diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DBlobReconstructor.m b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DBlobReconstructor.m
index 87a2ff62d2269acd765f457a4da913c39812f100..12ab76c1818cdbc3face82cba126059f08b31ab4 100644
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DBlobReconstructor.m
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DBlobReconstructor.m
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ classdef Gt6DBlobReconstructor < Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector
             self.statistics.add_task('cp_dual_update_detector', 'CP Dual variable (detector) update');
             self.statistics.add_task_partial('cp_dual_update_detector', 'cp_dual_detector_FP', 'Forward Projection');
             self.statistics.add_task_partial('cp_dual_update_detector', 'cp_dual_detector_SB', 'Sinograms -> Blobs');
-            self.statistics.add_task_partial('cp_dual_update_detector', 'cp_dual_detector_SF', 'Shape Functions');
             self.statistics.add_task('cp_dual_update_l1', 'CP Dual variable (l1) update');
             self.statistics.add_task('cp_dual_update_tv', 'CP Dual variable (TV) update');
             self.statistics.add_task_partial('cp_dual_update_tv', 'cp_dual_tv_reduction', 'Volumes reduction');
@@ -50,7 +49,6 @@ classdef Gt6DBlobReconstructor < Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector
             self.statistics.add_task('cp_primal_update', 'CP Primal variable update');
             self.statistics.add_task_partial('cp_primal_update', 'cp_primal_BP', 'Back Projection');
             self.statistics.add_task_partial('cp_primal_update', 'cp_primal_BS', 'Blobs -> Sinograms');
-            self.statistics.add_task_partial('cp_primal_update', 'cp_primal_SF', 'Transposed Shape Functions');
             self.statistics.add_task_partial('cp_primal_update', 'cp_primal_ODF', 'ODF Correction');
             self.statistics.add_task_partial('cp_primal_update', 'cp_primal_CORR', 'Primal correction computation');
             self.statistics.add_task_partial('cp_primal_update', 'cp_primal_APP', 'Primal update application');
@@ -410,7 +408,6 @@ classdef Gt6DBlobReconstructor < Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector
             timing_fp = 0;
             timing_sb = 0;
-            timing_sf_fp = 0;
             num_geoms = self.get_number_geometries();
@@ -421,30 +418,27 @@ classdef Gt6DBlobReconstructor < Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector
                 for n = 1:chunk_size:chunk_end
                     inds = n:(n+chunk_size-1);
-                    [proj_bls, fp_time, sb_time, sf_fp_time] = self.fwd_project_volume( ...
+                    [proj_bls, fp_time, sb_time] = self.fwd_project_volume( ...
                         proj_bls, volumes(inds), inds);
                     timing_fp = timing_fp + fp_time;
                     timing_sb = timing_sb + sb_time;
-                    timing_sf_fp = timing_sf_fp + sf_fp_time;
                 chunk_end = 0;
             for n = (chunk_end+1):num_geoms
-                [proj_bls, fp_time, sb_time, sf_fp_time] = self.fwd_project_volume( ...
+                [proj_bls, fp_time, sb_time] = self.fwd_project_volume( ...
                     proj_bls, volumes{n}, n);
                 timing_fp = timing_fp + fp_time;
                 timing_sb = timing_sb + sb_time;
-                timing_sf_fp = timing_sf_fp + sf_fp_time;
             if (apply_stats)
                 self.statistics.add_timestamp(timing_fp, 'cp_dual_update_detector', 'cp_dual_detector_FP');
                 self.statistics.add_timestamp(timing_sb, 'cp_dual_update_detector', 'cp_dual_detector_SB');
-                self.statistics.add_timestamp(timing_sf_fp, 'cp_dual_update_detector', 'cp_dual_detector_SF');
@@ -453,7 +447,6 @@ classdef Gt6DBlobReconstructor < Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector
             timing_bs = 0;
             timing_corr = 0;
             timing_app = 0;
-            timing_sf_bp = 0;
             num_geoms = self.get_number_geometries();
@@ -464,10 +457,9 @@ classdef Gt6DBlobReconstructor < Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector
                 for n = 1:chunk_size:chunk_end
                     inds = n:(n+chunk_size-1);
-                    [v, bp_time, bs_time, sf_bp_time] = self.bwd_project_volume(p_blurr, inds);
+                    [v, bp_time, bs_time] = self.bwd_project_volume(p_blurr, inds);
                     timing_bp = timing_bp + bp_time;
                     timing_bs = timing_bs + bs_time;
-                    timing_sf_bp = timing_sf_bp + sf_bp_time;
                     for ii_gpu = 1:chunk_size
                         % Computing the update to apply
@@ -486,10 +478,9 @@ classdef Gt6DBlobReconstructor < Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector
             for n = (chunk_end+1):num_geoms
-                [v, bp_time, bs_time, sf_bp_time] = self.bwd_project_volume(p_blurr, n);
+                [v, bp_time, bs_time] = self.bwd_project_volume(p_blurr, n);
                 timing_bp = timing_bp + bp_time;
                 timing_bs = timing_bs + bs_time;
-                timing_sf_bp = timing_sf_bp + sf_bp_time;
                 % Computing the update to apply
                 up_prim = [compute_update_primal(n), v];
@@ -503,7 +494,6 @@ classdef Gt6DBlobReconstructor < Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector
             self.statistics.add_timestamp(timing_bp, 'cp_primal_update', 'cp_primal_BP')
             self.statistics.add_timestamp(timing_bs, 'cp_primal_update', 'cp_primal_BS')
-            self.statistics.add_timestamp(timing_sf_bp, 'cp_primal_update', 'cp_primal_SF')
             self.statistics.add_timestamp(timing_corr, 'cp_primal_update', 'cp_primal_CORR')
             self.statistics.add_timestamp(timing_app, 'cp_primal_update', 'cp_primal_APP')
diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory.m b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory.m
index 17494f8ad4c530dc706fcb37417d2b0d37c94b66..c09dc540be8b9bdf8cd533f0ce24fab22768375c 100644
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory.m
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory.m
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ classdef Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory < handle
         %   'none'   : no shape functions are used
         %   'w'      : Only omega is considered
         %   'nw'     : (eta, omega) shape functions
-        %   'nw2uvw' : (eta, omega) shape functions -> UVW shape functions
-        %   'uvw'    : Using FED's projector for UVW shape functions
         shape_functions_type = 'none';
@@ -47,23 +45,13 @@ classdef Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory < handle
             switch (lower(self.shape_functions_type))
                 case 'none'
-                    shape_funcs = {};
                     algo_params = self.get_algorithm_params_num_interp(sampler, num_interp);
                 case 'w'
                     shape_funcs = gtDefShapeFunctionsCreateW(sampler);
                     algo_params = self.get_algorithm_params_shape_funcs(sampler, shape_funcs, self.shape_functions_type);
-                    shape_funcs = {};
                 case 'nw'
                     shape_funcs = gtDefShapeFunctionsCreateNW(sampler);
                     algo_params = self.get_algorithm_params_shape_funcs(sampler, shape_funcs, self.shape_functions_type);
-                    shape_funcs = {};
-                case 'nw2uvw'
-                    shape_funcs = gtDefShapeFunctionsCreateNW(sampler, 2, 'data_type', 'single');
-                    shape_funcs = gtDefShapeFunctionsNW2UVW(sampler, shape_funcs);
-                    algo_params = self.get_algorithm_params_shape_funcs(sampler, shape_funcs, self.shape_functions_type);
-                case 'uvw'
-                    shape_funcs = gtDefShapeFunctionsFwdProjUVW(sampler, 'factor', 15);
-                    algo_params = self.get_algorithm_params_shape_funcs(sampler, shape_funcs, self.shape_functions_type);
                     error('Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory:wrong_argument', ...
                         'Shape functions of type: %s, not supported yet!', ...
@@ -82,7 +70,6 @@ classdef Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory < handle
                 'volume_ss', self.volume_downscaling, ...
                 'rspace_ss', self.rspace_super_sampling, ...
                 'psf', algo_params.psf, ...
-                'shape_functions', shape_funcs, ...
                 varargin{:} );
@@ -466,10 +453,6 @@ classdef Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory < handle
                 case 'nw'
                     [geometries, offsets] = self.compute_proj_geom_shapefuncs_nw( ...
                         bl, ref_gr, ors_allblobs, shape_funcs, lims_blobs_w);
-                case {'nw2uvw', 'uvw'}
-                    geometries = self.compute_proj_geom_numinterp(bl, ref_gr, ors_allblobs);
-                    offsets = self.make_proj_geom_shape_funcs_uvw(...
-                        shape_funcs, lims_blobs_w, w_tab);
             tot_orient = sampler.get_total_num_orientations();
@@ -1030,47 +1013,6 @@ classdef Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory < handle
-        function offsets = make_proj_geom_shape_funcs_uvw(self, shape_funcs, lims_blobs_w, w_tab)
-            num_geoms = size(w_tab, 2);
-            num_blobs = size(w_tab, 1);
-            slice_pos_in_blob = w_tab - repmat(lims_blobs_w(:, 1), [1 num_geoms 2]) + 1;
-            % Assign offsets
-            offsets = cell(num_geoms, 1);
-            for ii = 1:num_geoms
-                sino_offsets = cell(1, num_blobs);
-                blob_offsets = cell(1, num_blobs);
-                proj_offsets = cell(1, num_blobs);
-                proj_coeffs = cell(1, num_blobs);
-                cumul_pos = 0;
-                for n = 1:num_blobs
-                    shape_func = shape_funcs{ii}(n);
-                    ones_num_slices = ones(1, shape_func.bbsize(3));
-                    slices = slice_pos_in_blob(n, ii, 1):slice_pos_in_blob(n, ii, 2);
-                    sinos_offs = cumul_pos + (1:shape_func.bbsize(3));
-                    cumul_pos = cumul_pos + shape_func.bbsize(3);
-                    sino_offsets{n} = sinos_offs;
-                    blob_offsets{n} = n * ones_num_slices;
-                    proj_offsets{n} = slices;
-                    proj_coeffs{n} = ones_num_slices;
-                end
-                offsets{ii}.('sino_offsets') = [sino_offsets{:}];
-                offsets{ii}.('blob_offsets') = [blob_offsets{:}];
-                offsets{ii}.('proj_offsets') = [proj_offsets{:}];
-                offsets{ii}.('proj_coeffs')  = [proj_coeffs{:}];
-                offsets{ii}.proj = struct( ...
-                    'sino_offset', sino_offsets, 'blob_offset', blob_offsets, ...
-                    'proj_offsets', proj_offsets, 'proj_coeffs', proj_coeffs );
-            end
-        end
         function blobs = renormalize_blobs(self, sampler, blobs)
             ref_gr = sampler.get_reference_grain();
             if (isfield(self.parameters.cryst(ref_gr.phaseid), 'int_exp'))
diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector.m b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector.m
index c942ce4091567cd5ba315a4d25b89535b0ecd9a8..da1a52ed516805a83a206f64f50984bbab8239a0 100644
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector.m
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector.m
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
         fwd_weights = {};
         bwd_weights = {};
-        shape_functions = {};
         blob_sinogram_c_functions = true;
@@ -68,7 +66,7 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
     methods (Access = protected)
-        function [blobs, fp_time, bs_time, sf_time] = fwd_project_volume(self, blobs, volume, n)
+        function [blobs, fp_time, bs_time] = fwd_project_volume(self, blobs, volume, n)
         % We get volumes in input and we want the blobs as output, but the
         % output from the base function is stacks of sinograms relative to
         % the geometry of the volumes, so we need to actually decompose the
@@ -81,18 +79,16 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
             num_orients = numel(n);
             if (num_orients > 1)
                 bs_time = 0;
-                sf_time = 0;
                 for ii_o = 1:num_orients
-                    [blobs, bs_time_o, sf_time_o] = self.process_sino_fwd(blobs, sino{ii_o}, n(ii_o));
+                    [blobs, bs_time_o] = self.process_sino_fwd(blobs, sino{ii_o}, n(ii_o));
                     bs_time = bs_time + bs_time_o;
-                    sf_time = sf_time + sf_time_o;
-                [blobs, bs_time, sf_time] = self.process_sino_fwd(blobs, sino, n);
+                [blobs, bs_time] = self.process_sino_fwd(blobs, sino, n);
-        function [volume, bp_time, bs_time, sf_time] = bwd_project_volume(self, blobs, n)
+        function [volume, bp_time, bs_time] = bwd_project_volume(self, blobs, n)
         % Similar problem to the projection function, with the only
         % difference that in this case the input is blobs and we want to
         % transform them into stack of sinograms
@@ -101,14 +97,12 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
             if (num_orients > 1)
                 sino = cell(num_orients, 1);
                 bs_time = 0;
-                sf_time = 0;
                 for ii_o = 1:num_orients
-                    [sino{ii_o}, bs_time_o, sf_time_o] = self.process_sino_bwd(blobs, n(ii_o));
+                    [sino{ii_o}, bs_time_o] = self.process_sino_bwd(blobs, n(ii_o));
                     bs_time = bs_time + bs_time_o;
-                    sf_time = sf_time + sf_time_o;
-                [sino, bs_time, sf_time] = self.process_sino_bwd(blobs, n);
+                [sino, bs_time] = self.process_sino_bwd(blobs, n);
             c = tic();
@@ -116,17 +110,9 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
             bp_time = toc(c);
-        function [blobs, bs_time, sf_time] = process_sino_fwd(self, blobs, sino, n)
+        function [blobs, bs_time] = process_sino_fwd(self, blobs, sino, n)
         % Here we add the individual sinograms to the blobs
-            if (~isempty(self.shape_functions))
-                c = tic();
-                sino = self.apply_shape_functions_fp(sino, self.shape_functions{n});
-                sf_time = toc(c);
-            else
-                sf_time = [];
-            end
             if (self.using_super_sampling())
                 offs = self.ss_offsets{n};
@@ -144,7 +130,7 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
             bs_time = toc(c);
-        function [sino, bs_time, sf_time] = process_sino_bwd(self, blobs, n)
+        function [sino, bs_time] = process_sino_bwd(self, blobs, n)
         % Here we extract the individual sinograms from the blobs
             if (self.using_super_sampling())
@@ -167,14 +153,6 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
                     sinogram_size, blobs, offs);
             bs_time = toc(c);
-            if (~isempty(self.shape_functions))
-                c = tic();
-                sino = self.apply_shape_functions_bp(sino, self.shape_functions{n});
-                sf_time = toc(c);
-            else
-                sf_time = [];
-            end
@@ -236,88 +214,5 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
-        function sino_sf = apply_shape_functions_fp(sino, shape_funcs)
-            sizes_shape_funcs = cat(1, shape_funcs(:).bbsize);
-            depth_sino_sf = sum(sizes_shape_funcs(:, 3));
-            slice_size = [size(sino, 1), size(sino, 3)];
-            sino_sf = zeros(slice_size(1), slice_size(2), depth_sino_sf, 'like', sino);
-            sino = permute(sino, [1 3 2]);
-%             % Example of same code, but using FFT
-%             padded_size = slice_size + sizes_shape_funcs(1:2) - 1;
-%             shifts_sf = [round((padded_size - sizes_shape_funcs(1:2)) / 2), 0];
-%             padded_sino = zeros([padded_size, size(sino, 3)], 'like', sino);
-%             shifts_sino = [round((padded_size - slice_size) / 2), 0];
-%             padded_sino = gtPlaceSubVolume(padded_sino, sino, shifts_sino);
-%             padded_sino = fft2(padded_sino);
-%             cumul_pos = 0;
-%             for ii_b = 1:numel(shape_funcs)
-%                 bl = shape_funcs(ii_b);
-%                 padded_intm = zeros([padded_size, bl.bbsize(3)], 'like', bl.intm);
-%                 padded_intm = gtPlaceSubVolume(padded_intm, bl.intm, shifts_sf);
-%                 padded_intm = fft2(padded_intm);
-%                 temp_mult = padded_sino(:, :, ii_b * ones(shape_funcs(ii_b).bbsize(3), 1)) .* padded_intm;
-%                 temp_mult = ifft2(temp_mult);
-%                 inds_u_temp_mult = shifts_sino(1) + (1:slice_size(1));
-%                 inds_v_temp_mult = shifts_sino(2) + (1:slice_size(2));
-%                 temp_mult = temp_mult(inds_u_temp_mult, inds_v_temp_mult, :);
-%                 temp_mult = fftshift(real(temp_mult), 1);
-%                 temp_mult = fftshift(temp_mult, 2);
-%                 inds_sino_sf = cumul_pos+(1:shape_funcs(ii_b).bbsize(3));
-%                 sino_sf(:, inds_sino_sf, :) = permute(temp_mult, [1 3 2]);
-%                 cumul_pos = cumul_pos + shape_funcs(ii_b).bbsize(3);
-%             end
-            cumul_pos = 0;
-            for ii_b = 1:numel(shape_funcs)
-                sino_slice = sino(:, :, ii_b);
-                sf_intm = shape_funcs(ii_b).intm;
-                for ii_w = 1:shape_funcs(ii_b).bbsize(3)
-                    sf_slice = sf_intm(:, :, ii_w);
-                    sino_sf(:, :, cumul_pos+ii_w) = conv2(sino_slice, sf_slice, 'same');
-                end
-                cumul_pos = cumul_pos + shape_funcs(ii_b).bbsize(3);
-            end
-            sino_sf = permute(sino_sf, [1 3 2]);
-        end
-        function sino = apply_shape_functions_bp(sino_sf, shape_funcs)
-            num_blobs = numel(shape_funcs);
-            slice_size = [size(sino_sf, 1), size(sino_sf, 3)];
-            sino = zeros(slice_size(1), slice_size(2), num_blobs, 'like', sino_sf);
-            sino_sf = permute(sino_sf, [1 3 2]);
-            cumul_pos = 0;
-            for ii_b = 1:num_blobs
-                sf_w_size = shape_funcs(ii_b).bbsize(3);
-                sf_intm = flip(flip(shape_funcs(ii_b).intm, 1), 2);
-                sino_sf_stack = sino_sf(:, :, cumul_pos+1:cumul_pos+sf_w_size);
-                conv_slices = zeros([slice_size, sf_w_size], 'like', sino_sf);
-                for ii_w = 1:sf_w_size
-                    sino_sf_slice = sino_sf_stack(:, :, ii_w);
-                    sf_slice = sf_intm(:, :, ii_w);
-                    conv_slices(:, :, ii_w) = conv2(sino_sf_slice, sf_slice, 'same');
-                end
-                sino(:, :, ii_b) = sum(conv_slices, 3);
-                cumul_pos = cumul_pos + shape_funcs(ii_b).bbsize(3);
-            end
-            sino = permute(sino, [1 3 2]);
-        end
\ No newline at end of file