diff --git a/4_grains/gtCart2Hex.m b/4_grains/gtCart2Hex.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 905da62702540f3ea0df005d1161cc4939925a74..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/4_grains/gtCart2Hex.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-function hkil = gtCart2Hex(hkl)
-% GTCART2HEX  Convert a plane normal in cartesian coordinates (hkl) 
-%     hkil = gtCart2Hex(hkl)
-%     ----------------------
-%     INPUT:
-%       hkl  = plane normal indexes
-%     OUTPUT:
-%       hkil = cartesian coordinates for hexagonal materials
-%     Version 002 25-11-2011 by LNervo
-%       *** update version ***
-%     Version 001 June-2008 by AKing
-%       Four index hexagonal coordinatesa are given
-%       reverse of the formulae implemented by Sabine in gtForwardSimulate_360
-%       the output {hkil} is not normalised in any way.
-% cart to hex
-hkil=zeros(size(hkl,1), 4);
-%change to hexagonal axes
-hkil(:,1) = hkl(:,1) - (hkl(:,2)/sqrt(3));
-hkil(:,2) = hkl(:,2)*2/sqrt(3);
-hkil(:,3) = -(hkil(:,1)+hkil(:,2));
-hkil(:,4) = hkl(:,3);
-%allow for unit cell parameters
-hkil(:,1:3) = hkil(:,1:3)*(parameters.cryst.latticepar(1)*sqrt(3))/2;
-hkil(:,4)   = hkil(:,4)*parameters.cryst.latticepar(3);
-% hex to orthogonal    
-% i=1
-% hkil=[1 1 -2 1]
-% for i=1:8
-% hkl(i,1)= hkil(i,1) + 0.5 * hkil(i,2);
-% hkl(i,2)= 3^0.5/2 *hkil(i,2);
-% hkl(i,3)= hkil(i,4);
-% hkl(i,1)=hkl(i,1)*2/(sqrt(3)*parameters.cryst.latticepar(1));
-% hkl(i,2)=hkl(i,2)*2/(sqrt(3)*parameters.cryst.latticepar(1));
-% hkl(i,3)=hkl(i,3)/parameters.cryst.latticepar(3);
-% %normalise
-% tmp = sqrt(sum((hkl.*hkl),2));
-% hkl = hkl./(repmat(tmp,1,3))
-% end
-end % end function
diff --git a/zUtil_Cryst/gtCart2Hex.m b/zUtil_Cryst/gtCart2Hex.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..64b8ca1284c5c97bd274b3d6891f87794cf14563
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zUtil_Cryst/gtCart2Hex.m
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+function hkil = gtCart2Hex(hkl, latticepar)
+% GTCART2HEX  Convert a plane normal in cartesian coordinates (hkl) to the four
+% indexes
+%     hkil = gtCart2Hex(hkl, latticepar)
+%     ----------------------------------
+%     INPUT:
+%       hkl  = plane normal Miller indexes <double Nx3>
+%       latticepar = lattice parameters <double 1x6>
+%     OUTPUT:
+%       hkil = cartesian coordinates for hexagonal materials
+%     Version 002 25-11-2011 by LNervo
+%       *** update version ***
+%     Version 001 June-2008 by AKing
+%       Four index hexagonal coordinates are given!
+%       reverse of the formulae implemented by Sabine in gtForwardSimulate_360
+%       the output {hkil} is not normalised in any way.
+hkil=zeros(size(hkl,1), 4);
+%change to hexagonal axes
+hkil(:,1) = hkl(:,1) - (hkl(:,2)/sqrt(3));
+hkil(:,2) = hkl(:,2)*2/sqrt(3);
+hkil(:,3) = -(hkil(:,1)+hkil(:,2));
+hkil(:,4) = hkl(:,3);
+%allow for unit cell parameters
+hkil(:,1:3) = hkil(:,1:3)*(latticepar(1)*sqrt(3))/2;
+hkil(:,4)   = hkil(:,4)*latticepar(3);
+end % end function
diff --git a/zUtil_Cryst/gtHex2Cart.m b/zUtil_Cryst/gtHex2Cart.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bb79b48eb534ac30f803ccc2cba369aa09f0bea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zUtil_Cryst/gtHex2Cart.m
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+function cartesian = gtHex2Cart(hkil, latticepar)
+%     cartesian = gtHex2Cart(hkil, latticepar)
+%     ----------------------------------------
+%     Transforms from direct hexagonal to cartesian coordinates
+%     and normalise
+% Same as the old function gtCrystHKL2Cart
+for i=1:size(hkil,1)
+    cartesian(i,1) = hkil(i,1) + 0.5 * hkil(i,2);
+    cartesian(i,2) = 3^0.5/2 *hkil(i,2);
+    cartesian(i,3) = hkil(i,4);
+    % allow lattice parameters
+    cartesian(i,1) = cartesian(i,1)*2/(sqrt(3)*latticepar(1));
+    cartesian(i,2) = cartesian(i,2)*2/(sqrt(3)*latticepar(1));
+    cartesian(i,3) = cartesian(i,3)/latticepar(3);
+% normalise
+tmp = sqrt(sum((cartesian.*cartesian),2));
+cartesian = cartesian./(repmat(tmp,1,3));