obj.findPerpendicularDirection(modifiedOnly2(:, 4:6)); finalGeoms{1} = [finalGeoms{1}; modifiedOnly2]; fprintf('Common spots (num %04d):\n', length(indexes.common_id)) fprintf(' %d\n', indexes.common_id); fprintf('First volume''s spots (num %04d):\n', length(indexes.only_1_id)) fprintf(' %d\n', indexes.only_1_id); fprintf('Second volume''s spots (num %04d):\n', length(indexes.only_2_id)) fprintf(' %d\n', indexes.only_2_id); end function [detectorImages, trueDetectorImages] ... = getSyntheticTwinDetectorImages(obj, grain, geoms, maxIndivSpots) % GETSYNTHETICTWINDETECTORIMAGES % [~, finalGeoms] = obj.createTwins(metaInfoGrains, grains); numVols = numel(obj.singleVolumes); finalGeoms = cell(1, numVols); if (numVols > 2) error('Gt6DTwinTestCreator:wrong_parameter', ... 'More than 2 volumes, not supported yet') end jj = 1; parentGeom = grain.proj.geom; twinGeom = grain.twin_vars(jj).proj.geom; commonIndx = find(geoms(:, jj) ~= 0); onlyParentIndx = setdiff(1:size(parentGeom, jj), commonIndx); onlyTwinIndx = setdiff(1:size(twinGeom, jj), geoms(commonIndx, jj)); if (exist('maxIndivSpots', 'var')) if (numel(onlyParentIndx) > maxIndivSpots) onlyParentIndx = onlyParentIndx(randperm(numel(onlyParentIndx), maxIndivSpots)); end if (numel(onlyTwinIndx) > maxIndivSpots) onlyTwinIndx = onlyTwinIndx(randperm(numel(onlyTwinIndx), maxIndivSpots)); end end perpendParent = [ ... obj.findPerpendicularDirection(twinGeom(onlyTwinIndx, 1:3)), ... twinGeom(onlyTwinIndx, 4:end) ... ]; finalGeoms{1} = [ ... parentGeom(onlyParentIndx, :); ... parentGeom(commonIndx, :); ... perpendParent ... ]; perpendTwin = [ ... obj.findPerpendicularDirection(parentGeom(onlyParentIndx, 1:3)), ... parentGeom(onlyParentIndx, 4:end) ... ]; finalGeoms{jj+1} = [ ... perpendTwin; ... parentGeom(commonIndx, :); ... twinGeom(onlyTwinIndx, :) ... ]; for ii = 1:numel(finalGeoms) obj.proj.addProjectionGeometry( finalGeoms{ii} ); end % Visualization of diffraction directions f = figure(); ax = axes('parent', f); hold(ax, 'on'); zeroCols = zeros(numel(onlyParentIndx), 1); quiver3(ax, zeroCols, zeroCols, zeroCols, ... parentGeom(onlyParentIndx, 1), parentGeom(onlyParentIndx, 2), parentGeom(onlyParentIndx, 3)) zeroCols = zeros(numel(commonIndx), 1); quiver3(ax, zeroCols, zeroCols, zeroCols, ... parentGeom(commonIndx, 1), parentGeom(commonIndx, 2), parentGeom(commonIndx, 3)) zeroCols = zeros(numel(onlyTwinIndx), 1); quiver3(ax, zeroCols, zeroCols, zeroCols, ... twinGeom(onlyTwinIndx, 1), twinGeom(onlyTwinIndx, 2), twinGeom(onlyTwinIndx, 3)) hold(ax, 'off'); grid(ax, 'on'); zlim(ax, [-1 1]); [detectorImages, trueDetectorImages] = obj.getDetectorImages(); end function [detectorImages, trueDetectorImages] ... = getTrueTwinDetectorImages(obj, metaInfoGrains, grains) % numGrains = length(grains); volumeOversize = 1; spotsOversize = 1.2; if (numGrains < 2) error('CS:wrong_parameter', ... 'At least two twin geometries are needed'); end if (numGrains > 2) error('CS:wrong_parameter', ... 'More than two is not supported, yet.'); end % Let's create initial geometry, and decide which spots go in [indexes, finalGeoms] = obj.createTwins(metaInfoGrains, grains); % Shift geometries (relative to centers), create main voloume % and give it a decent size obj.fixCenterToGeometriesAndAdd(finalGeoms, grains, volumeOversize); % First crop/pad the bigger images for ii = 1:numGrains sizes(ii, :) = size(grains{ii}.proj.stack); end maxSpotBBox = [ max([sizes(:, 1); round(obj.proj.proj_size(1) * spotsOversize)]), ... max([sizes(:, 3); round(obj.proj.proj_size(2) * spotsOversize)])]; offsets(:, 1) = floor((maxSpotBBox(1) - sizes(:, 1)) / 2); offsets(:, 2) = zeros(numGrains, 1); offsets(:, 3) = floor((maxSpotBBox(2) - sizes(:, 3)) / 2); modifiedStacks = cell(numGrains, 1); for ii = 1:numGrains modifiedStacks{ii} = zeros( maxSpotBBox(1), ... size(grains{ii}.proj.stack, 2), ... maxSpotBBox(2)); modifiedStacks{ii} = gtPlaceSubVolume(modifiedStacks{ii}, ... grains{ii}.proj.stack, ... offsets(ii, :), ... 0, 'assign'); end detectorImages = [modifiedStacks{1}(:, indexes.common_indx1, :), ... modifiedStacks{1}(:, indexes.only_1_indx, :), ... modifiedStacks{2}(:, indexes.only_2_indx, :)]; trueDetectorImages = permute(detectorImages, [1 3 2]); end end methods (Access = protected) function proj_geom = buildGrainGeom(obj, parameters, grain, pixelsize) u = grain.allblobs.uv(:, 1); v = grain.allblobs.uv(:, 2); spotsCommProps = getDiffractionSpotsCommonProperties(obj); radiuses = sqrt((u - parameters.labgeo.detrefu).^2 + (v - parameters.labgeo.detrefv).^2); %%% Get the indices of all spots which fully intersect the active % region of the detector onDet = Gt6DTwinTestCreator.findSpotsOnDetector(parameters, spotsCommProps, u, v, radiuses); rotComp = gtMathsRotationMatrixComp(parameters.labgeo.rotdir, 'row'); getRotationTensor = @(x)gtMathsRotationTensor(-x, rotComp); detposcorner = gtGeoDetOrig(parameters.labgeo) ./ pixelsize; proj_geom = []; for ii = numel(onDet):-1:1 currentReflection = onDet(ii); % use theoretically predited directions (default) omega =; omegaRotTens = getRotationTensor(omega); pl =, :); theta = grain.allblobs.theta(currentReflection); % theoretically predicted beam direction diffBeamDir = parameters.labgeo.beamdir * omegaRotTens + 2 * sind(theta) * pl; % position of Detector % detPos = detposcorner ... % + spotsCommProps.stackUSize/2 * parameters.labgeo.detdiru * omegaRotTens ... % + spotsCommProps.stackVSize/2 * parameters.labgeo.detdirv * omegaRotTens; % detPos = detPos * omegaRotTens - ./ pixelsize; detPos = diffBeamDir * norm(detposcorner); detdiru = parameters.labgeo.detdiru * omegaRotTens; detdirv = parameters.labgeo.detdirv * omegaRotTens; proj_geom(ii, :) = [diffBeamDir, detPos, detdiru, detdirv]; end end function spotsProps = getDiffractionSpotsCommonProperties(obj) %%% Get the average difspot X and Y sizes for the current spots in the grain, spotsProps = []; spotsProps.Xsize = mean(size(obj.fullVol)); % average X Size of difspots spotsProps.Ysize = mean(size(obj.fullVol)); % average Y Size of difspots % define theshold values which will be used during the database search later % - limit to 5 pixels minimum width spotsProps.XsizeMin = max(5, spotsProps.Xsize - 1); spotsProps.XsizeMax = spotsProps.Xsize + 1; spotsProps.YsizeMin = max(5, spotsProps.Ysize - 1); spotsProps.YsizeMax = spotsProps.Ysize + 1; % allow for a lateral deviation of spot postions based on grain orientation statics % dif_props.Offset = fsim.Rdist_factor * gr.stat.Rdiststd * norm(detrefpos_pix) % !!! detrefpos is not necessarily the distance; depends on definition by user spotsProps.Offset = 1; diagonal = round(norm(size(obj.fullVol))); % take the biggest spot and add a relative extra margin (multiplicative factor oversize) spotsProps.stackUSize = diagonal; % ...same for vertical direction spotsProps.stackVSize = diagonal; end end methods (Access = protected, Static) function ondet = findSpotsOnDetector(parameters, dif_props, u, v, radius) %%% Get the indices of all spots which fully intersect the active region of the detector props = [ u > dif_props.Xsize/2, u < (parameters.acq.xdet - dif_props.Xsize/2), ... v > dif_props.Ysize/2, v < (parameters.acq.ydet - dif_props.Ysize/2), ... radius < parameters.acq.maxradius]; ondet = find(all(props, 2)); % Exclude spots which overlap with segmentation boundingbox seg = find(all([( (u + dif_props.Xsize/2 > parameters.seg.bbox(1)) ... & (u - dif_props.Xsize/2 < parameters.seg.bbox(1) + parameters.seg.bbox(3))), ... ( (v + dif_props.Ysize/2 > parameters.seg.bbox(2)) ... & (v - dif_props.Ysize/2 < parameters.seg.bbox(2) + parameters.seg.bbox(4)))], 2)); ondet = setdiff(ondet, seg); % indices of spots intersection active area of detector end end end