From c026fad82d1ddc3e0b860831e7b1c3766c2c4973 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Laura Nervo <>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 10:27:46 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Colour maps : general formatting and small bug fixing (check
 size(r_vectors,2), saving cmap in 6_rendering folder, get proper
 cryst(phaseid) info

Signed-off-by: Laura Nervo <>

git-svn-id: 4c865b51-4357-4376-afb4-474e03ccb993
 6_rendering/gtCaxisCmap.m      |  9 ++++-
 6_rendering/gtIVPCmap.m        | 10 +++--
 6_rendering/gtIVPhexCmap_key.m | 73 ++++++++++++++++++----------------
 3 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/6_rendering/gtCaxisCmap.m b/6_rendering/gtCaxisCmap.m
index 91c8f739..788967c1 100644
--- a/6_rendering/gtCaxisCmap.m
+++ b/6_rendering/gtCaxisCmap.m
@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ r_vectors  = [];
+if size(r_vectors,2) == 3
+    r_vectors(:,2:4) = r_vectors;
+    r_vectors(:,1) = 1:size(r_vectors,1);
 hkil = reflection;
 for i = 1:size(hkil,1)
@@ -70,7 +75,7 @@ for i=1:size(r_vectors,1)
-save('c_axis.mat','c_axis'); % list of the c axis
+save('6_rendering/c_axis.mat','c_axis'); % list of the c axis
 % Get the orientation color defined by HSL color code, translated to RGB
 rgb = gtVectorOrientationColor(c_axis(:, 2:4));
@@ -82,6 +87,6 @@ for i=1:length(c_axis)
 % Save the c-axis colourmap
 end % end of function
diff --git a/6_rendering/gtIVPCmap.m b/6_rendering/gtIVPCmap.m
index 03b1d740..a29c243c 100644
--- a/6_rendering/gtIVPCmap.m
+++ b/6_rendering/gtIVPCmap.m
@@ -42,10 +42,14 @@ end
 r_vectors = [];
 if exist(fullfile('4_grains', sprintf('phase_%02d', phaseid), 'r_vectors.mat'), 'file')
     load(fullfile('4_grains', sprintf('phase_%02d', phaseid), 'r_vectors.mat'));
-    r_vectors = r_vectors(:, 2:4);
+    if size(r_vectors,2) == 4
+        r_vectors = r_vectors(:, 2:4);
+    end
 elseif exist('r_vectors.mat', 'file')
-    r_vectors = r_vectors(:, 2:4);
+    if size(r_vectors,2) == 4
+        r_vectors = r_vectors(:, 2:4);
+    end
 elseif exist(fullfile('4_grains', sprintf('phase_%02d', phaseid), 'index.mat'), 'file')
     grain = [];
     load(fullfile('4_grains', sprintf('phase_%02d', phaseid), 'index.mat'), 'grain');
@@ -57,7 +61,7 @@ end
 % Get the symmetry operators
 if isempty(par.crystal_system)
     parameters = load('parameters.mat');
-    par.crystal_system = parameters.parameters.cryst.crystal_system;
+    par.crystal_system = parameters.parameters.cryst(phaseid).crystal_system;
 tmp = gtCrystGetSymmetryOperators(par.crystal_system);
 if isfield(tmp, 'g3')
diff --git a/6_rendering/gtIVPhexCmap_key.m b/6_rendering/gtIVPhexCmap_key.m
index a4345a51..56ea4af5 100644
--- a/6_rendering/gtIVPhexCmap_key.m
+++ b/6_rendering/gtIVPhexCmap_key.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-function gtHexIVPCmap_key()
-%make a color space for the reduced color space for a hexagonal system
+function hf = gtIVPhexCmap_key()
+% make a color space for the reduced color space for a hexagonal system
 % for the moment, something quick to produce a figure.  
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function gtHexIVPCmap_key()
 %%% to the best of my understanding, blue=(psi/90)*(phi-60)/30 is good.
+hf = figure();
 hold on
@@ -24,36 +24,36 @@ psimin=0;
 for phi=[phimin:inc:(phimax-inc) (phimax-inc)] %around z-axis
-    j=1;
-    for psi=[psimin:inc:(psimax+inc) psimax+inc] % out from z-axis - go slightly further to avoid gaps at edge of triangle
+  j=1;
+  for psi=[psimin:inc:(psimax+inc) psimax+inc] % out from z-axis - go slightly further to avoid gaps at edge of triangle
-        % for hexagonal colour map need only psi and phi
-        red=(90-psi)/90;
-        green=(psi/90)*(90-phi)/30;
-        blue=(psi/90)*(phi-60)/30;
-        rgb=[red green blue];
-        % ensure that we don't leave 0-1
-                    rgb(find(rgb<0))=0;
-            rgb(find(rgb>1))=1;
-             %do we saturate colours?
-             if 1
-        rgb=rgb./(max(rgb));
-             end
-%radius distorted for stereographic proj
-r_patch=tand([psi/2 (psi+inc)/2]);
-[phi_patch,r_patch]=meshgrid([phi phi+inc]',r_patch);
-% to use pol2cartphi should be in radians
-% also offset by 90 degrees to get triangle "horizontal" 
-[x_patch,y_patch]=pol2cart((-pi/2)+phi_patch*pi/180, r_patch);
-         p=patch(x_patch([1 2 4 3]), y_patch([1 2 4 3]), rgb);
-        set(p, 'edgecolor', 'none')
-        j=j+1;
+    % for hexagonal colour map need only psi and phi
+    red=(90-psi)/90;
+    green=(psi/90)*(90-phi)/30;
+    blue=(psi/90)*(phi-60)/30;
+    rgb=[red green blue];
+    % ensure that we don't leave 0-1
+    rgb(find(rgb<0))=0;
+    rgb(find(rgb>1))=1;
+    %do we saturate colours?
+    if 1
+      rgb=rgb./(max(rgb));
-    i=i+1;
+    %radius distorted for stereographic proj
+    r_patch=tand([psi/2 (psi+inc)/2]);
+    [phi_patch,r_patch]=meshgrid([phi phi+inc]',r_patch);
+    % to use pol2cartphi should be in radians
+    % also offset by 90 degrees to get triangle "horizontal"
+    [x_patch,y_patch]=pol2cart((-pi/2)+phi_patch*pi/180, r_patch);
+    p=patch(x_patch([1 2 4 3]), y_patch([1 2 4 3]), rgb);
+    set(p, 'edgecolor', 'none')
+    j=j+1;
+  end
+  i=i+1;
 axis ij
@@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ set(gca, 'ylim', [-0.56 0.1])
 %add a black border
 % line 0001 - 01-10 (phi 90)
 [line_x,line_y]=pol2cart((-pi/2)+line_phi*pi/180, line_r);
 plot(line_x, line_y, 'k-')
 % line 0001 - 11-20 (phi 60)
 [line_x,line_y]=pol2cart((-pi/2)+line_phi*pi/180, line_r);
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ plot(line_x, line_y, 'k-')
 % add labels for the poles
 uvtw_poles = [0 0 0 1; 0 1 -1 0; 1 1 -2 0];
-poles_psi=[0 90 90]
-poles_phi=[0 90 60]
+poles_psi=[0 90 90];
+poles_phi=[0 90 60];
 [poles_x,poles_y]=pol2cart((-pi/2)+poles_phi*pi/180, poles_r);
 plot(poles_x, poles_y, 'k*')
@@ -172,3 +172,6 @@ text(poles_x(3), poles_y(3), '[1 1 -2 0]', 'fontsize', 20, ...
 set(gca,'position',[0 0 1 1])
 axis equal
+end %end of function