diff --git a/dct_launch.py b/dct_launch.py
index 9c502bddb6bff2b18046651e3f2084296971fec6..9a27919369cf3e55875a786514e7ce09b9338d2a 100755
--- a/dct_launch.py
+++ b/dct_launch.py
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class DCTLauncher(object):
             print("   # python %s matlab_script [commands]" % os.path.basename(__file__))
             print(" Options:")
             print("  -h | --help : to show this help")
-            print("  --profile : to specify the type of profiling. Options: 'cuda'")
+            print("  --profile : to specify the type of profiling. Options: 'cuda', 'oprofile'")
             print("  --debug : to specify the type of profiling. Options: 'valgrind'")
             print("  --script : to specify the script/commands to be launched")
diff --git a/zUtil_Python/dct_matlab_invocation.py b/zUtil_Python/dct_matlab_invocation.py
index 19ee3a7f65542b6ada5af47dab6d2b7b38190c30..504b09d09ae220f7f0db7990e8f35eb0ee6e91ef 100755
--- a/zUtil_Python/dct_matlab_invocation.py
+++ b/zUtil_Python/dct_matlab_invocation.py
@@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ class DCTMatlabInvocation(object):
         cmd = []
         if profiler == "cuda":
             cmd = cmd + ["/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvprof", "-f", "-o", "profile_cuda_matlab_script"] #, "--analysis-metrics"
+        elif profiler == "oprofile":
+            cmd = cmd + ["operf"]
         cmd = cmd + [os.path.join(self.conf.getMatlabPath(), "bin", "matlab")]
         cmd = cmd + self.conf.getMatlabOptions()