function initialise_gt(ignore_id19) % INITIALISE.M for Matlab installations on Windows, Macs, and Linux % % ADD DESIRED PATH ENTRIES TO THIS LIST FOLLOWING THE EXISTING FORMAT!! % % PT, big bug with image display due to openGL. crashed completely % ganymedes. disabled the 03/12/07 % '/graintracking',... % Grain tracking project (WL,MHG,AK) * symlink * % 24/05/2010 PT correction to ensure that personnal startup is read at the % end of the initialisation if present for non DCT people % % 2011-2013, Modified and improved by Nicola Vigano', % 2012, Modified and improved by Yoann Guilhem, % 2005, Create by Greg & Wolfgang if (~exist('ignore_id19', 'var')) ignore_id19 = true; end pathstruct={... % Tools from ID19's legacy code {'/' },... {'/art' },... % Algebraic reconstruction attempts {'/util' },... {'/stitching' },... % Image stitching code {'/stitching/heprom' },... {'/sliceomatic' },... % Viewing tool for volumes {'/IBF' },... % IBF tools (Olivier Hignette & Greg Johnson) {'/moretomo' },... % tomography tools in development {'/tracking' },... % particle tracking (Weitzlab, {'/ringcorrection' },... % ring correction code {'/imagej' },... % imagej support {'/lsge-matlab' },... % fitting routines from the NPL in the UK {'/lamino' }... % laminography specific (LH) {'/tomotools', '-begin'}... % Tools for tomography }; % {'/parallel' },... % embarrasingly parallel matlab (ML and GJ) disp('Graintracking settings in progress...'); % No multi platform support, at the moment. disp(['Machine is: ', computer]); if (~ignore_id19) deprecated_id19_paths = fullfile('/data','id19','archive','matlab'); % Linux machines if (~exist(deprecated_id19_paths, 'dir')) error(['ERROR: No folder called: "' deprecated_id19_paths '"']); end % Adding paths for n = 1:length(pathstruct) switch size(pathstruct{n}, 2) case 1 addpath(fullfile(deprecated_id19_paths, pathstruct{n}{1})); case 2 addpath(fullfile(deprecated_id19_paths, pathstruct{n}{1}), pathstruct{n}{2}); otherwise disp(['Wrong parameters number for entry "', n, '"(', pathstruct{n}{1} ,') of structure "pathstruct"']); addpath(fullfile(deprecated_id19_paths, pathstruct{n}{1})); end end end % suppress extra linefeeds in command window format compact; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % other special settings % changing default settings at root level set(0,'DefaultFigurePaperType','A4'); set(0,'DefaultFigurePaperUnits','centimeters'); % beamline (for alignment) global FT_BL; FT_BL = 'id19'; % volume selection in fasttomo; values are 'total', 'manual', 'graphics' global FT_VOLSELECT; FT_VOLSELECT = 'graphics'; % initialise path for graintracking project disp('Adding graintracking specific folders to the path'); global GT_MATLAB_HOME; if (isempty(GT_MATLAB_HOME)) GT_MATLAB_HOME = pwd; end disp(['Using the DCT code in directory ' GT_MATLAB_HOME]); addpath(GT_MATLAB_HOME); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, '1_preprocessing')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, '1_preprocessing', 'gtSetup_Utils')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, '2_difspot')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, '3_pairmatching')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, '3_pairmatchingGUI')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, '4_grains')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, '5_reconstruction')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, '6_rendering')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, '7_fed')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, '7_fed', 'AndyFunctions')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, '7_fed', 'geometry')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, '7_fed', 'Ccode_SpreadInt')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, '7_fed2')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, '8_optimization')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Analysis')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Boundaries')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Crack')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Cryst')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Cryst', 'file_cif')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_DataStructures')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Deformation')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_DB')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Distortion')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Drawing')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Drawing', 'cm_and_cb_utilities')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Drawing', 'freezeColors')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_EDF')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_ErrorHandling')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Fit')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_ForwardSim')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Geo')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_GUI')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_GUI', 'GUILayout-v1p17')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_GUI', 'GUILayout-v1p17', 'Patch')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_GUI', 'FindJObj')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_GVF')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Help')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Help', 'ExportFig')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Help', 'cprintf')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_ICP')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_ID19')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Imaging')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Indexter')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Maths')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_NoiseAnalysis')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_OAR')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Parameters')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Python')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Strain')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Strain2')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Taper')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_TIFF')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_TomoUtils')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_Twins')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_VTK')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'zUtil_XML')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'FigureManagement')); addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'm2html')); % matGeom toolbox addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'matGeom')); % C Compiled code addpath(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'bin', 'mex')); disp('Loading configuration about external libraries from conf.xml'); xmlConf = xml_read(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'conf.xml')); % File and dirs patterns global GT_DB; GT_DB = []; if isfield(xmlConf, 'database') =; =; GT_DB.user = xmlConf.database.user; GT_DB.password = xmlConf.database.password; else = 'graintracking'; = ''; GT_DB.user = 'gtadmin'; GT_DB.password = 'gtadmin'; end [~, hostname] = system('hostname'); % ASTRA toolkit try inCellForm = iscell(xmlConf.astra.mex.path); for n = 1:length(xmlConf.astra.mex.path) if inCellForm tmp_path = xmlConf.astra.mex.path{n}; else tmp_path = xmlConf.astra.mex.path(n); end if isfield(tmp_path, 'ATTRIBUTE') if isfield(tmp_path.('ATTRIBUTE'), 'hostname') hosts = tmp_path.('ATTRIBUTE').('hostname'); for host = regexp(hosts, ',', 'split') if ~isempty(regexp(hostname, host{1}, 'once')) addpath(tmp_path.('CONTENT')); break; end end else addpath(tmp_path.('CONTENT')); end else addpath(tmp_path); end end catch mexc gtPrintException(mexc, ... 'No Astra Configuration. Using hardcoded paths for Astra mex files'); addpath('/scisoft/users/batenbur/gpu/matlab'); addpath('/scisoft/users/batenbur/gpu/matlab/algorithms'); end % Check which version of matlab compiled the oar executables if isfield(xmlConf, 'matlab') && isfield(xmlConf.matlab, 'version') matlabVersion = xmlConf.matlab.version; currentMatlabRelease = version('-release'); if (~strcmpi(currentMatlabRelease, matlabVersion)) warning('MATLAB_COMPILED:version_mismatch', ... ['You are now running matlab "%s", but the matlab ' ... 'command specified in conf.xml is "%s".\nThere is no ' ... 'guarantee that OAR jobs will work'], ... currentMatlabRelease, matlabVersion); end else warning('XML:no_matlab_version', ... 'Couldn''t find matlab version in conf.xml'); end disp('Finished adding.'); disp('Checking compiled functions...'); current_dir = pwd; cd(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'bin', 'scripts')); mFiles = compile(false, false); funcNames = fieldnames(mFiles); defaultColor = sprintf(gtGetANSIColour()); yellowColor = sprintf(gtGetANSIColour('yellow')); boldColor = sprintf(gtGetANSIColour('bold')); for funcName = reshape(funcNames, [1 numel(funcNames)]) func = mFiles.(funcName{1}); mat_file_path = func.('in_mfile'); comp_file_path = func.('out_file'); [upToDate, msg] = gtCheckFunctionUpToDate(mat_file_path, comp_file_path); if (~upToDate) out = [yellowColor 'Function should be recompiled: ' ... defaultColor funcName{1}]; disp(out); fprintf(msg); end end cd(current_dir); disp('Finished checking.'); % Warning when launched on a Windows PC if (ispc()) % Rendering: the default renderer may have to be changed disp('If you are running the code on a Windows PC and experiencing') disp('problems with colormaps or graphics resolution, you may have to') disp('change the default graphics rendering mode to one of these:') disp(' set(0, ''DefaultFigureRenderer'', ''opengl'')') disp(' set(0, ''DefaultFigureRenderer'', ''zbuffer'')') disp(' set(0, ''DefaultFigureRenderer'', ''painters'')') end disp(' ') cd(fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'matGeom')); setupMatGeom(); cd(current_dir); disp(' ') % load MTex toolbox if logged on rnice6-0101 % it has been installed only on this host % to be generalized % mtex_dir = '/sware/com/matlab-tbx/mtex-3.4.2/'; % if (~isdeployed && exist(mtex_dir, 'dir')) % cd(mtex_dir); % startup_mtex(); % cd(current_dir); % else % warning('MTex:not_installed', 'MTex toolbox is not installed') % end disp([boldColor 'To report a bug, create a ticket at' defaultColor]); end