From fbc296e1a093b3d2550b35e6b10dd49d185b772c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nicola Vigano <> Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 18:04:54 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Figures: added function for generating figures for papers Signed-off-by: Nicola Vigano <> --- .../plotting/gt6DMakePhaseFigureForPaper.m | 178 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 178 insertions(+) create mode 100644 zUtil_Deformation/plotting/gt6DMakePhaseFigureForPaper.m diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/plotting/gt6DMakePhaseFigureForPaper.m b/zUtil_Deformation/plotting/gt6DMakePhaseFigureForPaper.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4265f208 --- /dev/null +++ b/zUtil_Deformation/plotting/gt6DMakePhaseFigureForPaper.m @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +function gt6DMakePhaseFigureForPaper( phase_mat, phase_id, varargin ) +% gtCSMakeFigureForPaper( phase_mat, phase_id, varargin ) +% conf = struct( ... +% 'use_dmvol', true, ... +% 'abs_vol', [], ... +% 'abs_mask', [], ... +% 'filename', '', ... +% 'plane', 'xy', ... +% 'flip_ud', false, ... +% 'flip_lr', false, ... +% 'slice', 1, ... +% 'clims', [], ... +% 'pixel_to_cm', 0.05, ... +% 'borders', 'no', ... +% 'colorbar', 'no'); +% + + conf = struct( ... + 'use_dmvol', true, ... + 'abs_vol', [], ... + 'abs_mask', [], ... + 'filename', '', ... + 'plane', 'xy', ... + 'flip_ud', false, ... + 'flip_lr', false, ... + 'slice', 1, ... + 'clims', [], ... + 'pixel_to_cm', 0.05, ... + 'borders', 'no', ... + 'colorbar', 'no' ); + conf = parse_pv_pairs(conf, varargin); + + slice_ids = get_slice(phase_mat.vol, conf.plane, conf.slice); + if (conf.use_dmvol && isfield(phase_mat, 'dmvol')) + slice_rod = get_slice(phase_mat.dmvol, conf.plane, conf.slice); + indx = find(slice_ids > 0); + r_vecs = reshape(slice_rod, [], 3); + r_vecs = r_vecs(indx, :); + + cmap = get_cmap(r_vecs, phase_id); + + slice_R = zeros(size(slice_ids)); + slice_G = zeros(size(slice_ids)); + slice_B = zeros(size(slice_ids)); + + slice_R(indx) = cmap(:, 1); + slice_G(indx) = cmap(:, 2); + slice_B(indx) = cmap(:, 3); + else + sample = GtSample.loadFromFile(); + + gids = sort(unique(slice_ids)); + gids(gids < 1) = []; + r_vecs = sample.phases{phase_id}.R_vector(gids, :); + + cmap = get_cmap(r_vecs, phase_id); + + slice_R = zeros(size(slice_ids)); + slice_G = zeros(size(slice_ids)); + slice_B = zeros(size(slice_ids)); + for ii = 1:numel(gids) + indx = find(slice_ids == gids(ii)); + slice_R(indx) = cmap(ii, 1); + slice_G(indx) = cmap(ii, 2); + slice_B(indx) = cmap(ii, 3); + end + end + + slice_abs = get_slice(conf.abs_vol, conf.plane, conf.slice); + slice_abs = (slice_abs - min(slice_abs(:))) ./ (max(slice_abs(:)) - min(slice_abs(:))); + + slice_mask = get_slice(conf.abs_mask, conf.plane, conf.slice); + slice_R(~slice_mask) = slice_abs(~slice_mask); + slice_G(~slice_mask) = slice_abs(~slice_mask); + slice_B(~slice_mask) = slice_abs(~slice_mask); + + % Note the inversion between lr/up because of matlab's transpose problem + if (conf.flip_ud) + slice_R = fliplr(slice_R); + slice_G = fliplr(slice_G); + slice_B = fliplr(slice_B); + end + if (conf.flip_lr) + slice_R = flipud(slice_R); + slice_G = flipud(slice_G); + slice_B = flipud(slice_B); + end + + f = figure(); + ax = axes('Parent', f); + im = imagesc(cat(3, slice_R', slice_G', slice_B'), 'Parent', ax); + + if (~isempty(conf.clims)) + set(ax, 'CLim', conf.clims) + end + + set(f, 'Units', 'centimeters') + img_size = size(slice_ids) * conf.pixel_to_cm; + if (strcmpi(conf.borders, 'no')) + position = [0, 0, img_size]; + set(f, 'Position', position) + set(f, 'Paperposition', position) + + set(ax, 'Units', 'normalized') + set(ax, 'Position', [0, 0, 1, 1]) + else + set(ax, 'Units', 'centimeters') + if (strcmpi(conf.colorbar, 'no')) + position = [0, 0, img_size] + [0, 0, 2, 1.5]; + set(f, 'Position', position) + set(f, 'Paperposition', position) + else + position = [0, 0, img_size] + [0, 0, 3, 2]; + set(f, 'Position', position) + set(f, 'Paperposition', position) + + cb = colorbar('peer', ax, 'location', 'EastOutside'); + set(cb, 'Units', 'centimeters') + position = [img_size(1)+1.35, 1, 0.65, img_size(2)]; + set(cb, 'Position', position) + end + position = [1, 1, img_size]; + set(ax, 'Position', position) + end + + drawnow(); + + if (~isempty(conf.filename) && strcmpi(conf.filename, 'preview')) + [filename, filedir] = uigetfile({'*.png'; '*.eps'}); + if (filename) + conf.filename = fullfile(filedir, filename); + else + conf.filename = []; + end + end + + if (~isempty(conf.filename)) + [~, ~, ext] = fileparts(conf.filename); + if (isempty(ext)) + saveas(f, [conf.filename '.eps']); + saveas(f, [conf.filename '.png']); + else + saveas(f, conf.filename); + end + end +end + +function slice = get_slice(vol, plane, slice_idx) + switch(plane) + case {'xy', 'XY'} + slice = vol(:, :, slice_idx, :); + case {'yx', 'YX'} + slice = permute(vol(:, :, slice_idx, :), [2 1 3]); + case {'yz', 'YZ'} + slice = squeeze(vol(slice_idx, :, :, :)); + case {'zy', 'ZY'} + slice = permute(squeeze(vol(slice_idx, :, :, :)), [2 1 3]); + case {'xz', 'XZ'} + slice = squeeze(vol(:, slice_idx, :, :)); + case {'zx', 'ZX'} + slice = permute(squeeze(vol(:, slice_idx, :, :)), [2 1 3]); + end +end + +function cmap = get_cmap(r_vecs, phase_id) + p = gtLoadParameters(); + cryst_system = p.cryst(phase_id).crystal_system; + cryst_spacegroup = p.cryst(phase_id).spacegroup; + symm = gtCrystGetSymmetryOperators(cryst_system, cryst_spacegroup); + + [cmap, ~, ~] = gtIPFCmap(phase_id, [], ... + 'r_vectors', r_vecs, ... + 'crystal_system', cryst_system, ... + 'background', false, ... + 'symm', symm); +end + + -- GitLab