From fbc0cfb847d55ed0bd7a8db85b10258b0acf782e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicola Vigano <>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2016 18:55:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] ODF-uvw-solver: added use of w-shape-functions

Signed-off-by: Nicola Vigano <>
 zUtil_Deformation/GtGrainODFuvwSolver.m | 193 ++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 178 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/GtGrainODFuvwSolver.m b/zUtil_Deformation/GtGrainODFuvwSolver.m
index 54c7128d..5058697f 100644
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/GtGrainODFuvwSolver.m
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/GtGrainODFuvwSolver.m
@@ -19,14 +19,31 @@ classdef GtGrainODFuvwSolver < GtGrainODFwSolver
             blob_dephs = arrayfun(@(x)size(x.intm, 3), bls);
             blob_dephs = reshape(blob_dephs, [], 1);
-            delta_omegas = self.sampler.get_omega_deviations();
+            blob_lims = cat(1, bls(:).bbwim);
+            with_shape_functions = ~isempty(self.shape_functions);
+            if (with_shape_functions)
+                for ii = numel(self.shape_functions):-1:1
+                    proj_lims(:, :, ii) = cat(1, self.shape_functions{ii}(:).bbwim);
+                end
+                proj_lims = [min(proj_lims(:, 1, :), [], 3), max(proj_lims(:, 2, :), [], 3)];
+                delta_omegas = proj_lims(:, 2) - proj_lims(:, 1) + 1;
+            else
+                [delta_omegas, proj_lims] = self.sampler.get_omega_deviations(with_shape_functions);
+            end
             chosen_depts = max(blob_dephs, delta_omegas(self.sampler.selected));
             num_ws = max(chosen_depts) + 2;
             self.size_sino = [size(bls(1).intm, 1), size(bls(1).intm, 2), num_ws, num_blobs];
             self.sino = zeros(self.size_sino);
-            self.pre_paddings = floor((num_ws - blob_dephs) / 2) + 1;
+            % In the case that the sampled orientations determine the shift, we
+            % have to take it into account!
+            additional_shift = blob_lims(:, 1) - proj_lims(:, 1);
+            additional_shift(additional_shift < 0) = 0;
+            self.pre_paddings = floor((num_ws - chosen_depts) / 2) + 1 + additional_shift;
             for ii_b = 1:num_blobs
                 ints_interval = self.pre_paddings(ii_b):(self.pre_paddings(ii_b) + blob_dephs(ii_b) -1);
@@ -69,11 +86,16 @@ classdef GtGrainODFuvwSolver < GtGrainODFwSolver
-        function build_projection_matrices(self)
-            bls =;
+        function build_projection_matrices_sf_none(self)
+            ref_gr = self.sampler.get_reference_grain();
+            ref_omind = ref_gr.allblobs.omind;
+            ref_inc = self.sampler.ondet(self.sampler.included);
+            ref_sel = self.sampler.selected;
+            om_step = gtGetOmegaStepDeg(self.parameters, self.sampler.detector_index);
+            bls =;
-            fprintf('Computing projection matrices: ')
-            c = tic();
             num_ws = self.get_num_ws();
             bls_bbws = cat(1, bls(:).bbwim);
@@ -99,19 +121,15 @@ classdef GtGrainODFuvwSolver < GtGrainODFwSolver
             self.St = cell(num_voxels, 1);
             shift_grs = cell(num_voxels, 1);
-            ref_gr = self.sampler.get_reference_grain();
             % computing shifts
             for ii_v = 1:num_voxels
                 shift_grs{ii_v} = ref_gr;
                 shift_grs{ii_v}.center = self.voxel_centers(ii_v, :);
-            ref_omind = ref_gr.allblobs.omind;
-            ref_inc = self.sampler.ondet(self.sampler.included);
             shift_grs = gtCalculateGrain_p(shift_grs, self.parameters, ...
                 'ref_omind', ref_omind, 'included', ref_inc);
-            ref_uv = ref_gr.allblobs.detector(det_ind).uvw(ref_inc(self.sampler.selected), 1:2);
+            ref_uv = ref_gr.allblobs.detector(det_ind).uvw(ref_inc(ref_sel), 1:2);
             for ii_v = 1:num_voxels
                 b_us = [];
@@ -121,14 +139,14 @@ classdef GtGrainODFuvwSolver < GtGrainODFwSolver
                 b_is = [];
                 b_os = [];
-                shift_uv = shift_grs{ii_v}.allblobs.detector(det_ind).uvw(bl_selected, 1:2) - ref_uv;
+                shift_uv = shift_grs{ii_v}.allblobs.detector(det_ind).uvw(ref_sel, 1:2) - ref_uv;
                 num_chars = fprintf('%03d/%03d', ii_v, num_voxels);
                 for ii_o = 1:num_orients
                     ab = grid_gr{ii_o}.allblobs;
                     % W part
-                    ws = / om_step;
+                    ws = / om_step;
                     min_ws = floor(ws);
                     max_ws = min_ws + 1;
@@ -137,7 +155,7 @@ classdef GtGrainODFuvwSolver < GtGrainODFwSolver
                     min_w_cs = 1 - max_w_cs;
                     % UV part
-                    uv = ab.detector(det_ind).uvw(self.sampler.selected, 1:2) + shift_uv;
+                    uv = ab.detector(det_ind).uvw(ref_sel, 1:2) + shift_uv;
                     num_pos = size(uv, 1);
                     min_uvs = floor(uv);
@@ -202,7 +220,152 @@ classdef GtGrainODFuvwSolver < GtGrainODFwSolver
                 fprintf(repmat('\b', [1 num_chars]));
-            fprintf('Done in %f seconds.\n', toc(c));
+        end
+        function build_projection_matrices_sf_w(self)
+            ref_gr = self.sampler.get_reference_grain();
+            ref_omind = ref_gr.allblobs.omind;
+            ref_inc = self.sampler.ondet(self.sampler.included);
+            ref_sel = self.sampler.selected;
+            bls =;
+            num_ws = self.get_num_ws();
+            bls_bbws = cat(1, bls(:).bbwim);
+            min_w_conds = bls_bbws(:, 1) - self.pre_paddings + 1;
+            max_w_conds = min_w_conds + num_ws - 1;
+            bls_bbus = cat(1, bls(:).bbuim);
+            bls_bbvs = cat(1, bls(:).bbvim);
+            grid_gr = self.sampler.get_orientations();
+            num_orients = numel(grid_gr);
+            det_ind = self.sampler.detector_index;
+            % We make now the approximation that by moving in XYZ inside the
+            % sample, the projection moves like if the incidence was always
+            % perpendicular. In reality, given small tilts of the detector or
+            % small scattering angles, this is hardly violated.
+            self.chose_voxel_centers();
+            num_voxels = size(self.voxel_centers, 1);
+            self.S = cell(num_voxels, 1);
+            self.St = cell(num_voxels, 1);
+            shift_grs = cell(num_voxels, 1);
+            % computing shifts
+            for ii_v = 1:num_voxels
+                shift_grs{ii_v} = ref_gr;
+                shift_grs{ii_v}.center = self.voxel_centers(ii_v, :);
+            end
+            shift_grs = gtCalculateGrain_p(shift_grs, self.parameters, ...
+                'ref_omind', ref_omind, 'included', ref_inc);
+            ref_uv = ref_gr.allblobs.detector(det_ind).uvw(ref_inc(ref_sel), 1:2);
+            fprintf('\b\b: ')
+            for ii_v = 1:num_voxels
+                b_us = [];
+                b_vs = [];
+                b_ws = [];
+                b_cs = [];
+                b_is = [];
+                b_os = [];
+                shift_uv = shift_grs{ii_v}.allblobs.detector(det_ind).uvw(ref_sel, 1:2) - ref_uv;
+                num_chars = fprintf('%03d/%03d', ii_v, num_voxels);
+                for ii_o = 1:num_orients
+                    ab = grid_gr{ii_o}.allblobs;
+                    sf = self.shape_functions{ii_o};
+                    w_cs = cat(3, sf(:).intm);
+                    w_cs = reshape(w_cs, [], 1);
+                    num_blobs = numel(sf);
+                    ws = cell(num_blobs, 1);
+                    w_is = cell(num_blobs, 1);
+                    for ii_b = 1:num_blobs
+                        ws{ii_b} = sf(ii_b).bbwim(1):sf(ii_b).bbwim(2);
+                        w_is{ii_b} = ii_b(ones(sf(ii_b).bbsize(3), 1));
+                    end
+                    ws = reshape([ws{:}], [], 1);
+                    w_is = cat(1, w_is{:});
+                    % UV part
+                    uv = ab.detector(det_ind).uvw(ref_sel, 1:2) + shift_uv;
+                    min_uvs = floor(uv);
+                    max_uvs = min_uvs + 1;
+                    max_uv_cs = uv - min_uvs;
+                    min_uv_cs = 1 - max_uv_cs;
+                    % Acceptance criteria
+                    ok_u_mins = (min_uvs(:, 1) >= bls_bbus(:, 1)) & (min_uvs(:, 1) <= bls_bbus(:, 2));
+                    ok_u_maxs = (max_uvs(:, 1) >= bls_bbus(:, 1)) & (max_uvs(:, 1) <= bls_bbus(:, 2)) & (max_uv_cs(:, 1) > eps('single'));
+                    ok_v_mins = (min_uvs(:, 2) >= bls_bbvs(:, 1)) & (min_uvs(:, 2) <= bls_bbvs(:, 2));
+                    ok_v_maxs = (max_uvs(:, 2) >= bls_bbvs(:, 1)) & (max_uvs(:, 2) <= bls_bbvs(:, 2)) & (max_uv_cs(:, 2) > eps('single'));
+                    u_oks = [ok_u_mins, ok_u_maxs];
+                    v_oks = [ok_v_mins, ok_v_maxs];
+                    u_cs = [min_uv_cs(:, 1), max_uv_cs(:, 1)];
+                    v_cs = [min_uv_cs(:, 2), max_uv_cs(:, 2)];
+                    pos_us = [(min_uvs(:, 1) - bls_bbus(:, 1) + 1), (max_uvs(:, 1) - bls_bbus(:, 1) + 1)];
+                    pos_vs = [(min_uvs(:, 2) - bls_bbvs(:, 1) + 1), (max_uvs(:, 2) - bls_bbvs(:, 1) + 1)];
+                    pos_ws = ws - min_w_conds(w_is) + 1;
+                    uvw_oks = u_oks(w_is, [1 1 2 2]) & v_oks(w_is, [1 2 1 2]);
+                    uvw_cs  = u_cs(w_is, [1 1 2 2]) .* v_cs(w_is, [1 2 1 2]) .* w_cs(:, [1 1 1 1]);
+                    pos_us = pos_us(w_is, [1 1 2 2]);
+                    pos_vs = pos_vs(w_is, [1 2 1 2]);
+                    pos_ws = pos_ws(:, [1 1 1 1]);
+                    indx = find(uvw_oks);
+                    indx_mod = mod(indx - 1, numel(w_is)) + 1;
+                    wrong_w = ws < min_w_conds(w_is) | ws > max_w_conds(w_is);
+                    if (any(wrong_w))
+                        ii_o
+                        find(wrong_w)
+                        [min_w_conds(w_is(wrong_w)), ws(wrong_w), max_w_conds(w_is(wrong_w)), ...
+                            (max_w_conds(w_is(wrong_w)) - min_w_conds(w_is(wrong_w)) + 1), ...
+                            (ws(wrong_w) - min_w_conds(w_is(wrong_w)) + 1) ]
+                    end
+                    b_us = [b_us; pos_us(indx)];
+                    b_vs = [b_vs; pos_vs(indx)];
+                    b_ws = [b_ws; pos_ws(indx)];
+                    b_cs = [b_cs; uvw_cs(indx)];
+                    b_is = [b_is; w_is(indx_mod)];
+                    b_os = [b_os; ii_o(ones(numel(indx), 1))];
+                end
+%                 sino_indx = sub2ind(self.size_sino, b_us, b_vs, b_ws, b_is);
+                sino_indx = b_us ...
+                    + self.size_sino(1) * (b_vs - 1 ...
+                    + self.size_sino(2) * (b_ws - 1 ...
+                    + self.size_sino(3) * (b_is - 1)));
+                self.S{ii_v} = sparse( ...
+                        sino_indx, b_os, b_cs, ...
+                        numel(self.sino), num_orients);
+                self.St{ii_v} = self.S{ii_v}';
+                fprintf(repmat('\b', [1 num_chars]));
+            end
         function vol = get_volume(self)