function [Rout, good_plnorms, Rdist, Redge] = gtCrystRodriguesTest(... plnorm, hkl, spacegroup, Bmat, shkl_flag, plot_flag, toldist) % % FUNCTION [Rout, good_plnorms, Rdist, Redge] = gtCrystRodriguesTest(... % plnorm, hkl, spacegroup, Bmat, shkl_flag, plot_flag, toldist) % % Performs an orientation test in Rodrigues space on the specified plane % normals. Gives which plane normals constitute a consistent crystal and % its fitted Rodrigues vector. % Also determines how far this point is from the nearest boundary of the % fundamental zone, and whether this distance is smaller than the specified % limit. % % INPUT % plnorm - plane normal coordinates in sample coords (nx3) % hkl - hkl reflection types, eg. [1 1 1; 0 0 2; 2 2 0] % OR if known, specific hkl reflections, eg. [-1 1 -1; 0 0 % 2; 2 -2 0]. (nx3; nx4 for hexagonal lattice) % spacegroup - crystallographic spacegroup % Bmat - transformation matrix from HKL to Cartesian coordinates % shkl_flag - set to true for speeding up, if the signed hkl-s % are used % plot_flag - if true, figure is plotted showing data in Rodrigues % space % toldist - tolerance for distance in Rodrigues space (if empty, % default value is used) % % OUTPUT % Rout - fitted Rodrigues vector % good_plnorms - the good plane normals that fit the solution % Rdist - distance between Rout and the nearest fundamental zone % boundary plane in Rodrigues space % Redge - true if Rdist is smaller than the specified tolerance % % Tolerance for distance in Rodrigues's space; default=0.02 if isempty(toldist) tol.dist = 0.02; else tol.dist = toldist; end tol.pd = tol.dist/5; % approximate tolerance angle for parallelism (radian) tol.pc = cos(tol.pd); % tolerance for parallelism (cosine of angle) = tol.dist; % safety margin in Rodr. space (tolerance to extend fund. zone) nof_pln = size(plnorm,1); % number of plane normals good_plnorms = false(1,nof_pln); Rout = []; R.l = []; R.wpl = []; R.enda = []; R.endb = []; Rdist = []; Redge = []; intsc.lines = []; intsc.planes = []; intsc.Rvec = []; fzone_ext = gtCrystRodriguesFundZone(spacegroup,; % fund. zone with safety margin fzone_acc = gtCrystRodriguesFundZone(spacegroup,0); % exact fund. zone %% Determine line coordinates in Rodrigues space % If the signed hkl is known for each plane normal if shkl_flag % Loop through all plane normals for i = 1:nof_pln % Lines coordinates [Rvec,isec1,isec2] = gtCrystRodriguesVector(plnorm(i,:),hkl(i,:),Bmat,fzone_ext); R.l = [R.l; Rvec]; % all lines in Rodrigues's space (may be empty) R.wpl = [R.wpl; i*ones(size(Rvec,1),1)]; % which plane normal it belongs to R.enda = [R.enda; isec1]; % intersection A with fund zone R.endb = [R.endb; isec2]; % intersection B with fund zone end % If the signed hkl-s are unknown, and only the hkl families are known else % Loop through all plane normals for i = 1:nof_pln %[Rvec,isec1,isec2] = gtRodriguesVectors2(plnorm(i,:),hkl(i,:),spacegroup,latticepar,; % All signed hkl-s for given hkl family shkls = gtCrystSignedHKLs(hkl(i,:),spacegroup); [Rvec,isec1,isec2] = gtCrystRodriguesVector(plnorm(i,:),shkls,Bmat,fzone_ext); R.l = [R.l; Rvec]; % all lines in Rodrigues's space (may be empty) R.wpl = [R.wpl; i*ones(size(Rvec,1),1)]; % which plane normal it belongs to R.enda = [R.enda; isec1]; % intersection A with fund zone R.endb = [R.endb; isec2]; % intersection B with fund zone end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Determine line intersections -> base nodes nof_lines = length(R.wpl); Lp = false(nof_lines); % Ld = zeros(nof_lines); % distance of Rlines pairwise Lc = zeros(nof_lines); % angle of Rlines pairwise Lrx = zeros(nof_lines); Lry = zeros(nof_lines); Lrz = zeros(nof_lines); % store line id-s for identification [Lidb,Lida] = meshgrid(1:nof_lines); Pida = repmat(R.wpl,1,nof_lines); Pidb = Pida'; % Determine intersections of all lines with one another in Rodr. space for i = 1:nof_lines-1 % distance pair-wise Ld(i,i+1:end) = gtMathsLinesDists(R.l(i,:),R.l(i+1:end,:)); % dot product of the direction vectors pair-wise (=cosine of the angles) Lc(i,i+1:end) = sum(repmat(R.l(i,4:6),nof_lines-i,1).*R.l(i+1:end,4:6),2); % intersection points in Rodr. space r = gtMathsLinePairsIntersections(R.l(i,:),R.l(i+1:end,:)); Lrx(i,i+1:end) = r(:,1); Lry(i,i+1:end) = r(:,2); Lrz(i,i+1:end) = r(:,3); end % Which lines are identical pair-wise (small distance and angle) % -> double detection of Friedel pairs or wrong indexing Lp = (Ld <= tol.pd) & (abs(Lc) >= tol.pc); % Make matrices symmetric Ld = Ld+Ld'; Lc = Lc+Lc'; Lp = Lp | Lp'; Lrx = Lrx+Lrx'; Lry = Lry+Lry'; Lrz = Lrz+Lrz'; % Which lines are closer than the tolerance ? Lnear = Ld <= tol.dist; for i = 1:nof_lines Lnear(i,i) = false; end % Lines that are close but not identical (parallel) constitute the base set: baseset = Lnear & (~Lp); % Nodes are the intersection points of the base set: Nbase = [Lrx(baseset),Lry(baseset),Lrz(baseset)]; LAbase = Lida(baseset); LBbase = Lidb(baseset); PLAbase = Pida(baseset); PLBbase = Pidb(baseset); % Which nodes are in the (extended) fundamental zone ? % inzone = false(size(Nbase,1),1); % for i = 1:size(Nbase,1) % inzone(i) = gtMathsIsPointInPolyhedron(Nbase(i,:),fzone_ext); % end inzone = gtMathsIsPointInPolyhedron(Nbase,fzone_ext); % Keep only base nodes in the fund. zone Nbase = Nbase(inzone,:); LAbase = LAbase(inzone); LBbase = LBbase(inzone); PLAbase = PLAbase(inzone); PLBbase = PLBbase(inzone); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Find neighbouring nodes % Check which base nodes are close to each other -> neighbouring nodes told = tol.dist^2; nof_Nbase = size(Nbase,1); % no. of nodes Nneib = false(nof_Nbase); % neighbouring nodes parfor ii = 1:nof_Nbase-1 dist = [Nbase(ii,1)-Nbase(:,1), ... Nbase(ii,2)-Nbase(:,2), ... Nbase(ii,3)-Nbase(:,3)]; dist = sum(dist.*dist,2); distok = dist <= told; Nneib(ii,:) = distok; end % Set diagonals to false Nneib(sub2ind([nof_Nbase nof_Nbase],1:nof_Nbase,1:nof_Nbase)) = false; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Find the highest agglomeration of nodes % Loop through neighbouring nodes to find the highest agglomeration Nnpl = zeros(nof_Nbase,1); % number of planes belonging to the nodes finish = false; % as long as there is nodes remaining to be checked while ismember(true,Nneib) for i = 1:nof_Nbase inb = Nneib(:,i); % index of remaining neighbouring nodes pls = PLAbase(inb); % plane indices pls = [pls; PLBbase(inb)]; pls = unique(pls); % all planes indices which come close this node Npls{i} = pls; % store planes being close to this node Nnpl(i) = length(pls); % no. of those planes lis = LAbase(inb); % line indices lis = [lis; LBbase(inb)]; lis = unique(lis); % all line indices which come close this node Nlis{i} = lis; % lines being close to this node % if pls includes all plane normals if length(pls)==nof_pln % Rodrigues vector is the fitted intersection of the lines Rvec = gtMathsLinesIntersection(R.l(lis,:))'; % If Rvec is in the fund. zone, we found the solution if gtMathsIsPointInPolyhedron(Rvec,fzone_acc) finish = true; break % for loop end end end % Solution found with all planes if finish intsc.lines = lis; intsc.planes = pls'; intsc.Rvec = Rvec; break % while loop end % node index with most planes [~,ibn] = max(Nnpl); % Rodrigues vector Rvec = gtMathsLinesIntersection(R.l(Nlis{ibn},:))'; % Test if Rvec is in the accurate fund. zone if gtMathsIsPointInPolyhedron(Rvec,fzone_acc) intsc.lines = (Nlis{ibn})'; intsc.planes = (Npls{ibn})'; intsc.Rvec = Rvec; break % while loop end % Test if Rvec is in the extended fund. zone if gtMathsIsPointInPolyhedron(Rvec,fzone_ext) intsc.lines = (Nlis{ibn})'; intsc.planes = (Npls{ibn})'; % Use its intersections with the accurate fund. zone, instead of Rvec Rsecs = gtMathsLinePolyhedronIntersections([0 0 0 Rvec],fzone_acc); % Distances between the two intersections and Rvec Rsecdist1 = norm(Rvec - Rsecs(1,:)); Rsecdist2 = norm(Rvec - Rsecs(2,:)); % Use the closer intersection if Rsecdist1 < Rsecdist2 intsc.Rvec = Rsecs(1,:); else intsc.Rvec = Rsecs(2,:); end break % while loop end % The node with the most plane normals doesn't provide a solution in the % extended fund. zone. Ignore best node in the neighbourhood matrix, and start the % loop again: Nneib(Nneib(:,ibn),:) = false; Nneib(:,Nneib(ibn,:)) = false; Nneib(ibn,:) = false; Nneib(:,ibn) = false; end if plot_flag sfPlotInts(intsc,R,fzone_acc) end if isempty(intsc.Rvec) return end Rout = intsc.Rvec; good_plnorms(intsc.planes) = true; % Minimum distance from edge of exact fundamental zone: % Normalise fund. zone face direction vectors fzonedirnorm = fzone_acc(:,4:6)./repmat(sqrt(sum(fzone_acc(:,4:6).*fzone_acc(:,4:6),2)),1,3); % Difference vector between Rout and fund. zone face position vectors diffRout = repmat(Rout,size(fzone_acc,1),1)-fzone_acc(:,1:3); % Signed distances between Rout point and fund. zone faces Rdistall = sum(diffRout.*fzonedirnorm,2); % Distance between Rout and nearest fund. zone face Rdist = min(abs(Rdistall)); % Distance smaller than tolerance ? Redge = Rdist <= tol.dist; % If R vector is slightly out of the fundamental zone boundaries, set it % back on the nearest boundary plane. % if Rdistall(minind) > 0 % Rout = Rout - Rdistall(minind)*fzone_acc(minind,4:6); % Rdist = 0; % end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% SUB-FUNCTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Plotting function sfPlotInts(intsc,R,fzone_acc) figure, hold on, axis equal xlabel('x') ylabel('y') zlabel('z') grid rangemin = min(fzone_acc(:,1:3)); rangemax = max(fzone_acc(:,1:3)); xlim([rangemin(1) rangemax(1)]); ylim([rangemin(2) rangemax(2)]); zlim([rangemin(3) rangemax(3)]); nof_lines = size(R.l,1); lc = autumn(nof_lines); for i = 1:nof_lines isec = gtMathsLinePolyhedronIntersections(R.l(i,:),fzone_acc); if ~isempty(isec) R.enda(i,:) = isec(1,:); R.endb(i,:) = isec(2,:); if ismember(i,intsc.lines) plot3([R.enda(i,1) R.endb(i,1)],[R.enda(i,2) R.endb(i,2)],[R.enda(i,3) R.endb(i,3)],'Color','k') %lc(i,:)) else plot3([R.enda(i,1) R.endb(i,1)],[R.enda(i,2) R.endb(i,2)],[R.enda(i,3) R.endb(i,3)],'Color',lc(i,:)) end end end if ~isempty(intsc.Rvec) plot3(intsc.Rvec(1),intsc.Rvec(2),intsc.Rvec(3),'bo') plot3(intsc.Rvec(1),intsc.Rvec(2),intsc.Rvec(3),'bo','MarkerSize',15) end end