function [symm_unique, symm_all] = gtCrystCalculateSymmetryOperators(phaseid, sg, crystal_system) % GTCRYSTCALCULATEREFLECTIONS Calculate the symmetry operators list using python % from xfab library in fable ( % [symm_unique, symm_all] = gtCrystCalculateSymmetryOperators(phaseid, [sg], [crystal_system]) % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % If spacegroup and crystal_system are not provided, they are read from % parameters.mat. % % INPUT: % phaseid = <double> phase number {1} % sg = <double> spacegroup number % crystal_system = <string> crystal system % % OUTPUT: % symm_unique = <struct 1xN> contains : % .perm = set of indistinguishable lattice permutations <double 3x3> % .g3 = set of unitary rotation matrices corresponding to the % indistinguishable lattice permutations <double 3x3> % symm_all = <struct 1xM> contains : % .g3 = rotations (complete list using symmetry operators) <double 3x3> % .trans = translation values from symmetry operators <double 1x3> % % Version 002 26-11-2013 by LNervo % Changed output names to 'symm_unique' and 'symm_all' % Changed symm_all.rot to symm_all.g3 % Removed default value for phaseid % % Version 001 10-12-2012 by LNervo if ~exist('sg','var') || isempty(sg) parameters = []; load('parameters.mat'); sg = parameters.cryst(phaseid).spacegroup; end if ~exist('crystal_system','var') || isempty(crystal_system) parameters = []; load('parameters.mat'); crystal_system = parameters.cryst(phaseid).crystal_system; end global GT_MATLAB_HOME; script_file = fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Python', ''); [~, msg] = gtPythonCommand([script_file ' ' num2str(sg) ' ' crystal_system], true); disp(msg); % read produced files permN = gtReadTextFile(['perm_' crystal_system '.txt'],'%f %f %f',[3 3],true,'Delimiter',' ','CommentStyle','#'); rotN = gtReadTextFile(['rot_' crystal_system '.txt'],'%f %f %f',[3 3],true,'Delimiter',' ','CommentStyle','#'); all_rotN = gtReadTextFile(['sg_rot_' crystal_system '.txt'],'%f %f %f',[3 3],true,'Delimiter',' ','CommentStyle','#'); all_transN = gtReadTextFile(['sg_trans_' crystal_system '.txt'],'%f %f %f',[1 3],true,'Delimiter',' ','CommentStyle','#'); symm_unique = struct('g3', rotN, 'perm', permN); if nargout == 2 symm_all = struct('g3', all_rotN, 'trans', all_transN); end end % end of function